From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 292: Being Spotted By The Fantasy God King... [8/10, Please Subscribe]

"Let all of you humans surrender to me."

Lin Fan has used the barrier-breaking pupil technique to examine the Phantom God King, and found that the body of the Phantom God King is an extremely ugly monster.

In addition, it is also possible to explore his strength.

It's Indistinguishable. There's no doubt about it. He doesn't know how strong it is.

Because we have never fought against each other,

However, the strength of the Indistinguishable Dao realm expert was beyond his imagination.

Without the barrier-breaking pupil technique, the phantom God King gives him the feeling of being the master of heaven and earth.

It’s as if the whole world belongs to him…………

You will unconsciously feel that the whole world around you belongs to him...

He is the absolute master, and no one can stop him from doing what he wants.

He seems to be the god of this world, unshakable.

This feeling is very similar to the feeling of taking charge of Realm, but this is not Realm,

Instead, the entire Pluto Monkey Star Realm, and even several nearby star realms, are under his control.

Lin Fan is in the Rongdao realm, he can understand...

The Fantasy God King probably controls a magical path that covers the sky and the earth...

As long as it is within the scope of the avenue he controls, he can use the avenue 940 he controls at will.

The charm of the chaotic world around him is controlled by him. He can exert his strongest strength in his own dojo.

The first time Lin Fan saw him, he knew that he was no match.

The gap between the Indistinguishable Dao realm and the Fusion Dao realm is like a chasm.

Not a concept at all…………

There is a world of difference between controlling the avenue and integrating into it.

Lin Fan also knows how to enchant the Tao. The enchantment is quite strong. It is considered to be the third level. He is about to reach the realm of merging the Tao.

It's easy to reach the realm of Tao Fusion, as long as you have enough understanding.

But if he wants to reach the realm of Indistinguishable Dao, he can only kill the Phantom God King...

Or go to other chaotic worlds where there is no Indistinguishable Dao realm in other magic ways, in order to break through the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

This is the battle of avenues.

Of course, he can forcibly break through the Indistinguishable Dao realm in this world, but at this time, he will directly seize the territory covered by the abae path controlled by the God King.

But sometimes the God King will sense it and will definitely come back to kill him.

With the gap between the Indistinguishable Dao realm and the Fusion of Dao realm, he has only one end, and that is death and Tao destruction.

Of course, if the world where Lin Fan cultivates does not have the Indistinguishable Dao realm, he will experience the same Heavenly Tribulation as Butiancao.

That's a narrow escape, but it's much better than directly robbing someone else.

I don’t know if there is any avenue in this world that does not have the realm of Indistinguishable Dao.

If he wants to break through, he has to plan and find out...

If you don't inquire clearly and rush to steal someone else's way, it will be a shame...

Of course, this is a story for later,

He is still far from the Indistinguishable state!

Lin Fan's clone did not answer the Fantasy God King's question, but smiled and sighed: "I didn't expect that the Fantasy God King is actually an Indistinguishable Dao realm."

The Fantasy God King's eyes turned cold and he said coldly: "So, is there anything wrong with your human race surrendering to me?"

Lin Fan smiled half-heartedly and said, "Is it as simple as surrendering?"

He does not believe that the Fantasy God King is in the Indistinguishable Dao realm, and he is in the Fusion Dao realm, and his strength can completely crush him.

It's easy to kill his clone. It's easy to destroy the Fanlong Star Realm when he comes in person. Why do you want to surrender?

When Lin Fan's clone came over, the other clone was trying its best to send the Canglan Sect disciples to the Cave Heaven Paradise.

He was really afraid that the Huan God King would turn against him and destroy the Fanlong Star Realm.

Then his cultivation speed will be greatly reduced...

However, it seems that the Fantasy God King has no intention of destroying the Fanlong Star Realm.

The Fantasy God King smiled and said: "I like smart subordinates. I can not destroy the human race, and I can even give you Fanlong Star Realm as a fiefdom and restrain them from attacking the human race.

But I have a condition. You humans are good at the Fusion of Puppet Path, so you must be loyal to me and listen to my orders.

If my guess is correct, you may be just a puppet. "

I see.

He wanted to do something for him.

Lin Fan said: "You let me think about it."

The Fantasy God King said domineeringly: "You have no right to refuse. If you promise that the human race can survive, if you don't promise, I guarantee that within one day, there will be no human race in the Monkey Star Realm.

Lin Fan coldly said: "Then you can't kill me, aren't you afraid of my revenge?"

The Fantasy God King smiled and said: "You only dare to hide behind, which means you have no Indistinguishable Dao. As long as you can't kill me, I don't care about revenge or anything."

Speaking of which, it was you who killed my good daughter...

If you weren't interested in your ability to make fools of my useless subordinates, don't you think you can stand here and talk to me?"

Lin Fan thought for a moment and was already ready to break up.

But now it seems unnecessary...

He thought for a while and said: "I can agree, but what the God King wants me to do, I just want to reveal it in general!

If I'm going to die, I think it's better for me to stay behind the scenes. Even if I can't beat you, I can still kill one or two of your men for fun..."

The Fantasy God King was not angry but smiled and said: "Whether you want to die or not depends on your ability. I need you to find out the information for me. As long as you can do it, I can let you human race take control of Kanghou WA again..."

"I promise you, what information does the Imaginary God King need me to find out?".

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