From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 323 Confrontation【7/10】

The master of the eight first-class avenues.

Come to the Star God Realm together, all in front of the Star Temple.

At the same time, five groups of people were already surrounding the Star God Realm.

The Tianmeng group is the strongest, and the aura of the Lord of the Avenue is no less than fifty.

There are also the Judgment Hall, the Pagoda of the Buddha, the Great Qin Dynasty, and the Undead Empire. Many avenue masters have come.

The entire Star Temple is in panic, feeling that the Heavenly Alliance and the four major forces have united to attack their Star Temple.

All the Indistinguishable Dao realms in the Star Temple have gathered together to avoid being defeated one by one.

Only by gathering together can we have a chance to fight them.

Even if you can't fight, you still have a chance to escape. If the master of the avenue wants to escape, it is generally difficult for people in the Realm to stop him. Even the 3 or 5 strong men in the Bronze Mirror Realm will find it difficult to stop the master of the avenue from escaping.

Lin Fan's clone is now mixed in among them.

I have to say that the strength of their Star Temple is quite good.

Not counting the masters of the avenues, there are tens of thousands of Indistinguishable Dao realms. Of course, the strength of some strong ones in the Indistinguishable Dao realm can be basically ignored, because they are the masters of the avenues, and the seeds they left behind only gave way to less than 1% of the avenues. Give them occupation.

Occupying less than 1% of the avenues, such Indistinguishable Dao realms are very weak, but many of the Indistinguishable Dao realms are hidden and do not appear here.

It's possible that it's hidden within the Magic Treasures of the Cave.

There are also many avenues in the Star Temple, almost 400 of them.

Coupled with the fact that Daozhizhi is on the expedition to the outside world, I am afraid that there should be more than 500 Dao Lords in the New God Realm, and they are worthy of being among the five major forces.

Even though they have so many strong men, they are still not enough to face the Tianmeng and the four major forces.

The disparity in strength is too great.

They can't even handle the Guangtian Alliance, let alone the four major forces.

But fortunately, they are not taking action now. It seems that they are just planning to negotiate and be polite before fighting.

However, the atmosphere is still a bit depressing, because the entire Star Temple is surrounded by strong men from the four major forces and the Sky Alliance. If the negotiations are not careful, they will probably take action.

Star Temple now has to compromise.

If he really takes action, except for the Lord of Dao, everyone else may suffer.

There is even a possibility of the Star Temple being destroyed.

The Lord of the Great Hall of the Star Temple is outside the territory and cannot retreat now.

It is still a bit difficult for the second and third hall masters to face 8 top first-class avenue masters...

And if they really knew how to destroy the Star Temple, I'm afraid there would still be a first-class Avenue Master always around the Star Temple.

Lin Fan did not expect such a thing to happen......

He invaded the avenue just to cause conflicts between other forces. He wanted to disrupt the situation in the entire Evil God Ancient World so that he could benefit.

They wouldn't have time to worry about him encroaching on the unclaimed road.

Unexpectedly, the Sky Alliance and the four major forces would unite to target the Star God Realm.

At this time, the Second Hall Master and the Third Hall Master were both in the Star Temple.

The master of the third palace came out of the Star Temple alone to say hello, "When did the Tianmeng and the four major forces get together? I wonder why you came to our Star Temple?"

One of the leaders of the Tianmeng sneered: "Don't you yourselves know why I, the Western Emperor, came to you?

Have you forgotten the agreement between us? We agreed not to invade each other's unowned roads. How did you do it? Did you take our agreement as a joke? You have repeatedly invaded the unowned roads under our control. What does Star Temple mean?

I came here this time to ask for an explanation as to why someone in your Star God Realm has invaded the Ownerless Avenue that we control. If you can't come up with a reasonable reason, "then don't blame us for being rude."

The Western Emperor said helplessly: "We don't know why this happened, and we are also very puzzled. There are not many people in the Longbow and Dual Paths in the Star God Realm, and they are all registered. It is impossible for such a thing to happen under our control. .

Is this your Tianmeng deliberately causing trouble?"

The Dragon Emperor took a step forward and said: "Why don't you dare? Even you in the Star God Realm dare to steal my subordinate's avenue. Speaking of which, the score has not been settled yet! If you don't give me an explanation, Western Emperor, this matter will never be over. "

The Western Emperor frowned and said: "I, Dage, will return someday. Don't be so presumptuous as to go back! I have made it clear that there are very few strong men in the two realms in our Star Temple. It is not our star who is fighting for your masterless avenue. People of the temple, believe it or not."

Immediately he continued: "The Fu Emperor of the Pagoda, the Master of the Wuchang Hall of the Judgment Hall, the Ming Taishi of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the Underworld Emperor of the Necromantic Empire, I know that several of them are here because of this matter, but I promise these people who are trying to steal the throne. It’s not that in our Star Temple [Double-path strong men are so rare


You should know how difficult it is to cultivate dual paths, and how virtuous and capable we are in the Star God Realm.

Don't forget that we are on the same rope. If something happens to our Star Temple, you will not be much better.

For the sake of the families of our brothers who are fighting outside the territory, how about you sell me one of them and give up your face for the time being?"

Fuhuang said: "We are not here to break the contract. You can rest assured, Xihuang, we are allies.

I believe in the Western Emperor.

However, because several unowned avenues were occupied in a row, we had no choice but to come over and check to see who was taking our avenues. "

Taishi Ming said: "Yes, we are allies. I am afraid that some people are up to no good, so I came to give some support to my allies. If anyone dares to cause trouble, just give me the orders of the Western Emperor.


Of course, I also want to find out who he is, since he has picked up the hairless Heavenly Dao of our Qin Dynasty several times.

We were robbed on the road prepared for the prince, and we had to let others take the lead because His Majesty ordered us to come and find out the truth. But the Western Emperor can rest assured that we are allies. "

Emperor Ming also spoke: "Master Ming and I have similar intentions, so the Western Emperor can rest assured."

Between words, they formed a six-on-three situation.

The Fu Emperor of the Pagoda, the Master of the Wuchang Hall of the Judgment Hall, the Ming Taishi of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the Underworld Emperor of the Necromantic Empire all stood on the side of the Star Temple.

This situation made the powerful people in the Indistinguishable Dao Realm of the Star Temple breathe a sigh of relief. It's okay, it's okay...

The four major forces did not join forces with the Sky Alliance, otherwise their Star Temple would have suffered heavy losses.

This is the Dragon King of Tianmeng saying: "Stop talking nonsense and give us an explanation quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

At this time, the Heavenly Thunder Armor appeared on the body of the Second Palace Master, and coldly said: "I told you, I don't know, you have been exploring our Star Palace every day these days, and despite your strength, you haven't caught anyone?"

The Dragon King exuded a powerful aura and said in a cold voice: "Hmph, if you hadn't been in cahoots with each other, how could I not have caught him? I missed him every time. I suspect it was your Star Temple that was responsible."

Someone from the Tianmeng who had not spoken yet said, "I do have an idea."


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