From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 308: The Tribulation Emperor, The Dragon Emperor... [2/10, Please Subscribe]

How come they came here so quickly?

But soon Lin Fan knew the reason.

This Indistinguishable Dao realm is not the illusory God King and the others, but an Indistinguishable Dao realm that is good at speed.

No wonder he caught up so quickly.

It seems that the helpers found by the Phantom God King are

Damn it!

Seeing that the 18th Heavenly Tribulation was about to fall, Lin Fan had to leave.

The moment Heavenly Tribulation fell, Lin Fan escaped.

He was very fast and directly borrowed the power of the Space Avenue to carry out ultra-long distance teleportation.

However, Heavenly Tribulation followed closely behind, traveling through space and hitting him behind.

Lin Fan had been prepared for a long time and was knocked away.

Fortunately, he has a strong body and has no major problems.

Dantian's Spirit Power was rapidly replenishing, and he continued to flee without stopping.

This distance is not far enough,

The Indistinguishable Dao Realm and the Phantom God King just now should be chasing after them soon.

Lin Fan stopped after escaping several star realms in a row.

The Heavenly Tribulation above the head condenses faster.

Others Transcend Tribulation only condensed the Tribulation Cloud once. Transcend Tribulation practitioners like Lin Fan are really weird.

Just because he has the power of the whole sect, otherwise he might not be able to bear it now.

The Indistinguishable Dao realm expert hunted down Transcend Tribulation, and it was estimated that he was the only one who could survive.

It's a pity that he doesn't know much about the forces above Indistinguishable Dao level 190.

He doesn't know any Indistinguishable Dao realm, otherwise he can ask the Indistinguishable Dao realm for help to help him break through the path protection.

He wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Now it seems that the path of fire probably has a master, but the path of destruction is unclear.

But to help him break through the Indistinguishable Dao state, you can choose some weak avenues to try to break through.

Stepping into the Indistinguishable realm, he is not afraid even if someone is chasing him.

The most important thing right now is Transcend Tribulation.

Nineteen Heavenly Tribulation fell, but the Indistinguishable Dao realm has not yet caught up with them.

But he still had to go.

Heavenly Tribulation is getting stronger and stronger, and now Heavenly Tribulation can hurt him.

However, he recovered from his injury very quickly and it was not a big problem.

Now he can't care about so much and can only go to other star realms for Transcend Tribulation.

If he wanders back and forth in the surrounding star realms, there are more than ten Indistinguishable Dao realms, and it is very easy to hunt him down.

So Lin Fan fled several star realms before stopping.

This time, as soon as the calamity cloud condensed, he heard scolding.

"Who dares to come to the Transcend Tribulation? You're living a good life, right?

It turned out to be another Indistinguishable Dao state, with a huge body and a giant bull.

There is an extremely violent aura surrounding the strong body, and the anger is very strong.

Everywhere he passed, Death Stars were smashed into pieces, and they quickly approached Lin Fan.

Lin Fan originally wanted to survive the disaster, but now it seems that he can't.

"Excuse me, Ci."

He instantly cast Spatial Teleportation and left.

Next, I passed through several star realms like this, and was scolded by the strong men in this star realm.

Another Lin Fan had to leave.

He had fled far away, and they were all abandoned by him.

Until he came to a star realm where the human race was.

Lin Fan just stopped.

There are also strong men approaching,

A human incarnation of the Great Way asked

"Who are you, and what are you trying to achieve?"

Lin Fan didn't answer and concentrated on waiting for the Heavenly Tribulation to come.

Wait for the true form of the Indistinguishable Dao from the human race to arrive.

Lin Fan then said: "I don't want to say anything more, I am a human race, and I will leave after three Heavenly Tribulations."

Visitors are surprised

He immediately said: "You are a human race, don't you have a protector? How about joining our Star Temple? Join our Star Temple, and I can contact the powerful Indistinguishable Dao to protect you."

Lin Fan asked: "What kind of force is Star Temple?"

The man said: "It seems you don't know anything! Our Star Temple is one of the five major forces in the evil ancient world. Is the avenue you broke through the way of a master? If it is the way of a master, you join my temple, We can negotiate with the Dao Lord for you and make way for you to become an Indistinguishable Dao state."

Lin Fan shook his head and said: "The way I broke through is the way of no master."

The man was surprised (abfb) and said: "How is it possible? Our Star Temple has very little control over the Wuzhu Avenue.

Then Heavenly Tribulation dropped.

The man was surprised and said: "How is it possible that there is really no master?"

Then he quickly said: "You are being hunted, right? What do you think, do you want to join our Star Temple?"

Lin Fan asked: "What are the requirements for joining the Star Temple?"

The man said: "After joining the Star Temple, it was not long before I had to go and fight outside the Evil God Ancient World."

Lin Fan said directly without hesitation: "I am willing to join the Star Temple."

The man smiled and said: "You have to think clearly. If you join our Star Temple and don't listen to the call, you will be hunted down by our Star Temple,"

"I said I would, I didn't have a choice. Didn't I?

By the way, there are more than ten Indistinguishable Dao strong men chasing me behind me, are you sure you will protect me?"

The man smiled and said nothing.

The next moment, Lin Fan suddenly noticed a powerful aura fluctuation.

A human race Indistinguishable realm expert appeared out of thin air.

This powerful aura is like the master of heaven and earth...

Could it be that he is the Lord of the Great Road?

The man was dressed in black, middle-aged and handsome, and held a lamp in his hand.

His eyes seem to be able to see through everything about Lin Fan

"You want to join our Star Temple?"

Lin Fan nodded immediately and said, "That's right,"

"I will protect your path, so you can break through with peace of mind!"


Although Lin Fan thinks there is a pitfall, there is no better way at the moment.

It seems that every medium-sized star realm has an Indistinguishable Dao realm, and it is not an option for him to continue running like this.

The twentieth Heavenly Tribulation fell.

The twenty-first Heavenly Tribulation falls...

Road 22

Chapter 23...

Suddenly, more than a dozen Indistinguishable Dao figures came nearby.

The middle-aged man in black scolded in a cold voice: "Get out.

More than a dozen Indistinguishable Dao environments are submissive.

"Jie Huang, this is against the rules! I'm chasing the thieves who robbed my road. What do you mean? Do you want to start a war with our Tianmeng?"

The middle-aged man in black said calmly: "From now on, he is a member of our Star Temple."

More than a dozen Indistinguishable Dao looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Inform the Dragon King! This matter cannot be left alone."

The Phantom God King and the others did not leave.

It seems to be calling someone...

Lin Fan was stared at by so many Indistinguishable Dao. To be honest, he wanted to hide in the Paradise of Cave.

But think about it and forget it.

There is no danger now.

Two Heavenly Tribulation fell.

A giant silver dragon emerged from the void...

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