From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 357: The Death Of The Devil Emperor, The Whole World Is The Enemy [Please Subscribe]

Devil Emperor takes action for the first time after disappearing for two months.

The target of the attack was the Tianmeng clan.

That is the race to which the Ming Emperor belongs.

There are many masters of Minghuang Avenue, but they occupy a large territory.

As soon as the Devil Emperor took action, he wiped out tens of thousands of life stars in the Ming Clan.

This shot.

The entire Evil God Ancient World was completely plunged into panic.

Countless creatures condemned the Tianmeng...

Isn't it good to live peacefully with the closed Devil World?

He just wanted to destroy the demon clan.

The demon clan has been wiped out, and the entire Devil World has been destroyed.

But the Devil Emperor escaped.

Now it's their turn to suffer...

Now the Ming clan is facing a great disaster and they are being massacred.

All races feel that the Ming clan deserves what they deserve.

Emperor Ming launched a war to exterminate demons, and Emperor Guang took revenge on the Ming clan as a matter of course.

But everyone knows that what happened to the Ming clan is likely to be their next fate.

The Keming clan has a Minghuang, who can immediately summon the masters of the avenue to take action against the Devil Emperor.

After repelling the Devil Emperor, the Devil Emperor was besieged and killed by the Lord of the Avenue again.

But they let the Devil Emperor escape again...

Devil Emperor's escape methods are too strong. In fact, they have made a lot of preparations.

Still let him run away.

The Devil Emperor is far more powerful than they imagined.

Now is

Whoever the Devil Emperor wants to kill can stop him.

Who does the Devil Emperor want to kill, and who dares to stop him?

None of the more than twenty first-class masters of the avenue were his opponents.

Now the Devil Emperor is - 377 time bombs.

I don't know when it will explode.

But this time he took action, only to massacre the star realm of the Ming clan.

The emperor ordered him to explain that Emperor Guang had been severely injured by them.

It won't appear again in a short time,

I don’t know if it’s true or not, maybe it’s just to appease various ethnic groups.

Therefore, the direct fighting between various ethnic groups intensified.

Even the powerful ones in the Fusion Dao Realm took action.

Competing for resources and turf.

Mainly the strong ones from the Tianmeng and the five major forces.

They are all worried about the motorcycles and have no time to distract themselves from the battles between these races.

What they really care about is the Devil Emperor who threatens their lives.

As for the battle between these buildings, they don't want to deal with it at all.

Even the masters of these races don't want to care about these things.

Lord of the avenue. They are all arranged to act as spies everywhere, and as soon as the Devil Emperor shows up, they will go there.

Already had a fight with the Devil Emperor.

Devil Emperor is the biggest hidden danger at present

Unless the Devil Emperor is eliminated, neither the Heavenly Alliance nor the powerful men of the five major forces will be able to settle down.

So much so that the Lords of the Avenues sent by the five major forces to fight outside the territory have all returned...

For example, the Great Hall Lord of the Star Temple is back.

The Lord of the Great Hall is the ceiling of the Star Temple's combat power. Originally, he was still fighting against the weak Chaos World.

After receiving the news from Devil Emperor, he also returned.

The avenue he controls is in the Evil God Ancient Realm. Apart from the Evil God Ancient Realm, his strength is actually only in the Tao Fusion Realm. It's just that some of the power of the avenue is formed in his body to give him the strength to achieve the purpose of the avenue.

Therefore, the strong men who fight outside the territory will return to the Evil God Ancient Realm every once in a while to replenish the power of the great avenue in their bodies.

In other words, as long as they get close to the evil god's ancient world, they can use the power of the avenue they control.

It’s not just the Star Temple. The Lord of the Great Hall is back.

The Lord of the Avenue sent by the Judgment Hall has also returned.

The Pagoda, the Great Qin Dynasty, the Undead Empire, and the Lords of the Great Dao sent out have all returned...

They also worked very hard to kill the Devil Emperor.

Basically, all the strong men sent out have returned.

The purpose is to deal with the Devil Emperor.

It seems that the location of the Devil Emperor has been discovered by them.

Lin Fan knew so many avenues and received more or less news.

This is news from Avenue.

Wherever the Devil Emperor hides, the avenue he controls gives him a location.

Somehow, he had learned the location of the Devil Emperor.

Perhaps it was because the Devil Emperor was too strong and beyond the endurance of this chaotic world, so he was suppressed.

As long as he is still in this chaotic world, he cannot escape the capture of the avenue.

Lin Fan controls more avenues, and he even got a picture in his mind that the Devil Emperor is now hiding in a dead star realm.

He was covered in it. Covered with karmic fire, destruction, death, old age, and desolation. All kinds of images were happening around him.

Lin Fan didn't know what happened either.

This is similar to the suppression of the life star.

For example, an Emperor Grade destiny star can cultivate a strong person at the enlightenment level.

However, when those who are beyond the realm of enlightenment want to enter (abci) this destiny star, they will be blocked by the destiny star.

Even if you enter the destiny star, you will be completely suppressed by the destiny star, and your own strength will be greatly reduced.

What Devil Emperor is experiencing now seems to be that he has been suppressed.

And what suppressed him was the entire ancient world of evil gods,

He should be feeling very uncomfortable right now.

Because he was in an extreme environment.

No matter how powerful he is, he is still consumed every moment.

I believe that other Dao Lords have also received similar news, and even other Fusion Dao Realm experts have seen the scene of the Devil Emperor being burned by fire.

After learning about the tragic situation of Devil Emperor.

Everyone is very happy.

It turns out that if he is too powerful, he will be suppressed by the Chaos World, and even the Chaos World wants to obliterate him.

This may be because he has entered the realm of Tao Ancestor!

As Devil Emperor said.

Eat people today.

He stepped into the realm of Tao Ancestor and wanted to transcend the world and escape from the chaotic world, so he would be suppressed.

The chaotic world may not be able to kill him directly, but judging from the behavior of Hades Emperor and others.

I am afraid that the entire avenue in the chaotic world will be involved in the actions of the micro-business Devil Emperor.

It is very possible that the masters of the avenue sent by the five major forces are not willing to come back.

But they felt the change in their control of the avenue. If they did not come back, it is very likely that their right to control the avenue would be deprived of them.

And they came back with only one purpose, and that was to kill the Devil Emperor.

Lin Fan has seen this scene, and he believes that other Indistinguishable Dao realms have also seen this scene, and the Lord of the Dao is no exception.

The Devil Emperor has now been exposed.

Originally thought he was. There are many methods, especially the ability to escape and hide, which is invincible.

But the chaotic world they live in directly reduces the dimensionality,

The Devil Emperor has nowhere to hide.

No matter how he escapes, no matter how he hides, no matter how he hides.

No one can escape the capture of the Evil God Ancient Realm. As long as he is still in the Evil God Ancient Realm,

He can't escape...

His position keeps changing, but not long after his position changes, Lin Fan can see his picture.

The Devil Emperor seems to have attracted the attention of the origin of the world by attacking the life clan.

He is asking for trouble!


If he doesn't take action, it is very likely that he will not be able to eliminate it for a longer time.

Now it seems that he has been locked in position by countless big ones.

Lin Fan now somewhat believes that the Devil Emperor and what he said are true.

The Tianmeng and the five major forces sealed him because of his breakthrough, and even made him bear the name and become the infamous Devil Emperor.

Now the Devil Emperor is suppressed by the Chaos World and is the enemy of the whole world.

Maybe the Devil Emperor really wants to use his paradise to shield the world.

He came up with the Ancient World of Evil Gods.

As long as he is out of the endless void of the Evil God's ancient world, he can roam around.

He seemed like a bird imprisoned by the evil god in the ancient world.

Even all their creatures are imprisoned......

After figuring this out.

Lin Fan is thinking about something now...

If he can really control the avenue of time and become the master of the avenue of time,

Then will he………………

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