From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 306: Run Away With Heavenly Tribulation [10/10, Please Subscribe]

The words have not yet finished.

A terrifying attack hit the Ten Thousand Dao Formation that Lin Fan had arranged in advance.

Dao Rhyme's attacks are all transformed by the power of the avenue, like an extremely sharp knife.

Destroy and destroy the formation.

In an instant, a gap was created in the formation.

Lin Fan's clone wanted to control the sword in the formation to restore the formation.

It's a pity that the Phantom God King didn't give him a chance at all, and launched another two terrifying attacks, directly violently destroying the formation arranged by Lin Fan.

The Wandao Formation is actually very strong, but Lin Fan's strength is too weak and there is no way to use it.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the fantasy God King to break through the formation.

The Fantasy God King is so cruel, and he strikes hard every time he comes up.

Sure enough, he was angry......

He was probably also annoyed by Lin Fan's oriole behind.

The three of them tried their best to kill the ancestor of Heili.

Now should have been a happy moment for them to carve up this section of the charm road,

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan actually broke through at this time, trying to snatch food from their tiger's mouth and steal their big 01 lane.

Is it tolerable or intolerable....

After defeating the Ten Thousand Dao Formation, Lin Fan was not completely exposed to them.

But Lin Fan's clone meets the fantasy God King...

At the same time, his other two clones also came here.

Keep Lin Fan in the middle.

This is the ninth Heavenly Tribulation that has fallen...

Lin Fan made it through easily and unscathed.

The Fantasy God King looked at Lin Fan's clone and smiled and said: "It's you, you want to protect him? Just the three of you in the Fusion Realm? Thanks to you, I can kill the Black Li Ancestor. If you get out of the way now. I will go around You will not die.

Lin Fan's clone smiled and said: "Each one is his own master, let's do it!"

Before he finished speaking, all three clones rushed out.

Instead of waiting for them to take action, it is better to take action.

"Curse of the Undead."

Three clones form a spell.

The undead curse with an unknown evil aura was integrated into the bodies of the Phantom God King and two other Indistinguishable Dao realm powerhouses.

The Phantom God King and the others were hit before they could react. ,

The Curse of the Undead is a secret technique obtained by Sect's promotion, and the effect is naturally quite terrifying.

However, the Curse of the Undead can be suppressed by Indistinguishable Realm powerhouses like them.

As for how long it can be suppressed, Lin Fan doesn't know.

Lin Fan's colleague, Lin Fan, had already escaped.

At this time, it is not the time to confront the Fantasy God King and others head-on.

He has not yet been promoted to Indistinguishable Dao and is no match for them.

Although now he has experienced nine Heavenly Tribulations and has mastered a small part of the charm path.

But they are far from being the opponents of Phantom God King and others.

Lin Fan ran away and borrowed the Avenue of Space, the Avenue of Speed, the Escape Road... various avenues known for their speed.

Lin Fan appeared in the east of Guyun Star Realm in an instant.

But unfortunately, his escape could not escape God's help.

The tribulation clouds gathered above his head almost instantly, and a Heavenly Tribulation fell, hitting Lin Fan directly.

Lin Fan's body was numb.

The power of Heavenly Tribulation has been enhanced...

Fortunately, he cultivated the Chaos God Demon Body, so this Heavenly Tribulation couldn't hurt him at all.

He is confident that if it were not for the illusory God King, they would be there.

He can definitely break through smoothly, and a third-level Heavenly Tribulation can't do anything to him.

He couldn't be as embarrassed as Blue Spiritual Roots was. If it weren't for him, Blue Spiritual Roots wouldn't have survived.

The road is ruthless. If you want to control the road, you can only experience Heavenly Tribulation.

Just two results,

One is the death of the body

The second is success Transcend Tribulation

There is never a third option.

Mugiancao used opportunistic methods to survive the Heavenly Tribulation, which is equivalent to success.

She doesn't have a masterless man in charge of Heavenly Dao, and he can slowly occupy it.

I don't know why she has no one to argue with her.

Maybe it’s because they are spiritual beings from heaven and earth, and only Butiancao has the chance to understand the Heaven-Mending Dao, and even step into the Indistinguishable Dao breakthrough!

Humans should also be able to practice, but this great way is too difficult to understand.

The method of cultivation is also difficult, but there are many spiritual things in the world, and the Heaven-Building Dao must be understood by more than just the Heaven-Building Grass. Who are Lan Ling's opponents? As for why they didn't come to fight.

Lin Fan doesn't know either.

But he kind of knew.

His Dao enemies today are the Illusionary God King and the two Indistinguishable Dao realms next to him.

And Heavenly Tribulation.

He is not afraid of Heavenly Tribulation, but is afraid of the phantom God King and others.

Now he can escape, but with the Heavenly Tribulation on his head.

Heavenly Tribulation is the locator.

Indistinguishable Dao powerful people like the phantom God King can sense it.

Soon they will be chasing you.

As expected by Lin Fan, the tenth Heavenly Tribulation has just fallen, and the eleventh Heavenly Tribulation is still brewing.

Lin Fan regrouped and sent out the Enlightenment Realm clone, and felt a powerful aura approaching.

It is the fantasy God King them.

Lin Fan could only escape again.

Let the Fantasy God King and the others come to nothing.

Fantasy God King, they were all surprised...

Most people have a narrow escape from Heavenly Tribulation, but 967 is forced to still have the energy to escape.

But they didn't take it seriously.

Just wait for the Heavenly Tribulation to condense again, and they can feel the breath chasing after it.

They have also experienced Heavenly Tribulation, and it is clear that once Transcend Tribulation cannot stop.

Unless you commit suicide...

Otherwise, Heavenly Tribulation will not stop, no matter how far you run away, it will be useless.

Of course, if the breakthrough is successful, the Heavenly Tribulation will naturally dissipate.

In their eyes, Lin Fan is already a dead person,

At this time, an Indistinguishable Daojing next to him said: "Who is this little thief? Is he a subordinate of the Black Li Ancestor?"

"Not sure"

"I don't know, but this guy ran away really fast. I can feel the Heavenly Tribulation aura, east of the Guyun Star Realm.

Go, hurry over. "

The Fantasy God King smiled and said: "It's okay, just fly slowly! He is dead."

"No, no, no, that's not necessarily true. What if he has a protector? News came from King Ji Ling that several Indistinguishable Dao realms have entered the Guyun Star Realm. Could they be his protectors?"

"Let's go, I feel it's over, I'll inform Prince Xuan and the others,"

At the same time, Lin Fan looked anxiously at Tian Duan above his head.

too slow

I couldn't help but curse in my heart

"You're really left behind! I'm still running away!"

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