From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 326: Majoring In The Avenue Of Time, Competing For Geniuses [10/10]

Lin Fan read through a lot of information on the Star Temple.

The Indistinguishable Dao realm has not appeared in Time Avenue, I don’t know why…………

It may be because the Dao of Time is incomplete. Of course, it is unlikely that the Evil God Ancient Realm is very powerful. Logically speaking, the time is so big that even if it is weak, it can still allow the emergence of strong people in the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

Because there are records in ancient books that some people broke through the time tribulation of the Dao Fusion realm, but it seems that they failed...

The Infinite became a revenant under Heavenly Tribulation.

Over the course of Ten Thousand Years, there have been more than 100 Transcend Tribulators on Time Avenue, but all of them ended in failure.

Lin Fan is not afraid of the catastrophe of the Great Path of Time.

Firstly, it's because he is now in the Indistinguishable Dao realm. If the Time Avenue reaches the Fusion Dao realm and wants to break through the Indistinguishable Dao realm, he can directly start to invade the Time Avenue... without having to cross the tribulation of the Avenue at all.

Secondly, he is not afraid of Transcend Tribulation. Even if there is Heavenly Tribulation, he can go directly into Cave Heaven Paradise after he can no longer bear it. Cave Heaven Paradise can block Heavenly Tribulation, just like the breakthrough of Tiancao, he can also do this... ....

This seemed to be his last resort.

The five major forces all attach great importance to their ownerless avenue. Every time Lin Fan takes action, he is discovered without occupying much of the avenue.

It's very uncomfortable, being watched by the Lord of the Avenue, and he can't invade the Avenue.

If he hadn't escaped in time, I'm afraid he would have been caught by the Western Emperor, Lei Huang and others...

Now it seems that only the Avenue of Time is suitable for him, but the Avenue of Time is too powerful.

The progress of understanding is slow…………

The Avenue of Time can be said to be the strongest avenue.

Now Lin Fan has just introduced the Ninth Stage...

It’s almost time to break through the Fusion Dao Realm...

Now it seems that Sect disciples must focus on cultivating the Avenue of Time...

There is a Cultivation Technique in the Sutra Pavilion that can Realm the Avenue of Time. Lin Fan first gives the Cultivation Technique to the disciples in the Time Pagoda.

Let them go to Insight...

Time Avenue Realm has indeed been enhanced a lot.

Lin Fan sent his avatar to the Sect station to teach Cultivation Technique to Canglan Sect disciples...

It doesn't matter whether they can learn it or not, as long as they are geniuses, teach them.

Time Cultivation Technique requires Talent, and it takes a genius to understand it.

Therefore, he will not teach students with poor qualifications. There is no need.

Talent is destined by God????*??*?

No Talent means there is no Talent for them, and they also understand.

There are still many geniuses in Canglan, but more geniuses have been taken under the command of the Star Temple, or other major forces in the New God Realm have taken them into Sect.

Comparatively speaking, they have the most disciples, but not many top talents.

Most of them have already entered the Time Tower…………

Lin Fan gave them Cultivation Technique Martial Skill Insight,

The progress of understanding the avenue of time has increased.

But this growth is still very slow.

The Avenue of Time is worthy of being the first avenue.

According to this progress, it will still take several years to reach the peak of Fusion Dao Realm...

This is absolutely not possible. We can't live together for that long...

He, the Canglan Sect, has already conquered so much. If his strength does not improve, the entire Sect will live in depression.

They Sect do not have the Lord of the Dao, he is just the Indistinguishable Dao realm…………

Too many Sect disciples have been bullied. As a Sect Leader, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

Only in this way can Sect disciples be protected from being bullied by other forces...

Their Sect lacks high-end combat power, and Lin Fan is the only one in the Indistinguishable Dao realm, and his clone also has the strength of the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

Except for a small number of Elders who are above the realm of enlightenment.

The strength of other Sect disciples is below the level of enlightenment.

It can be said that ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of their Sect's disciples are under the realm of enlightenment.

There are very few strong people at the top. If the distribution continues, there will only be a few strong people in each layer.

Most of them were strong men that Lin Fan used his strength to suppress. They were just outsiders. If anyone stronger than them attacked, they would immediately switch sides.

Nowadays, there are many people who are cheating and cheating, and they divide the sects into money-making tools. There are too many sects, and Lin Fan has no time to deal with them.

Their Sect combat power is very weak.

There are many people in the Star God Realm who are more powerful than them.

Therefore, Lin Fan must improve his strength as soon as possible......

The strength of the Lord of the Avenue can shock everything.

They must have at least the strength of a second-class Grand Dao Lord to protect them from being bullied.

So Lin Fan started a talent grabbing plan.

In the vast world of chaos (Nuo Zhao's), the most indispensable thing is genius, but most of the top geniuses have been accepted by the Star God Realm.

I want to speed up the realization of the avenue of time.

Lin Fan can only go and rob people...

So he issued a mission to search for information about the top geniuses of the human race...

After collecting the information, start with your own avatar.

To capture the human geniuses among the major forces…………

After being captured, let them join the Canglan Sect first, and then teach them the Cultivation Technique...

We still encountered problems, and those peerless geniuses who were worth tens of millions were well protected.

Most of them are the masters of the Dao, the disciples of the powerful Indistinguishable Dao.... Lung....

He went to rob and was killed several times...

He had no choice but to take action himself………….

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