From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 313: Occupying The Avenue【7/10】

Lin Fan now.

He cultivated a total of 5,136 avenues.

Among them, there are more than 3,000 fifth-level avenues, all of which have reached the peak of the Fusion Dao Realm.

Thousands of fourth-level avenues have been merged into Dao Stage Six, Seventh Stage.

Hundreds of third-class avenues have all entered the Fusion Dao Realm.

Fourteen of the second-class avenues have reached the Fusion Dao realm.

Two of the second-class avenues have reached the Eighth Stage of Fusion Dao Realm and will soon reach the peak of Fusion Dao Realm.

These two avenues are exactly: the avenue of destruction and the avenue of flames.

The Avenue of Destruction is the avenue he mainly cultivates after learning that there is no owner of the Avenue of Destruction in the Pluto Monkey Star Realm. The Avenue of Flame is because he learned about the death of the Fire God King...

These are the avenues he made the disciples of the Canglan Sect focus on cultivating.

Therefore, the progress of cultivation far exceeds other second-class avenues.

None of the first-class avenues have entered the realm of fusion...

The progress of the first-class avenue is slow, probably because there are not many geniuses in Sect who can understand and practice.

Although progress has increased, it is not as drastic as other avenues.

It will take some time for a first-class Daoist to step into the Fusion Dao Realm.

However, Canglan's 593 cases were full of potential, and it only took five days to fully develop.

He is already so terrifying, if his Canglan Sect disciples are all over the entire Evil God Ancient World.

Then how fast his cultivation will reach... It's simply unimaginable.

His main body is now completely free to move in the Guyun Star Realm.

He doesn't care at all about the more than thirty Indistinguishable Dao realm experts stationed in the Guyun Star Realm.

Moreover, under Lin Fan Mastery's close investigation, he occasionally found that the master of the avenue came to investigate, trying to find him...

But unfortunately, he was right under their noses, and they had no chance of discovering him.

He has practiced too many avenues…………

His methods became more and more outrageous, and he wandered around the Guyun Star Realm, but they couldn't find him.

But now, he already has the strength to occupy the avenue.

It's time for him to start occupying the avenue and further improve his strength...

However, he didn't know much about the occupation status of various avenues in the Evil God Ancient Realm.

Those avenues (abfb) have the master of the avenue, those avenues do not have the master of the avenue,

He can't do it rashly......

If he touches the avenue with the master of the avenue, he will be locked by the master of the avenue in an instant.

I can only go to the Star Temple to redeem the news...

It would be best if there was an ownerless avenue, then he would deliberately occupy it quickly.

He took out the Holy Order from the Star Temple.

Directly connected to Star Temple deacon's online answer.

"Dear Sir, I am your exclusive answer deacon, codenamed Xiaoyu. If you have any questions, you can come to me. Xiaoyu will answer your questions at any time.

Do you have any instructions now?"

The formation was activated in the holy order, and a sweet voice came out.

When Lin Fan heard this voice, he did not hesitate and asked directly: "I want to know the information about Wuzhu Avenue. How do I need to exchange it for purchase?"

Xiaoyu: "Sir, please wait a moment. The question you asked is beyond my knowledge. I have to ask Elder."

Lin Fan coldly said: "I don't have time, find someone who can answer this question."

Xiaoyu: "Sir, please calm down. Xiaoyu has just entered the Celestial Secrets Palace. I will go and ask you Elder. Please don't dismiss me. T………………

The female voice hurriedly explained and prayed...

Lin Fan didn't say much, nor was he too harsh. This little fish might really be a novice, so he said impatiently: "Hurry up..."

Soon an old man's voice came from the holy order.

"Sir, if you want to know the information about the Masterless Avenue, you need 500 million Star God Coins. With 500 million Star God Coins, you can get the information about the Masterless Avenue."

Five hundred million star god coins?

Damn it, this is simply a steal!…………

This is too expensive!

On the reward list of the Star Temple, the reward for the Indistinguishable Dao realm expert is only one billion Star God coins.

He now only has less than one million Star God coins.

Damn this...066704501 Feilu 181441511]

Is information about an ownerless road so expensive?

That's outrageous...

The silent old man Lin Fan explained hurriedly.

"Sir, this is the case, because the Indistinguishable Dao is the foundation of all the major forces, and the confidentiality is very good. Generally, there are dedicated people to clean up the people who are close to the Indistinguishable Dao realm on this path. Please give me 500 million star god coins. After purchasing the message, we will give you a message about the Unowned Avenue controlled by our Star Temple.

If your descendants, Sect disciples, or family disciples break through the Indistinguishable Dao realm of this Dao, they will not be cleared when they break through.

Lin Fan understood... It was equivalent to spending money to buy the breakthrough authority of an unowned road.

Otherwise, even if you reach the peak of Fusion Dao Realm, you will be assassinated if you break through.

But can other forces really not find out that the Star Temple controls the main road, the Masterless Road?

Calculating it this way, 500 million Star God Coins is understandable.

Lin Fan needs this kind of news very much, but for him,

This news is too expensive....

He can't afford it.

Not to mention 500 million Star God Coins, he couldn't even get out 10 million.

He could still scrape together 10 million Star God Coins, but 500 million Star God Coins... He couldn't even get it out of the Star Realm even if he had spent all his money to integrate it.

Lin Fan continued to ask: "Where is there no news about the Avenue of the Lord of the Avenue? How many Star God coins are needed to purchase it?"

"There is no need to purchase this, Star Temple can provide it for free."

Lin Fan was surprised that it was free...

Soon the message was sent to Lin Fan.

I didn't expect that...

There is no master of avenues in the Ancient Realm of Evil God, but there are more than two thousand avenues.

There are more than 2,000 avenues without a master, which means that he can occupy more than 2,000 avenues.

After knowing the information about the avenue………………

Lin Fan is ready to experiment.

I randomly found a fifth-class avenue.

The road to patience.

He used the power of the avenue and began to invade the avenue of endurance...

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