From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 8 Taking Power [Third Update]


The six Elders present were shocked.

One punch beat Wang Yunfeng like this. What kind of strength does Sect Leader have?

Wang Yunfeng is in the late stage of Chakra Realm, and he won't be able to get up even after being punched.

But it turned out that Wang Yunfeng had passed out.

Langya rushed over to check Wang Yunfeng's condition, and then said: "He is dead."

Wang Qizong asked cautiously: "Sect Leader, have you broken through to the Dan Condensation Realm?"

Lin Fan nodded and said: "Otherwise, I would have been poisoned to death by him. Langya will obey the order and arrest the child. The truth you want should be known from her mouth."

Langya quickly cupped fist and said: "Yes, Sect Leader."

Lin Fan continued: "Put this place in order, tidy it up, and the six of you will come to my residence tonight. I have something important to discuss with you."

"Yes, Sect Leader."

"Yes, Sect Leader."

"Yes, Sect Leader."


Lin Fan has shown his absolute strength, how dare they disobey him.

You can only be obedient.

The Dan Condensing Realm and the Chakra Realm are completely two concepts.

However, Lin Fan's breakthrough to the Dan Condensing Realm is a good thing for the Canglan Sect.

And Lin Fan showed his strength.

First of all, he came to kill Wang Yunfeng, and he couldn't tolerate sand in his eyes.

The second is to control the power of Canglan Sect so that he can start to develop Sect and recruit disciples unscrupulously.

The more disciples he has, the faster his strength will improve.

At night, six Elders came to Lin Fan's residence together.

Lin Fan looked at them and said, "Please report Wang Yunfeng's situation!"

Langya said quickly: "Reporting to Sect Leader, Xiaotong has been recruited. She did collude with Wang Yunfeng to poison Sect Leader, and has been brought to justice. Wang Yunfeng has been killed by Sect Leader, and it has been announced."

Lin Fan nodded and said: "Very good, I came to you to inform you of something. I have decided to promote our Canglan Sect to the ninth rank Sect. Do you know what to do?"

Hearing this, Wang Qizong cupped fist said: "Sect Leader, I don't think it's appropriate. You are in the Dan Condensing Realm. We, Sect, are indeed qualified for promotion. However, our Canglan Sect's strength is still weak and it is not suitable for promotion. Sect Leader, please think again." .”

Lin Fan knew that if he wanted to be promoted to the ninth level Sect, there was only one condition, that is, the Sect must have a strong person in the Dan Condensation Realm.

There are still three eighth-rank Sects that need to pass the test. After passing the test, they can be promoted to the ninth-rank Sect, and then they can get the ninth-rank Sect token cast by the first-rank Sect, and then they can know some things that the ninth-rank Sect should know.

Lin Fan knew that Wang Qizong's worries were nothing more than being unruly from the eighth-grade Sect, but he did not want to wait. Only by being promoted to Sect could he know more secrets of the cultivation world and improve his horizons.

The most important thing is that Sect promotion can unlock many system capabilities.

It was urgent to improve his strength, and he did not want the Canglan Sect to be squeezed by the Splitting Mountain Sect again.

Lin Fan pointed and said: "The three of you are going to the Split Mountain Sect, Evergreen Sect, and Jade Girl Sect respectively to deliver the news, saying that our Canglan Sect is going to be promoted to the ninth rank Sect, and invite them to come for the test in three days. There is no need to deal with it directly. Just go deliver the letter."

Immediately he said to the Elder: "The Elder arranged for the disciples to invite five ninth-grade Sects to come and watch the ceremony."

Then he said to Langya: "You prepare for the promotion ceremony in three days."

Lin Fan continued without waiting for them to speak: "If you have any doubts, just keep it to yourself and do as I say. Do you understand?"

His words blocked the mouths of several Elders.




Hearing this, Lin Fan continued to give instructions: "Seventh Elder, you go and purchase things, and by the way, recruit a thousand more disciples and place them in the city. I will take care of everything myself."

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan said: "By the way, I want to tell you something. I have reached the Fourth Stage of the Condensation Realm. Let go of your worries!"

"What! Sect Leader is in the Fourth Stage of Dan Condensation Realm?"

“It’s so hard for us with so many Sect Leaders!”


Several Elders were filled with emotion and came to the conclusion that maybe their Sect Leader was a genius, or maybe he was a Five Elements spirit.

They could only do what Lin Fan told them honestly.

Lin Fan allowed them to leave after explaining that the Split Mountain Sect's arrival was false.

In fact, Lin Fan is only at the First Stage of the Dan Condensation Realm.

Every First Stage of the Dan Condensation Realm is very difficult, and even a low-grade spirit body will need one or two years to break through.

But Lin Fan is no ordinary person.

He felt that if he got some sleep, he would be able to break through the Second Stage tomorrow morning.

Reaching the Fourth Stage in three days should be no problem...

He just said it in advance to stabilize the morale of the army, otherwise Wang Qizong and the others would not easily agree to his order.

He is now truly in charge as a Sect Master.

The next morning, as expected, Lin Fan made another breakthrough...

ps: Please give me flowers. If you have saved manuscripts, please be more diligent and give me a chance to add more...

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