From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 37 You, The Canglan Sect, Are Not Qualified

Yuxian City is one of the four major cities in Linsha County.

That's right.

The three major eighth-grade Sect and seventh-grade Sect Black Sand Sect each occupy one city.

One of the few big cities with a population of over a million people.

It is not at the same level as Cang Yan City, and it is also one of the six cities where Elder Langya operates secretly.

Lin Fan happened to think Cangyan City was boring, so it would be good to go to Yuxian City.

He still doesn’t know what Yuxian City is like!

In my memory, he has never been there...

Early the next morning, Lin Fan and Huang Xianyi set off for Yuxian City and took the first-order Magical Beasts there.

There is a ninth-grade Sect in Linsha County called the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, which is good at taming beasts. The business between the cities is basically their sect's business.

They are also the strongest among the ninth-grade Sects, and the most likely to become the eighth-grade Sect among the ninth-grade Sects in Linsha County.

Knowing that Lin Fan was attending a genius conference, they didn't charge any money.

Lin Fan is riding a first-level flying Magical Beast, named a vulture, which is the most tame flying Magical Beast. Many Sects have tamed them for transportation, but the Ten Thousand Beast Sect is more powerful and directly raises vultures in captivity and tames them to make money.

Vultures don't fly very fast, but they are much faster than driving.

After flying for three hours, they arrived at Yuxian City.

Vultures were not allowed to fly over the city, so they stopped at the inn two miles away from Yuxian City.

But before coming down, he still saw Yuxian City, which was really big.

After coming down, Lin Fan and Huang Xianyi walked straight towards Yuxian City.

After entering the city, Lin Fan took Huang Xianyi directly to the best inn.

When I entered the inn, I realized that I had a little money with me...

He found 100,000 gold tickets in the Sect warehouse. Huang Xianyi only had 300,000 gold tickets. The others were distributed among the beggars in Cangyan City and gave Long Yi 1 million.

A little embarrassing...

The best room in the inn costs 100,000 gold tickets a day, and the menu is all first-level Magical Beasts, and any dish costs a thousand gold tickets...

Lin Fan also wanted to reimburse them for the inn's signature dishes, but the money bag was too small...

Huang Xianyi looked at the hotel's housing grade and whispered, "Why don't you stay in a B-class room?"

Lin Fan shook his head and said: "A-class rooms are open for two days."

The waiter said: "Okay! It's a first-class room. Xiu'er will take this young man there."

It seemed that he deliberately spoke loudly so that Lin Fan and the others had no way out.

Huang Xianyi deserves to hand over the golden ticket.

The waiter in the shop said respectfully: "Sir, please, Xiu'er is your exclusive girl. If you need anything, just ask her to go."

As he spoke, he pointed at the thin girl with a delicate face who was running next to her.

Xiuer? The name is interesting.

Lin Fan said calmly: "Lead the way!"

The little girl said respectfully: "Master, please come here. I will be the master's maid these two days. If you need anything, just ask me."

Lin Fan glanced at Huang Xianyi and ordered: "Give her 20,000 gold tickets, Xiu'er, take us there, and prepare a table of food for us. You can decide which dish to order."

The little girl was a little confused and asked anxiously: "Master, don't you look at the menu?"

Lin Fan said: "No, it's up to you to decide what's delicious and what's delicious!"

"Okay, sir."

After the meal, Lin Fan contacted Langya and found out that he was not in Yuxian City. He had gone to Heisha City under the jurisdiction of Heisha Sect.

Langya of Yuxian City sent a disciple, but Lin Fan was not prepared to contact that disciple.

The main reason for contacting Langya was that he wanted to make some money. In the huge Yuxian City, it would be difficult to move without money!

Forget it since he's not there.

After living peacefully for a day, Lin Fan took Huang Xianyi to report at the Jade Girl Sect's residence the next day.

The Genius Conference starts tomorrow, so it’s a good time to report on it today.

Arriving at the door of the Jade Girl Sect's residence, Lin Fan was about to walk in, but was stopped by two beautiful disciples of the Jade Girl Sect.

"Please show me your invitation."

Invitation card……

Lin Fan didn't bring it at all.

The invitation letter was delivered to Wang Qizong, but Lin Fan didn't want him to be in trouble, so he didn't let him send it.

Lin Fan flipped his hands and took out the ninth-grade Sect Order, and said respectfully: "Canglan Sect Sect Leader, Lin Fan, is invited to attend the Genius Conference."

One of the beautiful ladies in charge asked: "Where is the invitation letter from Lin Sect Leader?"

Lin Fan explained: "The invitation letter from Guizong was sent to the Sect. I was not in the Sect at the time and came directly because of time constraints, so... please be accommodating."

The beauty said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Lin Sect Leader, please wait a moment. I need to ask the Elder for instructions. Please understand."

"I understand, thank you girl."

But then an uncoordinated sound was suddenly heard.

“I don’t think Little Sister Zi Ling needs to ask for permission. He doesn’t want to put your Jade Girl Sect into one’s eyes at all.

Boy, go back! You, the Canglan Sect, are not qualified for this Genius Conference. "

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