From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 52: Disaster For The Country And The People [14]

The old man's mysterious method of suddenly appearing out of thin air is not something that the Yuanfu realm can do. There must be a strong man above the Yuanfu realm, and Lin Fan doesn't know how strong he is.

The old man's feeling for Lin Fan was just four words: unfathomable.

Huang Xianyi next to her was startled... and almost screamed because a person appeared out of thin air in her sight.

And where is Wushuang City?

How could this happen to him...

Lin Fan knew very well in his heart at this moment that a woman like Miss Linglong was not something he could get his hands on now.

However, Lin Fan is still quite confident about the future, and it won't be long...

Thinking of this, Lin Fan didn't care what kind of person the other party was, he could only bite the bullet.

"Mr. Yun, I'm just telling you that I'm going to visit Bingxin City. Actually, you don't need to follow me," the beauty in white said.

The old man shook his head and said: "No, the safety of the young lady will never allow any accidents, otherwise I will not be able to explain to the Sect Leader."

"Okay! As you wish."

At this time, the beauty in white turned to Lin Fan and said, "Let's go! This girl from Bingxin City is very familiar. I promise to take you around."

There was a hint of conspiracy in her tone.

Lin Fan said: "Actually, there is no need to trouble Miss Linglong."

"Who said you were coming to find me just now, was it you?"

"it's me."

"Who told me to take him for a walk?"

"it's me."

"Then now that I have promised you, what else are you writing about?"

Lin Fan said: "Okay! Girl, please come forward."

"Don't call me girl. It's not like you don't know that my name is Jiang Linglong. I allow you to call me Miss Jiang." With that, Jiang Linglong took off the veil from her face, revealing her world-famous face.

Lin Fan really didn’t know her surname was Jiang...

"Ms. Jiang, please come forward."

I can only go shopping with her first...

Lin Fan was a little speechless. He looked for someone to be his guide, and found a giant Buddha, which he had to offer...

At this time, Elder Qiu reminded: "Linglong should put on the veil!"

Jiang Linglong said: "I'm not used to it, so let's forget it! Second aunt, bah bah... No, don't worry, master! No one dares to bully me."

Elder Qiu said angrily: "You can call me whatever you want from now on! I'm afraid you'll bully others..."

Jiang Linglong pursed her lips and said, "Second aunt, do you think I am a willful and unruly person?"

"Okay, do whatever you want!"


From time to time, Jiang Linglong led the way, followed by Lin Fan and Huang Xianyi, and Mr. Yun followed at the back.

After Jiang Linglong came out, she asked: "What Sect are you from?"

"I am the Canglan Sect Sect Leader." Lin Fan answered.

"Tell the truth, are you from that force in Wushuang City?"

"I am truly the Canglan Sect Sect Leader."

Jiang Linglong asked: "Mr. Yun, do you know who he is? His name seems to be Lin Fan."

Mr. Yun from behind said, "I've never heard of him, maybe he's the hidden holy son of Sect! I'm afraid his talent is no worse than yours, and he's already at the Third Stage of Yuanfu Realm at a young age."

Lin Fan was a little frightened to see his strength...

"What? Is he in the Third Stage of Yuanfu Realm?" Jiang Linglong said in shock.

Then she asked: "How old are you?"

Lin Fan looked at Jiang Linglong's curvy figure and knew that she must be over eighteen... So he said nonsense: "I'm twenty-one, how about you?"

In fact, he is only nineteen...

Jiang Linglong said: "It turns out that you are twenty-one years old. When I am twenty-one and I am determined to be better than you, I will only be nineteen years old."

They are still the same age as me, so they are a perfect match!

While they were talking, they had already walked out of the secluded street where the Jade Girl Sect was located and came to the lively street.

Jiang Linglong's appearance attracted the attention of almost all men.

As long as they are men, they will stop and stare at Jiang Linglong's back after passing by.

It’s open to all ages, and old men can’t help but take a second look when they walk by.

Several of them stopped and were stunned in front of Jiang Linglong.

Some of them were brave enough to change direction directly and trot in the opposite direction just to get in front of Jiang Linglong and the others to get a few more glances at Jiang Linglong.

What a disaster for the country and the people!

Lin Fan suggested: "Miss Jiang, I think it would be better for you to wear a veil."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Linglong actually listened to her suggestion and put on the veil again.

"I know an interesting place. I'll take you there to see it." Jiang Linglong said, minding her own business.

"What place?"

"Underground gambling in the boxing ring."

This is quite new...

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