From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 58 Awakening[34]

Long Yi is one of the thirty-six old beggars recruited by Lin Fan in Cangyan City.

Before coming to Yuxian City, he had already raised Long Yi's strength to the Dan Condensing Realm, just to give him the strength to manage the other thirty-five people.

Originally, Lin Fan planned to go back to improve their strength and cultivate them into the dark network of Canglan Sect.

After their strength has all been raised to the Condensing Core Realm, let them cultivate the secret strength of a group of Canglan Sect Sect Leaders and gradually cast the net...

The current situation forced him to use them.

The danger he is about to face is something he cannot predict...

Originally, he only offended the Evergreen Sect, but he didn't take it seriously at all. It only took him half a month to destroy the Evergreen Sect.

It wouldn't even take half a month. If he was given a few days after being promoted to the eighth rank Sect, he would be able to remove the Evergreen Sect.

But not now, because Jiang Linglong's episode forced him to do everything possible to improve his strength.

Otherwise, when the news spreads about Jiang Linglong being possessed by him...

Not only is he in danger, but everyone in the Canglan Sect is in danger.

When the time comes, I will probably have no choice but to run away... to avoid the danger for the time being.

But he didn't want to escape.

Because of Jiang Linglong, he wanted to keep Jiang Linglong by his side. How could he allow others to get involved with his woman...

"Sect Leader, what are your orders?" Long Yi's excited voice came from the transmission notes.

Lin Fan asked: "How are your subordinates training?"

"Reporting back to Sect Leader, they all learned the Cultivation Technique given by you, Sect Leader. Sect Leader allowed us to escape from the numb life and regain a new life. We all swore to follow the Sect Leader to death. We are all practicing crazily and waiting for the Sect Leader's orders. "

Long Yi said confidently.

Lin twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled.

It's ridiculous to swear to follow him to the death...

It's nothing more than seeing an opportunity to make a comeback, taking a fancy to the resources at his disposal, and wanting to seize it firmly.

Faced with the choice of life and death, they will definitely betray themselves.

But Lin Fan doesn't care, all he wants is people.

Lin Fan said: "Now you secretly sneak into the Canglan Sect, find the Canglan Sect's Grand Elder, Wang Qizong, and ask him to give you 200 million gold tickets.

After getting it, you take all your men to Bingxin City.

When you arrive, send the message to me again. "

Long Yi replied: "Sect Leader, I don't understand why? I am also a member of the Canglan Sect, why do I have to sneak in secretly?"

Lin Fan said coldly: "Remember, I can take back whatever we give you. From now on, you only need to execute all my orders. Don't ask me why?"

Just be an obedient subordinate, and the Condensing Pill Realm, or even the Yuanfu Realm, is not your end.

Execute the order! "

"Yes, I will take your orders."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fan took out the transmission talisman, contacted Wang Qizong, and told him about Long Yi going to withdraw money.

After doing all this...

Lin Fan went out to accompany Jiang Linglong.

Arriving at the other courtyard where Jiang Linglong lived, Lin Fan saw that Yun Qingyang was still sitting on the stone bench in the courtyard outside the door. Lin Fan asked: "Yun Laoshu, I would like to ask, what is your current strength?"

Yun Qingyang said calmly: "Second Stage of Soul Realm."

Soul Realm, what is that Realm?

Lin Fan was about to ask.

Yun Qingyang spoke again: "Boy Lin, for the sake of your willingness to give Miss the Medicine Pill for your breakthrough, I'll say a few words.

I advise you not to have any inappropriate thoughts about my young lady.

You'd better dismiss the Canglan Sect now, then leave Bingxin City, Linsha County, Tongchuan County, and go to other counties to rebuild your Canglan Sect.

You should know why. "

Of course Lin Fan knew...because Elder Qiu told him Jiang Linglong's origin.

But he wasn't going to run away.

Since he already knew Jiang Linglong's origin, he naturally knew what trouble he would face.

It's nothing more than a love rival from fifth rank Sect, trying to cause trouble for me...

Jiang Linglong is the daughter of Jiang Haoran, the leader of the sixth rank Sect "Burning Sky Sect" in Tongchuan County. The Burning Sky Sect is on the same level as the Jieyou Tavern.

And his love rival is fifth rank Sect from Wushuang City.

It's that simple……

Hearing the words "unreasonable thoughts" from Yun Qingyang's mouth, Lin Fan immediately didn't want to talk to him anymore.

But he was kind enough to remind me! He was still cupped fist and said politely: "Thank you, Mr. Yun, for reminding me. We should wait until Linglong wakes up to discuss this matter!"

Yun Qingyang closed his eyes and did not answer.

Lin Fan pushed the door open and walked in. Elder Qiu turned around and asked, "Why are you back again?"

"I want to wait for her to wake up."

When Lin Fan said this, Elder Qiu didn't know how to answer it.

Jiang Linglong’s face is something I never tire of seeing.

It's much more fun to come here than to sit in your own room...

After waiting until noon, Lin Fan had dozed off on the table and suddenly heard a sound.

"Second aunt,"

He raised his head almost instantly, rushed over and asked, "Linglong, are you okay?"

The two looked at each other.

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