From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 334: Demons, That’S It? 【8/10】

Lin Fan looked relaxed and playful: "So, you want to play with me?"

Ever since I roughly knew my own strength.

For the Indistinguishable Dao situation, he has completely ignored To put in one’s eyes…………

Even though this is not his dojo, he is not afraid.

The power of the great road in his body is enough to deal with what is in front of him.

And even if it's not his dojo, as an Indistinguishable Dao state, he can still use the power of the avenue, but it's more difficult to use the power of the avenue...

The more than 10 Indistinguishable Dao people who gathered around were stunned when they saw Lin Fan's confident appearance...

What gave him the courage to be so calm and calm.

Even if you are in the Indistinguishable Dao realm of the second-class avenue, you will be moved when faced with such a scene!

He actually stood still and didn't run away, which surprised them all...

"Giggle, giggle, my sister likes my personality. I like to play with my sister the most. How about you accompany my sister back to Immortal Cave to play?"

"Do you want to kill him, Ghost Mother? There are dozens of ghost kings in your ghost cave. I'm afraid this kid can't handle it, so you should be my medicine man first! I have developed a lot of new Medicine Pills recently.

I just need someone who can carry it... I think he is suitable. "

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? Why are you robbing people now? It's the same old rule, before you beat me up, I'll do it three, five or seven times. Those who don't do it will be in trouble with me, the Shark Beach Crocodile Tyrant."

"Okay, okay, just stick to the old rules, give them a beating, don't mess with those who have something, I haven't had a fight in a long time."

"Who says it's not? I haven't moved my muscles for a long time. It's hard for me to become a new person who can resist beatings. I'll talk about it after beatings."

During the words, several Indistinguishable Dao scenes have been taken action.

Lin Fan could tell that they were not human, but they were all in human form now.

And they didn’t even use weapons, they just punched them...

It seems like I really want to stretch my muscles...

Just right.

Lin Fan had a mark of the undead in his hand, and he palmed one of them in human form.

Grabbing his fist, the undead mark had already entered his body.

The Indistinguishable Dao-level expert who was struck by the attack stepped back a distance, looked at his fist, and murmured to himself, "Well, what kind of magic spell is this? You are practicing the Great Talisman Path, what kind of spell is this?"

It's kind of interesting, I actually erased the calendar. he spoke.

The other fists met Lin Fan again.

They all seemed to be playing…………

I just wanted to beat Lin Fan with my body.

Since they only use the power of the physical body, Lin Fan also only uses the power of the physical body...

It is easier to use the Curse of the Undead because of physical contact.

When Lin Fan was sparring with one of them, he was punched in the back.

The terrifying force shook Lin Fan's internal organs. He only used his physical strength, so he was beaten away.

However, Lin Fan's Chaos God and Demon Body has been cultivated to the point where he has returned to his original nature.

His physique is comparable to that of the Innate Chaos God and Demon, and a fist of this strength cannot hurt him at all.

And the Indistinguishable Dao who was fighting against him was also cursed by the undead...

They are really big-hearted...

He is also a strong man who is trying to seal the Devil World.

It is said that every strong person who survives in "Sealing the Devil World" is a Devil to the outside world...

Lin Fan is confused?

It makes people fear the demon clan, is that all?

This is too stupid!

Of course, it is also because of him that he knows the special secret technique of the Curse of the Dead. Only he knows this secret technique...

If it were another Indistinguishable Dao situation, he might have run away on the spot, so how could he dare to fight with them!

Maybe in their eyes, Lin Fan is also stupid!

Lin Fan, who was knocked away, was kicked again, but was blocked by his hand...

The undead curse takes time to condense, and Lin Fan can only take two hits in passive defense?

The curse of the dead is condensed in his palm...

The body of the beasts is the Indistinguishable Dao state of the beast tribe, fighting with the physical body, the most primitive physical body.

His returning to nature boxing skills worked, and he was not at all inferior, even if they were in large numbers...

He can predict the next moves of several others while fighting each other, and it is very easy to deal with them.

In this situation where one enemy is against many, he never loses.

Several Indistinguishable Dao realms were very surprised. They were all old antiques. In fact, they were also very good at this most primitive martial arts fighting.

The Spiritual Qi in Devil World has been sealed again because it was targeted...

Over time, these powerful people have developed the habit of saving the power of the avenue and Spirit Power.

They have become accustomed to conserving the power and Spirit Power in their bodies, so they will engage in hand-to-hand combat with Lin Fan first...

I didn’t expect that this person could actually defeat many enemies with one, which is really scary. This person’s understanding of Martial Dao and combat is not simple...

What a monster!

Another possibility is that the great path he cultivates can predict the future.

You can predict their moves, and it's much easier to deal with them when you know how others will move.

But because Lin Fan gave them a spell, they all thought that Lin Fan should be in the Indistinguishable Dao state of the Talisman Avenue...

Talisman Avenue should not have the ability to predict the future.

There is no special feeling for those who are under the undead spell.

Soon they joined the battle and even started to use the power of the avenue. The battle made them feel very happy inside.

I haven't had such a pleasant battle in a long time.

They didn't care either...

Except for one woman who deliberately avoided his undead curse, the other fifteen Indistinguishable Dao realms were all cursed by him.

The woman who deliberately avoids him every time is the woman called the ghost mother.

She was very keen and seemed to have noticed that the spell in Lin Fan's hand was not simple.

Every attack was deliberately avoided... and never came into contact with Lin Fan's hands.

They couldn't hurt Lin Fan, and the battle gradually escalated.

Everyone began to use the power of the avenue to fight......

Lin Fan also used the power of the Dao, the charm to confuse them, and the various Dao cooperated to resist their attacks... and he was still able to do so with ease.

He even started to use the Avenue of Time, and he has now entered the First Stage of the Fusion of Dao Realm through the cultivation of the Avenue of Time.

The Avenue of Time can affect their movements and even the flow of time in the surrounding void...

It can actually affect the Indistinguishable Dao state, which is worthy of being the first avenue in the world...

Finally someone couldn't help but use weapons, which made it impossible to play.

Lin Fan fled on the spot.

There have been many Indistinguishable Dao Realm spectators gathered around. If the fight continues, they are afraid that they will establish a Dao Barrier, and then Lin Fan will only be able to expose himself.

Moreover, the weapons in their hands are not simple and can hurt him.

He directly shattered the space and escaped...

"There's no way he can run away. Stop him."

Lin Fan received a blow in the void, but luckily he reacted quickly enough to block it.0.

There are a bunch of Indistinguishable Dao around him ready, waiting for him to take action when he runs.

It was so shameless, Lin Fan could only be forced to continue fighting with them.

"Samsara punch"

"Wheel of Ten Thousand Tribulations"

"Ten Thousand Dao Array"

"Swallowing Heaven and Earth"

… He’s not holding back either.

Use whatever means you have.

Use all your means.

He fights dozens of Indistinguishable Dao realms by himself.

Both sides hurt each other.

But Lin Fan is really strong. If he had been besieged by dozens of Indistinguishable Dao in other Indistinguishable Dao realms, he might have been beaten to the point of dying......

Lin Fan became more and more courageous as he fought. After throwing out several Ten Thousand Dao Formations, he separated into several incarnations to attract attention.

Covering everything up by devouring the heaven and earth, he opened the entrance to the Cave Heaven Paradise, got in, and immediately closed the entrance.

He had no choice but to run away. He couldn't bear it if this continued.

Because there are more and more Indistinguishable situations joining the battle...

The entrance to the Cave Heaven Paradise was bound to a divine weapon by him. It was not a big problem. It didn't matter who got it.

After the Wandao Formation was destroyed.

"It's his grandma's, why did he let him run away?"

"I was surrounded by dozens of people to kill one person, but he actually let others run away. Hahaha, I am laughing so hard."

"Don't make any sarcastic remarks. This man is very strong. If you don't defeat him, he will want to take revenge on any of you. Can you hold him back?"

"You are afraid of revenge, but I am not afraid of the ghost cave."

"Don't think that I don't know what you are trying to do to get him to join your forces!"

"Amitābha, that's good, that's good. This person is destined to my Fangcun Mountain, and I won't let him go. This person belongs to me."

"Wake up! Monk, stop daydreaming. He will join you in Fangcun Mountain. Don't laugh your teeth off me."

"I didn't expect this kid to be so accomplished. Where did he go? Didn't you see the Indistinguishable Dao realm outside?"

"I still want him to be my medicine man, but it's a pity...

"It's impossible for people to just disappear out of thin air. Didn't you see that just now? Where did they escape to?"

"Everyone split up and look for it. It must be hidden."

"Whoever finds 1.6 will get it?"

Dozens of Indistinguishable Dao environments, each with its own hidden agenda.

Everyone is looking for the whereabouts of the immortal Lin Fan.

Little did he know that he was in a sword picked up by an Indistinguishable Dao. This sword is bound to the Cave Heaven Paradise, and he can open the entrance and come out at any time.

But he just came in and didn't want to go out so soon.

There is good food and drink in Dongtian Paradise, and Huang Xianyi and the others are there, so it’s much better than outside...

Let them search carefully first.

He was not in a hurry anyway.

Lin Fan in Dongtian Paradise has started drinking and eating meat.

at the same time......

Deep in the Devil's World, an old man with colorful hair in a coffin in a cemetery suddenly opened his eyes with a lying body like a bank account.

He murmured to himself: "Can cave treasures contain Indistinguishable Dao realm? It's impossible! He looks in good health, I want it..."

At the same time, in the Devil's Temple not far away, a woman in a wind robe ordered: "You must find him for me, capture him and hand him over to me. Once informed, he will be your man's favorite..."

At this moment, the entire Devil World suddenly changed color.

"Well, Lord Devil Emperor?"

"Well, Tudi Deva?"

"Impossible! The Devil Emperor is born?"

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