From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 320: A Blow From The Lord Of The Avenue [5/10]

For the Star Temple,

This is sad news.

One of the ten emperors of their Star Temple died in battle outside the territory.

The person who died in the battle was the Lord of the Avenue of Judgment in their Star Temple.

One of the Ten Emperors of the Star Temple.

Because he died in battle outside the territory, the avenue of judgment in the evil god's ancient world is now weakened.

The Judgment Avenue is a second-class avenue. Now it can be said that the Judgment Avenue is an ownerless avenue. Seventy percent of the Judgment Avenue is vacant.

The men of the Lord of Judgment Avenue are now occupying the Avenue. It's a pity that their understanding is not enough, and the encroachment speed is very slow.

And other forces also heard the news.

The Lord of Judgment Avenue fell, and upon receiving the news, all the major forces took action.

The Star Temple also launched an emergency operation to ensure that 80% of the trial of Heavenly Dao falls into their own hands. 01

The second hall master and the third hall master took action personally.

All members of the Star Temple, as long as they practice the path of judgment, no matter who they are, can try to break through the path of control.

But unfortunately, the Star Temple's territory is limited.

They would not dare to break through the territory of other forces if the Fusion Dao Realm under their command, other forces would not allow them to break through safely...

So that now they can only wait for the powerful men in the Fusion Dao Realm who were formerly under the Jual Emperor to slowly invade the Judgment Avenue.

As soon as the news came out, Lin Fan immediately left to prepare for action.

The Avenue of Judgment is a second-class avenue, and he has reached the peak of the Fusion Dao Realm.

The encroachment can begin at any time.

However, he could not use his identity as Lin Fan in the Star God Realm because he would be in a lot of unnecessary troubles, so he left the Star God Realm.

In the junction area between the Star God Realm and the Heavenly Alliance Judgment Hall, the Judgment Heavenly Dao began to be invaded.

The Canglan Sect continues to recruit a large number of people, letting them major in the Cultivation Technique of the Judgment Avenue, so that it can occupy the avenue faster.

The moment Lin Fan occupied the Judgment Avenue, he discovered that there was actually an owner of the Judgment Avenue in this area.

He had no choice but to boldly break into Tianmeng's territory.

Going deep into the area controlled by the Tianmeng and starting to invade, it turned out to be the main road without a master.

At the same time, people from all over the Tianmeng were breaking through one after another, but the breakouts were basically killed...

They are all the work of the three palace masters.

The master of the third hall of the Star Temple is very powerful and controls the Chaos Heavenly Thunder Avenue. He has sensed these breakthroughs.

He did some tricks in the Heavenly Tribulation and broke through Realm's Fusion Realm, but he was assassinated without anyone noticing.

His assassination plan can be said to be an open operation.

Wherever anyone dares to break through and occupy the Avenue of Judgment, as the Lord of the Avenue, he will feel it.

He went directly to assassinate him, and the second hall master also took action...

In order to ensure that the Avenue of Judgment can be controlled in their hands, two first-class avenue masters were dispatched.

But other forces will not let him do this and blatantly assassinate their people.

Many breakthroughrs are surrounded by protectors...

Protect them through Heavenly Tribulation.

However, the Lord of Dao kills people, and ordinary people really can't stop him.

Even if he is also the master of the first-class avenue, it is difficult to resist him.

A large part of the reason is not because they are not strong enough, but because the creatures they want to protect are too weak.

There is a huge gap in strength between the Rong Dao realm and the Lord of the Dao. The former has basically little hope of resisting the latter's plot.

The masters of the three halls traveled around the ancient world of evil gods, killing creatures who tried to break through and seize the avenue of judgment.

Whether it was the Tianmeng or the other four powerful forces, they were all assassinated.

A Realm that has reached the Lord of Avenues, especially a first-class Avenue Lord, can do whatever they want in the Evil God Ancient Realm.

Of course, this matter was originally their fault, and the Avenue of Judgment originally belonged to their Star Temple.

It's just that the person in control is dead. It should be inherited by the people from their Star Temple.

It is normal for other forces to seize and assassinate those who seek the way.

Therefore, other forces did not take great action from the Star Temple, but there were still powerful people who made threats.

Those geniuses who dare to kill them will have to pay the price.

Killing for life, they will also attack the geniuses of Fusion Dao Realm in Star Temple.

But in order to preserve the ownership of the second-class avenue, the Star Temple does not care about the geniuses under its command.

When the masters of the three halls assassinated other forces in Fusion Dao Realm, many geniuses from the Star Temple died unexpectedly. This was revenge from the alliance.

But there's nothing the Star Temple can do. If you kill other people's geniuses, they won't be able to retaliate.

The strength of their Star Temple has not yet reached this level.

I can only watch these geniuses being assassinated......

In the eyes of those who are strong in the Indistinguishable Dao realm, geniuses in the Fusion Dao realm are nothing but dispensable.

The most important thing is to take back control of the Judgment Avenue as soon as possible.

A dead genius can only admit that he is unlucky......

This should continue for a long time. Star Temple is practicing the Indistinguishable Dao realm of Judgment Avenue, and it will take some time to occupy the entire avenue.

At the same time, Lin Fan also began to encroach on the Judgment Avenue.

The speed at which he invades the Avenue of Judgment is no slower than those in the Indistinguishable Dao Realm of the Star Temple......

But just when he occupied one percent of the Judgment Avenue,

A world-destroying chaotic sky thunder shattered the space and came...

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