From the Apocalypse

Chapter 801 Migration!

Shen Guang had planned the change of career a long time ago, and he lacked the personal space backpack.

Now that the space backpack is unlocked, this link is finally perfectly connected, and he naturally has to act according to the plan.

What is the war in the world?

It is logistics. The better the logistics, the greater the victory rate in the war. An army lacking logistics cannot last.

Whether it is ancient times or those who can eventually win, most of them are like this.

In short, if you have a good logistics, if you don't need to draw your brains randomly, the winner will be the one with good logistics.

The same is true in modern times. The crazy infrastructure of China in the primitive world is to build a large rear, a solid system dominated by China, gradually becoming stronger, and even a small trick to dominate the US empire does not work.

But now this world, this era, the rear has been broken. If you want to continue, if nothing happens, it will develop like the original world.

Now that conditions are available, Shen Guang is unwilling to do this, nor will he use such an inefficient method to do it.

He wanted to do something in this era, so after making arrangements, Shen Guang acted directly and took everyone directly to the border of the Western Regions.

During the period of the devils invaded the country, the current situation was turbulent, and it was difficult to find a stable place. This province was rarely occupied by devils, and it was also a blank area. Compared with other provinces, the development environment here was the most relaxed. a place.

Shuchuan is also not occupied by devils, but it belongs to the sphere of influence of the Republic of China (the sensitive word for government and government, and will be replaced by others in the future). To develop here, in addition to financial resources, it needs connections and a good environment.

Shen Guang wanted to sullenly develop the industry, and to quietly accumulate powerful strength, he had to avoid some troubles.

Shuchuan is someone else's territory. He doesn't have any contacts here. It's fine if he doesn't develop. Once it develops, there will be a lot of looting.

Even without these, he will be restrained and develop on other people's territory, after all, it will not use the convenience of coming on his own territory.

He is not afraid of this, but the development will definitely be affected. In this case, it is better to choose a province like the Western Regions and put it here.

Despite the difficulties and certainty of this and that, for Shen Guang, he would rather develop here.

According to historical records, he knew that the environment there was really bad, and this bad environment would get worse over time.


The migration begins.

On the way of Shen Guang, they were migrating in a truck.

Nearly eighteen trucks were clinging to the front violently, causing a lot of movement.

On the way, they encountered the devil's interception, the sky devil's plane overtook, and the National Army's blackmail, and even encountered robbers.

The main reason is that Shen Guang and the others are not many people, but they are rich in materials. Along the way, they are simply a big piece of fat. The people who watch it are greedy, and all of them want to scrape a few kilos of oil from Shen Guang and them.

Shen Guang's record of fighting devils is well-known, but they have always made a fortune in silence. Except for a few people, the outside world does not know Shen Guang's record.

Therefore, they did not take Shen Guang and the two hundred people in their eyes to carry out alternative robberies.

There are only two hundred people, which is nothing at all. In this era, there are more than so many people pulling a team at will.

In the impression of these people who have never seen the world, they are crowded, and Shen Guang has been eaten up.

After a month of long battles, Shen Guang and the others have finally arrived here.

This way, he finally showed his majesty, and the devils were worried about it, but Shen Guang didn't care about it. When he got here, he acted safely according to the plan.

There is nothing to say, the elite army opened the way, with the momentum of thunder, directly wiped out the largest local force-the bandits, and incorporated them.

A strong deterrent to local squads, and at the same time, it did not expand friction.

Facing Shen Guang's strong shot, the local snakes who were ready to move were all frightened. They put away their greedy gazes, and carefully formed alliances with each other to prevent accidents.

Shen Guang didn't care about their little tricks, but directly started the construction plan to build.They used the bandits who had surrendered to do hard work, and the soldiers acted as supervisors.

The so-called camp is naturally to build a safe and comfortable shelter here to ensure that they all live safely and comfortably.

The ocean was thrown out to buy wood, masonry and other materials, and the wine was selected and built on a piece of land occupied by the bandits.

During the busy week, working overtime, finally completed the construction of the camp, which is very simple, but enough for them to live temporarily.

In this week's time, the people around were observing them silently, with vigilance, anticipation, greed, and fear.

People have xenophobic plots, Chinese people reject foreign countries, and foreign countries reject Chinese people. In addition to these, there are also domestic regional exclusion, local exclusion from other places, foreign groups forming groups, forming township parties and so on.

The future is better. This era is still a relatively conservative era. When Shen Guang and the others arrived, they naturally received this kind of treatment, and when Shen Guang came, they were very strong and people had to be informed.

Only if they didn't take action against him, Shen Guang didn't care about them, and continued to work on his plan without provoke them.

When they saw Shen Guang and the others holding the guy, they didn't mean to invade them. The two sides were in peace, so they relaxed their vigilance.


"After this week, it looks like everyone is getting along well! Very good. Next, we will continue to build!"

On this day, Shen Guang rarely gave them a half-day holiday for these soldiers, let them rest, and after rest, Shen Guang also took time to teach, and arranged the next stage of the task by the way-the bandits who had just been incorporated did not receive this treatment, but Always do hard work.

"There is the next stage of construction?"

All the soldiers were dumbfounded, somewhat puzzled by Shen Guang's purpose.

With this money, it’s better for them to buy some guns. Even if they don’t, they have to buy hard currency like grain to ensure their value.

But what is going on in construction, they still can't understand Shen Guang's purpose for doing this.

"This time we hire people to work for us!"

Although the place is exclusive, poverty occupies the majority. Many people can't even eat. It is not expensive to recruit workers. Many hungry locals will definitely come.

Secondly, there are some people who came here from the provinces in the interior, they came here to Anjun to escape the war.

Except for a small number of people who have a good life, most people have a bad life. Shen Guang believes that they are also willing to come to work.

It just so happens that you can rely on this relationship to draw their relationship closer, and then blend in here to gain their support.

"Really? That's great!"

Between training and work, they like training, if they really don't need them to work, they are of course happy.

Everyone was overjoyed, they almost all agreed

"In this case, let's start!"

Shen Guang is an activist, everyone listens, and then executes according to Shen Guang's requirements.

So, the next day, Shen Guang and the others started recruiting workers here.

You can see the recruitment list on the walls in some conspicuous places.

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