Originally, it was expected that the meeting would take at least half an hour, but Chen Dong just sat on the sidelines and did not speak, but the time consumed was greatly shortened, and it was done in five minutes.

Even Cai Peishan couldn't help but sigh secretly that Chen Dong's influence was too great.

"Then Mr. Chen, that's all for today's meeting. Cai Peishan was beside Chen Dong, asking for instructions, waiting for Chen Dong to nod.

Seeing Chen Dong nodded, Cai Peishan breathed a sigh of relief.

It is said that the new official took office with three fires, and Chen Dong's first fire changed the overall strategic direction.

The second fire sent Wang Yuefei into the cold palace.

If this third fire comes down, I'm afraid that the pattern of the dragon shadow will change again.

Therefore, even if Cai Peishan said the closing words, no one dared to leave at will.

Instead, they waited for Chen Dong to speak one by one.

Sure enough, at this time, Chen Dong said to Cai Peishan: "Xiao Cai, the position of the company's director, I will not change, or you will do it, and there will be basically no other personnel changes, just adjust the strategic direction to what I said before." Hearing

Chen Dong say that there would be no personnel changes, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, this meeting has been going on for quite a long time, so let's all hurry up and do what we are doing. It

wasn't until Chen Dong spoke and took the lead in leaving the conference room that everyone dared to leave the table.

It's just that their focus is still on Chen Dong.

Especially many girls, who are born with fantasies and dreams, looking at Chen Dong's tall back, they couldn't help whispering:

"This new boss is too handsome."

A girl looked straight at Chen Dong's back and sighed in a low voice.

"If only he could come to film with me, it's like a character in the play!" "

Dream, a character of this level can look up to you as a little girl!?" A girl said sourly: "I'm afraid only our Sister Han can barely be worthy of Mr. Chen, right?"

"I really envy Sister Han...... can get the favor of Mr. Chen...... "

Chen Dong took the lead and walked out of the door, and the people who were waiting outside the conference room to see Chen Dong's laughing stock were all stupid.

Especially Han Ruopian's female assistant, she brought Chen Dong to the company just now!

I didn't expect that Chen Dong would be their new boss of Long Ying!

She hurriedly recalled to see if she had done anything wrong before, but recalled that it seemed that Chen Dong did not blame her for not knowing Mount Tai with her eyes, but praised her for making good tea...... This made her face fly a touch of crimson.

"Well, are you still here?"

Chen Dong walked out and saw the assistant guarding the door, his head lowered, as if he was thinking about something.


But Han Ruopian didn't know what to say to her, which made her face even redder.

Soon, she ran back to Chen Dong's side, her face was still red, she didn't dare to look directly into Chen Dong's eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Chen, Sister Han asked me to ask you, if you are free at noon, can you have a light meal together."

"Oh, although I have something to do in the afternoon, we will have a meal together at noon, and we will not delay it. Chen

Dong didn't expect that Han Ruopian would take the initiative to invite him, isn't he afraid of scandals? Chen Dong couldn't

help but smile, but since it was a beauty's invitation, Chen Dong naturally would not refuse.

"Okay, Sister Han has already gone to change her clothes, and I'll wait for you downstairs later. The female assistant looked at Chen Dong as if she was about to leave, and said, "If Mr. Chen wants to leave, please let me take you downstairs, right?"

Chen Dong nodded, Han Ruopian thought very thoughtfully, and it was indeed very convenient to let this little girl lead her downstairs.

After all, this building is full of corridors, and various companies are involved in it, and the first time you come here, you may really not be able to find the north.

However, Chen Dong was relieved as long as he thought that the entire office building was his own asset.

With a female assistant with her, Chen Dong can also let her take her with her, and look around in other companies in the building.

Unexpectedly, I met an acquaintance.

"Alas, Chen Dong, is it really you?" a man's voice stopped Chen Dong.

Chen Dong turned his head to look at the fat man who stopped him, and couldn't help scratching his head.

He felt that this little fat man seemed to be a little familiar, and he couldn't remember it.

"I, you won't forget it!" The

little fat man pointed to his own stomach, and when he saw Chen Dong's suspicious face, he ran over excitedly and hammered Chen Dong's chest.

"I'm Gan, you kid can do it, the changes are too great, I almost can't recognize you. Your figure is too good, right, I don't know how well you can control your diet?" Looking at the little fat man in a black shirt in front of him, Chen Dong finally remembered: "

Li Feiyi?" Li Feiyi is Chen Dong's elementary school classmate, and he has been at the same table for three years.

It's just that after the entrance exam, there was no mobile phone at that time, and the two of them had no contact.

It was only later that Chen Dong inquired from a friend that it seemed that Li Feiyi had gone to another province.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he met him here.

Seeing his friends who he hadn't seen for many years, Chen Dong was also a little happy.

"It's a shame that you still know my name, I've always been so fat, you can't recognize me, that's a bit too much!" Li Feiyi quipped.

"How could I have forgotten about you, it's just that you suddenly surprised me, and I still didn't react, and you weren't always taller than me before. Chen Dong couldn't help but sigh, and in front of his former friends, he was a little less restrained.

"Hey, after I went to high school, I grew all horizontally, and now I finally lost a little bit. Li Feiyi looked Chen Dong up and down, and smashed his tongue: "How is it like you, tsk, I have just recognized it repeatedly for a long time, and I am still a little unsure...... The main thing is that you are like a different person from the inside out.

Li Feiyi's words are true, Chen Dong in his impression is a little introverted, and his body is also very thin.

Now Chen Dong is not only tall, but also looks very sunny and temperamental, and he is calm and unhurried in his gestures, as if he will not be too surprised by anything.

It is this change in temperament that has made Li Feiyi repeatedly confirm it for a long time.

However, he also understands that he and Chen Dong have not seen each other for so long, and it is normal for them to change a lot.

"There is a female star in our company, and she is still waiting for me below, otherwise we will talk while walking. Chen Dong said with a smile.

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