From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 295: The Road Without A Master, The Road Of Destruction...

The treasure of this town is a big seal.

The most important thing is that it is made of chaos gold stone.

Lin Fang knew about such good things as Chaos Gold Stone but had never seen it before.

This is the main material for refining Dao Item.

This print seems to be mixed with a lot of chaos gold and stone.

It's just that the refining technique is poor. If it is activated by the master, this seal can barely be regarded as a Dao Item. It is definitely something that has been cultivated for a long time with the warmth of the Dao.

It contains the Avenue of Flames, which is probably very helpful to Gu Lina.

In other words, it contains the inheritance of the powerful people in the Indistinguishable Dao realm. After refining this seal, he can not only get the inheritance of the strong people in the Open World, but also control this world.

The most important thing is that his understanding of the avenue can definitely be greatly deepened...

Gu Lina is at the pinnacle of the Fusion Dao Realm, only one step away from the Indistinguishable Dao.

Of course, it is estimated that he does not dare to break through, perhaps the fire path between heaven and earth has been controlled by others.

His breakthrough is to challenge the authority of the Earth Fire Dao controller...

There is no Heavenly Tribulation when a controller breaks through, but when you occupy the avenue to invade the opponent, the opponent will immediately feel it.

If you want to steal the opponent's avenue, how can he sit still and wait for death? He probably won't be able to kill you.

In front of the Indistinguishable Dao, those with the same Dao Fusion Dao realm will be absolutely suppressed.

Because of his presence, you can't rely on Heavenly Dao's experience.

The Indistinguishable Dao realm of fellow Taoists fights with the Rongdao realm, just like a grandpa hitting his grandson.

If you have no other means, then you can only wait for death!

Unless the Indistinguishable Dao Realm cannot spare any time and can only let you invade and occupy his territory, the probability of this is almost zero.

Lin Fan's current hidden ability is difficult for even those in the Fusion Realm to detect.

He has found Gu Lina...

Not even half a day has passed yet, and he has already completed some of the tests of the Phantom God King.

His avatar said to Huan God King: "Huan God King, your disciple Gu Lina is in the ancient land, do I pass?"

The Fantasy God King looked at him in astonishment.

Then he smiled and said: "Hahahaha, good, good, good, I really didn't miss you. Your methods really impressed me. You passed."

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Now I am your subordinate! This is what I want. As long as the arrangements for the Huan God King are in place, I promise to do my best to help the Huan God King find the ancestor of the Hei Li clan."

Lin Fan, the subordinate of the Fantasy God King, made a list and said: "You are really rude, but I like it. I will find all these things within two days. It seems that you want to refine weapons!"

Indeed, Dao cannot be Indistinguishable and can only rely on weapons to improve his strength.

But I can remind you that if your Puppet Dao cannot be improved, I suggest you practice the Dao of Destruction. The emperor who was in charge of the Dao of Destruction in the past has died. Now the Dao of Destruction in the Evil God Ancient World has no owner. Maybe there will be an Indistinguishable Dao born in these years. , but the emperor has not been born yet, and it can be said that there is no master for the time being.

You can modify it..."

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Forget it, the Road of Destruction has no owner, aren't they among the ten with the most potential?"

He said this, but he had already written it down in his heart, the road to destruction has no owner...

The King of the Dark Monkey Realm next to him glanced at Lin Fan and said nothing...

The Fantasy God King smiled and said: "It is true, but it is still early for him to break through. He has to accumulate to survive the Heavenly Tribulation, otherwise he will only lose his life. In recent years, there have been many people in the Evil God Ancient World who want to control the avenue of destruction. I don't know who will succeed. How many people have died, so I guess that if you are a dual-path strong person with strong life-saving ability, the probability of breakthrough is higher, you understand what I mean!"

Lin Fan said lightly: "If you want to push an unfamiliar avenue to the realm of fusion, how difficult is it? God King Huan knows better than me. I don't know God King Huan. Does he know any weak and masterless ways?"

He wanted to ask, but of course he wouldn't believe it. "Who knows if the Master of Fantasy God is just telling you nonsense!"

The Fantasy God King shook his head and said: "I don't know. Although I am in the Indistinguishable Dao stage, my strength is still Indistinguishable Dao early stage, and my knowledge is limited.

If you find the ancestor of the Black Beaver Clan for me this time, maybe I can go one step further.

By then your status will naturally rise, and I can also find out more information about the avenue for you. "

Lin Fan: "I understand, don't worry, Fantasy God King, I 037 will do my best to serve Fantasy God King.'

"Okay, okay... Pluto, Dapeng King, from now on this will be the King of the Fanlong Star Realm, and he will be in charge of the Pluto Monkey Star Realm with you. Don't you understand if you can't cause trouble?"

"My subordinates understand"

"My subordinates understand"

After some polite greetings, the Phantom God King left.

What Lin Fan wants is not simple.

Along with the auxiliary medicine of Tianbu Dan, there are also the auxiliary materials for refining the head.

I guess the Fantasy God King is too boring to take out.

But he seemed to be risking his life in order to go further.

Otherwise, he would never be alive like Lin Fan now.

Lin Fan probably understood, and the Heili Ancestor he was looking for was probably also a strong Indistinguishable Dao man.

And he is also a powerful Indistinguishable Dao...

The Fantasy God King probably wants to steal his territory.

Because the black raccoon ancestor was seriously injured, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

at the same time.

Lin Fan's clone in the ancient land took action...

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