From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 354: Ending, Harvest [Please Subscribe]

In fact, it was already after the clone arrived to seal Devil World.

He has been paying attention to the trends here.

He has long since come out of the Paradise of Cave Heaven.

The wait is finally here…………

The Devil Emperor's killer move is his first move.

He actually killed an Indistinguishable Dao state directly.

He quickly identified what path he was practicing in the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

At the moment when that Indistinguishable Dao died.

Lin Fan started to seize the avenue......

If you don’t grab it now, wait until later.

He has already arranged the Ten Thousand Dao Formation in advance, even if the Lord of the Dao comes.

He's not even afraid.

He had enough time to escape.

He basically knows all the avenues, and he has already reached the peak of the Fusion Dao realm by dying on the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

With the Indistinguishable Dao realm dead, he can immediately begin to occupy the avenue.

Moreover, his understanding of the avenue is very high, and he can invade the avenue very quickly...

Devil Emperor killed this strong man in the Indistinguishable Dao realm and occupied 24% of the avenue.

Lin Fan grabbed one percent of it every minute.

So cool. "Eight Nine Seven"

He was also quickly encroaching on the avenue.

Devil Emperor strikes again.

The goal is still Indistinguishable Dao environment.

However, this time his attack was blocked by the two Heavenly Alliance Lords.

Unexpectedly, the two masters of the avenue were sent flying backwards, with cracks appearing on their bodies.

Devil Emperor is too strong!

at the same time.

The masters of the Demon Clan's Dao, seeing how fierce the Devil Emperor was, they also took action.

Those submissive demons Indistinguishable Daojing also took action.

Because they know that they have only one end, and that is death.

Either way it's death.

Even if you die, you must die standing.

They are all old antiques who have lived for many years, and they can still see the situation clearly at this time.

If you don't resist, there will be no hope at all.

Their Devil Emperor has taken the lead, so naturally they won't give up.

You have to resist even to death.

You won't lose if you kill one, but you will gain if you kill two.

Thousands of Indistinguishable Daojing took action, and dozens of Avenue Lords took action.

Also without respecting martial ethics, the Lord of the Dao took action against the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

Even two Dao Lords attacked an Indistinguishable Dao at the same time.

Several Indistinguishable Dao realms were targeted to death,

You don’t even follow martial ethics and carry out sneak attacks...

Seeing this scene,

Whether it is the Tianmeng or the Indistinguishable Dao realm of the five major forces.

They all panicked.

Many Indistinguishable Dao realms retreated directly,

Fortunately, the Lord of the Avenue stepped up and maintained the situation.

Otherwise, they would lose 10% in terms of momentum.

But it's a pity that the demons are using their arms as a chariot.

There are dozens of avenue masters, and there are probably thousands of avenue masters from the five major forces of the Tianmeng.

Seven or eight avenue masters, fight one avenue master.

Handle it easily,

With the same strength, if you are beaten by seven or eight people, you know the outcome without even thinking about it.

The Lords of the Dao of the Demon Clan are faced with enemies from both sides, and they are helpless in the face of various sneak attacks.

The situation is one-sided.

No surprise, the demons were completely at a disadvantage.

The battle in the Indistinguishable Dao realm is also at a disadvantage. Ten thousand Indistinguishable Dao realms fight a thousand Indistinguishable Dao realms.

There is no way around this gap.

There are already Indistinguishable Dao strong men on the demon side who have directly self-destructed.

There is still a problem, that is, the space is too small.

On the one hand, we must pay attention to the battle between the masters of the avenue and prevent sneak attacks.

Also pay attention to the actions of the people on your side.

Lin Fan's clone was accidentally injured......

Not to mention other Indistinguishable Dao realms.

Fortunately, the Indistinguishable Dao realm on their side didn't use any killer moves, and the damage was consumed...

The Devil Emperor was the worst. The Devil Emperor was besieged and killed by more than 20 Daoist beings.

The void seal has been broken, and I don’t know where it went.

Lin Fan doesn't care, he's just happy with his main body...

Many avenues are vacant.

As soon as the battle started, several Indistinguishable Dao died.

There are vacancies on several avenues.

However, his energy is limited and he cannot be distracted and seize other avenues.

That would greatly reduce his speed in seizing the avenue.

We can only come one by one.

At the same time, the clone Yaksha tribe leader has taken action.

Now is the critical moment for the war with the demons, and the focus of all forces is this war.

Why do you say that!

the reason is simple.

War means sacrifice

As long as a strong person with Indistinguishable Dao realm sacrifices, "the avenue will be freed up."

In fact, every force, whether it is the Tianmeng Alliance or the five major forces, cultivates strong Dao Fusion Realm experts for each avenue.

Just to wait for this kind of variable,

Just at this time.

As long as there is a free avenue, these long-prepared Dao Fusion Realm can try to break through.

They are different from Lin Fan.

Because they are in the realm of integrating the Dao, not occupying the Dao.

But by breaking through, experiencing Heavenly Tribulation, and gaining the recognition of the Dao, they can quickly control the Dao.

The speed of breaking through and controlling the avenue is the fastest......

Therefore, their eyes and all intelligence personnel will basically focus on this battle.

His avatar is the leader of the Yaksha tribe. In fact, their tribe has also cultivated many Fusion Dao realms.

If there is a chance at this time, they will not be polite.

At this time, the human race is definitely not as strict as before in protecting the geniuses in their own race.

Or young geniuses, they don’t care at all,

Just throw it into a secret realm.

And the secret realm, Minor World, Sect, where the human race hides its genius,

Lin Fan has been laying it out for a long time, so he naturally knows it.

If you don’t take action at this time, wait until later.

He let the Yaksha clan harass him, and took the strong men he had trained into the star realm of the Tianmen people.

Go directly to the place where the human race cultivates geniuses and capture these geniuses.

Everything is to control the avenue of time.

Even when he was occupying the main road, he never forgot about it.

As long as these geniuses are obtained, there are many ways for them to join the Canglan Sect.

Just catch them...

The human race has also cultivated many Tao Fusion realms.

They are also paying attention to the war. If there is a vacant avenue, they will send people to seize it as soon as possible.

Every powerful ethnic group has its own intelligence organization.

Little did they know that just when they were seizing the avenue.

Lin Fan will take action against them.

However, the Indistinguishable Dao realms that sit on the territory of the human race are all the Indistinguishable Dao realms of other races.

Even if something like this happened to the human race, they would turn a blind eye.

Therefore, Lin Fan's clone was very successful and captured many talented characters...

When the strong men of the human race reacted, they were already too slow.

They are obsessed with seizing the road and don't care about the geniuses in their clan.

Anyway, as time goes by, the most indispensable thing is genius.

They are strong.

The strong ones above the Fusion Dao Realm, the strong ones above the Fusion Dao Realm, are more important than ten thousand top geniuses if not more than one repurchasing a big clan.

After Lin Fan obtained the clone, he did not forget to create an identity for himself in the Tianmeng human race.

He is a strong man from the human race in the Fusion Dao Realm......

In fact, he has already been arrested.

But Lin Fan used his identity to become the Indistinguishable Dao Realm Xingtu that the human race took advantage of to break through this time.

To this end, Lin Fan also let a clone of himself in Devil World come back.

It just so happens that only that clone has no identity, it is a complete vacancy.

He is now making an identity 4.3 for the human race who is in the Tianmeng.

In the future, he can use this identity to establish the Canglan Sect.

At that time, we can legitimately call on the geniuses of the human race.

Consider it a rainy day!

The battle to seal Devil World is over.

The Devil Emperor, the Heavenly Alliance, and the Lords of the Five Great Powers all went somewhere.

Basically, all the demon masters of the avenue have been killed in their true form. However, since they have their origins in the avenue of heaven and earth, it is not easy to kill them completely.

However, basically all the masters of the demon clan were seriously injured, and even the master of prophecy was not spared.

As for the powerful ones in the Indistinguishable Dao realm, basically all of them were killed...

A lot of avenues have been opened up.

Lin Fan has always been grabbing the avenue.

He occupied dozens of them, but only occupied a few percent of them. Then someone broke through and took control, so he couldn't continue to occupy them.

Several of them account for more than ten percent.


Soon after these avenues were vacated, they were all taken over.

However, his strength has been greatly improved this time, and the most important thing is...

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