From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 83 Successful Escape[46]

She was at a loss and let go of Lin Fan's hand around his waist. Lin Fan could clearly feel the stiffness in her body.

Lin Fan did not continue talking now, and now was not the time to talk about it. He knew that her misunderstanding about him should be solved now.

They are not out of danger yet...

Zhu Liujie shouted from behind: "Lin Fan, don't force me to be cruel, stop it! Let's talk."

Hearing this, Lin Fan responded directly: "I am talking about your grandma, but you are not qualified to talk to me. If you have any tricks, just use it."

I just said that he was not qualified, and now I asked him to stop. It would be really hard to fool Lin Fan...

However, Lin Fan was hit by two more punches as he spoke. Fortunately, he had enough Spirit Power and spent a lot of Spirit Power to weaken Zhu Liujie's attack.

With the power of the whole sect as a supplement, his Dantian Yuanfu Spirit Power is still abundant.

After flying for so long, Zhu Liujie is the Heavenly Cave Realm Third Stage, and he must have used up more than half of his strength!

Lin Fan asked: "Zhu Liujie, I have a question. Since you know about me and her, why doesn't your Dazen Temple take action in Bingxin City?"

"Boy, stop and I'll tell you the answer," Zhu Liuwei said.

"I'm not interested in knowing, your Grand Zen Temple is waiting to be destroyed! I, Lin Fan, will do what I say." Lin Fan said boldly.

Zhu Liujie smiled and said: "The guy who speaks arrogantly is being targeted by our Dazen Temple. Do you think you still have a chance to survive? You can't escape today."

As soon as Zhu Liujie finished speaking, Lin Fan noticed a terrifying aura brewing behind him.

Lin Fan flipped his hand and hit a Fiery Sun Palm.

Zhu Liujie was already prepared, and his body was covered with spiritual armor.

Then Zhu Liujie said: "Lin Fan lets you taste my power, the Shattering Sky Knife.

Suddenly, Lin Fan felt a terrifying Spirit Power-shaped knife brewing above his head, slashing towards him quickly.

Lin Fan originally wanted to use sword control to turn the corner, but felt that he could not avoid it, so he did not spare any effort and condensed all the Spirit Power in his Yuan Mansion into a Spirit Power shield to block his back.

He hugged Jiang Linglong with both hands and protected him in front of him.

There is no other choice but to resist.

His Dantian Neiyuan Mansion Spirit Power was instantly exhausted, and his body became unbalanced and fell down.

I only heard a collision and a roaring sound...

The Spirit Power shield he condensed failed to block Zhu Liujie's attack, but it bought them time and escaped from the attack range of the sword shadow.

Lin Fan quickly said: "Linglong quickly use Spirit Power to stabilize us. I, Dantian Spirit Power, have no time."

In fact, before he finished speaking, Leng Qiu was already doing it.

Jiang Linglong flew away with him...

Zhu Liujie from behind mocked: "Why did you finally run out of Spirit Power? Why are you running away! Why don't you run away?"

If you let a woman take you away, can you still run?"

Lin Fan said to Jiang Linglong: "Don't worry about him and keep running. Lin Fan took out a box and swallowed a jelly bean."

Zhu Liujie's speed could not be matched by Jiang Linglong's, so he flew directly in front of them, confronted them, and said: "Miss Jiang, are you still fighting to the death! Mr. Lin Fan, I don't have the patience, now you tell me honestly As long as you tell the truth about your origin and the origin of the Medicine Pill in your body, I can consider letting you go and let you live together and fly together [What do you think?"

Jiang Linglong used Spirit Power to drag Lin Fan's body, stopped it in the air, and suddenly asked: "Will you let us go? Don't you, the Dazen Temple, want to kill me?"

Zhu Liujie smiled and said: "As long as Miss Jiang does not marry into the three Sects of Tianjian Sect, Zijin Cave, and Evil Demon Sect, there is no need for us to kill you. Wouldn't it be great for you to marry Lin Fan! Aren't you already married? , I am here to fulfill you.

Of course, the premise is that Lin Fan will tell you honestly. "

Lin Fan said: "Didn't I already tell you my origin?"

"Who are you fooling!

What force do you come from?

Who gave you your Medicine Pill?

Where does it come from? Do you have the Medicine Pill pill recipe? How many treasures do you have with you? Take them all out.

I can consider letting you go, but I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. Even if I let you go, I will destroy you.

It’s okay if you don’t agree. It’s just going to kill you and touch the bodies.

How about explaining it quickly, isn't it good to be alive?" Zhu Liujie smiled sinisterly, with a look that said I was sure of you.

Hearing this, Lin Fan fell silent.

Jiang Linglong hugged Lin Fan tightly, and she threatened: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you, and my father will seek revenge from your Dazen Temple? Aren't you afraid that the three major sectors will cause trouble for you?"

"It's ridiculous, what's your father's strength? He wouldn't be able to be promoted to Sect without you. How dare he mess with our Dazen Temple?

As for the three major Sects, as long as everyone is fifth rank Sect, they are only half-matched, and fighting will not benefit anyone. It's possible that while you're alive, they won't be able to cause much trouble if you're gone. Zhu Liujie said calmly.

Jiang Linglong's body trembled, she looked at Lin Fan and said, ""Come to save me, do you regret it?"

Lin Fan grinned and said: "Why regret it? I promise you Zhu Liujie."

As he spoke, he waved a flaming palm, turned around with Jiang Linglong in his arms, used his sword control skills, and left as quickly as possible.

It was just to delay time, now his Dantian Spirit Power is full.

Zhu Liujie was overjoyed, but was stunned by Lin Fan's sudden slap, and his clothes were burned.

His Spiritual Qi shook and extinguished the flames on his body, his face was red and his eyebrows were gone.

He looked at the direction Lin Fan was escaping and roared: "Lin Fan, you are seeking death."

Lin Fan hugged Jiang Linglong and continued to escape. When he saw the heavy fog in the wild forest ahead, he suddenly felt happy and flew down. He changed to flying at a low altitude and walked through the heavy fog.

However, this did not allow him to escape. The traces left by his sword-wielding skills were too obvious.

But Lin Fan's sword-playing Realm has returned to his original nature. He can change his path quickly, but Zhu Liujie cannot, especially Zhu Liujie's speed is faster than him. The mist's quick change of path can create a time difference, and Zhu Bajie may not be able to catch up (Zhao Zhao Zhao) him.

Sure enough, when Lin Fan did this, Zhu Liujie couldn't catch up quickly, and his roaring voice became farther and farther away.

After flying for a while, Lin Fan stopped using the sword control technique, fell into the wild forest, carried Jiang Linglong and walked a certain distance, and then left using the sword control technique.

Fortunately, the fog was strong, and his Spirit Power was inexhaustible. After running for two hours, Zhu Liujie was unable to catch up.

This means they have now successfully escaped.

However, Lin Fan was still worried. He slowed down and flew for a long time, and finally he touched the city, which was still a big city.

Lin Fan was finally relieved. At this time, he was at the peak of the Eighth Stage of Yuanfu Realm.

Give him some time, he can't kill him...

Is Heavenly Cave Realm Third Stage awesome?

Lin Fan flew down with Jiang Linglong and came to the city gate to take a look.

"Dongning City?"

Lin Fan took Jiang Linglong's hand and asked, "Do you know where Dongning City is?".

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