From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 72: Poor Baby! [55]

"I don't understand what Brother Zhu means."

Lin Fan doesn't believe in this guy. It's understandable that he doesn't want the three major sectors to get Jiang Linglong, but how can he take advantage of him?

It's impossible to think about it. This guy definitely has no good intentions...

Zhu Liujie stood up and walked over and suddenly patted Lin Fan on the shoulder and said in a low voice: "Brother Lin, don't you understand yet? I gave you our Dazen Temple Outer Sect Elders token just because I want you to marry me on behalf of our Dazen Temple. Jiang Linglong.

The Burning Sky Sect just wants to be promoted to fifth rank Sect. Our Dazen Temple can also help them. It doesn’t matter who Jiang Linglong marries.

You just lead our Dazen Temple to marry Jiang Linglong. You don’t have to worry about anything else. Leave it all to my brother. What do you think? "

"Really? You didn't lie to me, did you?" Lin Fan pretended to be surprised.

"It's absolutely true. If you hadn't defeated Nan Wangjian with the same rank, I wouldn't have been able to find you. It's impossible for our Dazen Temple to introduce a loser to marry Jiang Linglong, and such good things would not be your turn. Can you After winning the battle against Nan Wangjian, that’s why I’m looking for you. If you agree now, I promise to help Brother Lin return with all my strength,” Zhu Liujie sat back and said calmly.

"If it's true as Brother Zhu said, I did this. Brother Zhu, how are you going to help me bring this beauty home?" Lin Fan looked very interested.

Zhu Liujie said: "It's very simple. If you agree, our Dachan Temple will fully support Brother Lin in taking down Jiang Linglong and recommend you to be the person to propose marriage in our Dachan Temple. As long as Brother Lin gives you Just leave a good impression on Jiang Linglong and let her choose you when the time comes."

"Okay, I agree," Lin Fan agreed directly.

He needs to delay time, and he can cooperate with Dazen Temple to deal with it, but he does not believe that Dazen Temple will really help him.

But it doesn't matter now whether it's true or not, he has a backup plan anyway.

Zhu Liujie didn't expect Lin Fan to be so happy. He said: "Brother Lin, you only have one thing to do now. Find an opportunity to have a good relationship with Jiang Linglong. Leave other matters to me until Burning Heaven Sect is promoted to fifth." rank Sect, you can hug the beauty back home.”

Lin Fan asked: "But with my current status, I don't have the chance to contact her?"

Zhu Liujie said awkwardly: "Brother Lin, I'm not good at this either. I can only look at you."

Lin Fan said: "Okay! I'll give it a try, but if the other three major Sects find out, they won't kill me, brother?"

Zhu Liujie patted his chest again and assured: "Brother Lin, don't worry. It's not that I didn't bring anyone with me this time, it's just that my uncle doesn't like to show up, so you can do it boldly.

I will tell you this later. If they dare to do something to you, my uncle will also dare to do something to their Holy Son. "

Lin Fan said speechlessly: "Who knows whether what you said is true or false."

Hearing this, Zhu Liujie said: "Uncle Master, please show up and see me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a fat monk with a fat head and big ears suddenly appeared in the room. He suddenly appeared on Lin Fan's bed. He opened his eyes as if he hadn't woken up.

"Master nephew! Didn't you say you don't disturb me if you have nothing to do?"

He seemed a little angry as he spoke...

Facing the sudden appearance of the great monk, Lin Fan was frightened and thought: Damn it, are all Yin-Yang Realm so elusive?

The door didn't open, why did you come in?

This is too unscientific!

This makes Lin Fan a little hopeful. After this storm is over, he will definitely improve his strength quickly...

Otherwise, it will be too frustrating, and you will feel as if you are on the edge of a cliff, and you may fall off if you are not careful.

Zhu Liujie quickly cupped his fist and said: "Uncle, my nephew has come up with a good idea. Look at this Brother Lin, he is young and talented. Our Dazen Temple can push him out to marry Jiang Linglong.

In this way, the other three major sectors won't get Jiang Linglong, right? Uncle Master, what do you think of my plan? "

Big-eared monk closed his eyes again and said: "Master nephew, do what you want! As long as the task can be completed, anything is fine. I'll take a nap first. Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do."

With that said, the big-eared monk disappeared.

Zhu Liujie turned around and said, "Brother Lin and my uncle have already agreed. Do you believe it now?"

Lin Fan pretended to be excited and said: "Believe, believe, I believe. If you die under the peonies, you can be a ghost and be romantic. I agree to Brother Zhu.

I'm good at chasing women. First of all, I have to give in to what they like. To put it simply, I have to be willing to spend money. Brother Zhu, I am a ninth-grade Sect Sect Leader and I can't give you anything good. I can't give you gifts even if I want to!

Brother Pig, do you think you gave me two gifts so that I can find excuses to disturb others? Don’t you think so? "

Zhu Liujie nodded thoughtfully and said, "That's true. If you don't want to let go of your child, you can't trap the wolf. This is for you."

As he spoke, Zhu Liujie turned over his hands and took out a milky white jade hairpin.

Lin Fan looked at Zhu Liujie with strange eyes.

Who the f*ck is he?

Carry a hairpin with you?

Lin Fan asked calmly: "Brother Zhu, does this hairpin have an origin?"

Zhu Liujie said: "Well, it's a long story. Brother, I was once frivolous when I was young. Everyone has the love for beauty. Before I joined the Great Zen Temple, I was as unruly as you.

This was a gift that I spent all my savings on to buy it. It is a hairpin made of Spiritual Marrow. When you wear it with you, it can gather the Spiritual Qi from the surrounding world. It can also increase your cultivation speed by 20% when there are no Spirit Stones.

I originally wanted to give it to the woman I fell in love with, but unfortunately I didn’t even have the chance to give it to her, so I was tricked into entering the Zen Temple by my unscrupulous master. From now on, I can’t touch women...

Alas, I won’t say it anymore, I will shed tears if I say it too much. I have always carried this thing with me and was reluctant to throw it away. I will give it to you, Lin Fan, today. "

Oh, there is another story...the miserable baby!

He actually scolded his master for being unscrupulous? How much you hate him! interesting……

Lin Fan said: "Thank you Brother Zhu for the gift. If I can hold a beautiful woman in my arms one day, I will definitely treat you to a drink."

As he said that, he reached out and took the white jade hairpin handed over by Zhu Liujie, but Zhu Liujie still didn't let go...

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