From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 359: Devil Emperor Comes To Cooperate [Please Subscribe]

What accident happened?

The Devil Emperor was discovered again by the five major forces and the Lord of the Heavenly Alliance...

The two sides fought again.

After the Devil Emperor severely wounded the Lord of Numbers of Fate Avenue.

The severely wounded Devil Emperor was severely injured again.

So much so that the Devil Emperor's real body was shattered and his clone escaped...

Because the Devil Emperor's real body was destroyed and his strength was greatly reduced, the image of the Devil Emperor was never heard from the avenue again.

The Tianmeng and the five major forces won a great victory.

Now all the creatures in the evil ancient world feel at ease...

The whole world is an enemy,

No matter how powerful the Devil Emperor is, he can't do the "903" method.

Is this a fight against the chaotic world?

Hear the news.

Lin Fan also breathed a sigh of relief, he finally no longer had to worry.

The Tianmeng and the five major forces may have lied, but the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth did not speak.

He did not see the Devil Emperor's picture, and Chaos Heaven and Earth did not tell him the Devil Emperor's location.

It seems that the Devil Emperor was really seriously injured?

However, the Devil Emperor is not dead, and Lin Fan doesn't know if he can make a comeback.

But Lin Fan really felt safe.

It’s been less than two days since the real body left the Cave Heaven Paradise.

The Devil Emperor actually came...


Lin Fan was drinking in a city inn on a destiny star.

Suddenly a dark figure sat opposite him.

It was the Devil Emperor he had seen not long ago…………

Devil Emperor is no longer as elegant as he used to be, and his sense of oppression is gone.

Lin Fan was shocked.

He immediately said calmly: "Devil Emperor, aren't you afraid that I will expose you?"

Devil Emperor smiled and said: "Why should I be afraid? It should be you! But you don't have to be afraid. I also want to thank you. If you hadn't let me enter that strange space, I wouldn't be able to gain insight into the current Realm. Daozu The mystery of the realm,”

Lin Fan was no longer calm now: "Devil Emperor, what do you mean, I don't understand."

Devil Emperor laughed loudly and explained: "Haha, you don't think I was really hit hard! It's just that I split the avenue. If my strength declines, the chaotic world will not be able to lock my position, otherwise I will be killed every day. It’s so annoying to chase and kill......"

Lin Fan: "I see. Congratulations Devil Emperor, but I don't understand how you found me."

Devil Emperor: "You have occupied almost half of the main road of the Lord of Prophecy. Isn't it easy to find you?"

But you have also saved her. She is about to be assimilated. Giving up part of the avenue can buy her more time.

You should know why I came to you. "

Lin Fan: "You want me to take you out of the world of chaos?"

Devil Emperor shook his head and said: "No, no, no, you don't have much strength yet, I want to help you."

Lin Fan was confused, "Help me?"

Devil Emperor said: "Your current strength is too weak. Even if you want to help me, you can't get out. Besides, in my current state, it's useless to get out.

I want to help you improve your strength and help you replace one of the five major forces within ten years.

When you take control of the exit from the chaotic world, "Only you can help me."

Lin Fan: "World Exit?"

Devil Emperor explained: "Every chaotic world is not closed. There must be world exits, but these world exits are sealed, and some are heavily controlled by soldiers. With your current strength, you cannot reach them... ....

There are three world exits in the Evil God Ancient World.

One is in the hands of Tianmeng and has been sealed 0.

One is controlled by the five major forces and has heavy military support.

There's another one I don't know where.

If you want to help me get out, you have to control at least one world exit. Your current strength is not enough, far from it. "

Lin Fan asked: "How are you going to help me?"

Devil Emperor said: "The world exit is sealed by the Tianmeng. Your goal is the world exit controlled by the five major forces. This world exit is jointly controlled by the five major forces.

You can only help me by replacing one of them. "

Lin Fan asked again: "You know the strength of the five major forces better than I do. How can we replace them?"

Devil Emperor smiled and said: "Others may not be able to do it, but you can,

Because you are the chosen one,

All avenues have an affinity for you, and you can control them all if conditions permit.

I'll help you kill some avenue lords, and you can seize their avenues. "

Lin Fan admitted, "That's true, but aren't you afraid that I will regret it?"

Devil Emperor laughed at himself: "At this point, you are my only hope of getting out. Do I have any other choice?"

It's up to you whether you want to help or not when the time comes.

It's my business to help you replace the Star Temple.

Lin Fan raised his glass and said, "It's a pleasure to cooperate,"

"Hahahaha, happy cooperation. The Lord of the Great Hall of the Star Temple, and the Lord of the Second Hall were seriously injured by me, so you should replace the Star Temple! I will inform you in advance that I will take action against the Lord of the Avenue."

Lin Fan was horrified and said: "The Lord of the Avenue, can you kill him?"

Devil Emperor smiled and said: "I'm not sure, but let me enter that wonderful space, maybe I can find a way."

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