From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 318 The Three Palace Masters Return, Everyone Comes To Grab It [3/10]

The Judgment Hall is the same super power as the Star Temple.

Their behavior is also very domineering. When they know someone is encroaching on their ownerless road, more than ten owners of the road will come to their door.

A dozen avenue lords came over, but they didn't take any action, they just questioned the Star Temple.

Why did the Star Temple violate the agreement and occupy their ownerless road?

The Star Temple can't explain clearly. They don't know what's going on at all. In fact, they have restrictions on the strong ones in the Fusion Dao Realm of their current generation.

Any strong person who has practiced the five main avenues controlled by other forces will be recorded in the Star Temple and will warn them that they will not be allowed to break through, otherwise other forces will come to clean them up. "The Star Temple will not protect them.

But things are so baffling. Why did someone suddenly occupy the Five Main Avenues of the Qin Dynasty, and someone else occupied the Ownerless Avenue of Judgment Store?

First he offended the Great Qin Dynasty, and now he offended the Judgment Hall.

The strong men in the Star Temple were very puzzled, so they ordered a thorough investigation of the strong men in the Fusion Realm of the entire Star God Realm.

To re-register, you need help from Indistinguishable Dao.

Lin Fan was also called.

He only sent one clone there,

Little did they know that it was Lin Fan who made the move.

It can be said that the Star Temple was completely troubled by him.

The main force of their Star Temple is not here, and now the Heavenly Alliance is in danger, and people from the Great Qin Dynasty and the Judgment Hall have come one after another.

It makes people suspicious,

Is there some conspiracy unfolding against their Star Temple?

Star Temple Indistinguishable Dao realm and above, many Closed Door Training, traveling, and those who have not been born for many years have become active.

Therefore, the forces against Lin Fan Canglan Sect are no longer so rampant, and many of them have been restrained.

However, there are still forces under the Lord of the Great Dao who are causing trouble for them, the Canglan Sect.

Lin Fan can't take care of that much for the time being, he is changing places frequently.

Trying to encroach on the avenue...

Finally, he found a fifth-class unowned road that had not yet been occupied.

The most important thing is that this avenue is an ownerless avenue controlled by Tianmeng.

The tension that had originally subsided suddenly changed due to Lin Fan's encroachment on the avenue.

The Emperor of the Five Elements of the Tianmeng came with many masters of the avenues, and the entire Star God Realm entered a state of war.

Lin Fan's clones have been arranged to garrison important areas in the Star God Realm.

It is said that the Western Emperor even took action...

At the same time, Lin Fan was still hiding in the center of the Star God Realm and occupying the avenue.

Hesitant, he has the blessing of the whole sect, and he can invade the avenue very quickly.

The avenue he occupied was the fifth-class avenue: the avenue of sand,

The Avenue of Sand is not strong, but Lin Fan has not yet controlled more than 5% of any avenue.

This avenue of sand is an ownerless avenue. He hopes to control it more. As long as he is given enough time, he can control the entire avenue of sand in the ancient evil world.

But it's a pity that Tianmeng will not give him this opportunity.

Now let’s see how long the Star Temple can last...

Give him another seven days, and he can occupy the entire Sand Avenue of the Star God Realm, and the Star God Realm occupies one-tenth of the Evil God's Ancient Realm.

In total, the difference is only 10% of the Avenue of Sand.

If he could control ten percent of the avenue of sand.

Then he can be regarded as having a place among the Indistinguishable Dao of the Star God.

But the premise is that the Star Temple can hold on, and the Tianmeng has already taken action.

The ownerless avenue they control cannot be left to Lin Fan to occupy [the strong men of the Wei Alliance choose the Super Star Temple.

Just wait as long as you can!

Lin Fan doesn't care about so many things, he is now focused on improving his own strength.

0‧Ask for flowers·……

Every time his strength improves, he gets more protection.

Only Canglan Sect can change the current situation as soon as possible. No one dares to step on it.

Even if he knew that he was behind the Canglan Sect, there would still be forces coming to make trouble...

This is because he is not strong enough.

Lin Fan has deployed a lot of protective measures, and the entrance to Dongtian Paradise next to it is still open, as long as there is an emergency.

He can escape at any time...

As his strength gradually increased, the avenues he occupied became more and more extensive.

Suddenly he noticed fluctuations coming from the Avenue of Sand, which seemed to be...

Someone Transcend Tribulation...

Yes, there is someone Transcend Tribulation

It took him a while before he got the news. It turned out that the third disciple of the Star Temple had returned.

The master of the third hall is the master of the avenue who controls the first-class avenue.

He came back and defeated the Emperor of Five Elements with great force.

Tianmeng has no choice,

After the three masters of the Star Temple came back, the other four major forces worked tacitly to contain the other top powerhouses of the Sky Alliance.

Tianmeng had no choice but to retreat.

In desperation, they arranged for personnel to break through and seize the avenue of sand.

Naturally, the Star Temple cannot be allowed to occupy the avenue.

The Star Temple has also arranged for the peak powerhouses of the Fusion Dao Realm to break through, including the Judgment Hall, the Great Qin Dynasty, and the Undead Empire. These powers have all arranged for people to break through.

All major forces came to break through, and Lin Fan was speechless.

He is already in the Indistinguishable Dao realm and can occupy any avenue. As long as he realizes it, he can directly occupy it without experiencing the end of heaven.

The avenue has spirit. For those who are in the Indistinguishable Dao realm, even the masterless avenue will not cause Heavenly Tribulation to damage themselves.

The main thing is that there is a big difference between occupying and controlling the avenue and breaking through and controlling the avenue…………factory.

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