From the Bird

Chapter 422: Qin Chengyi (Part 1)

On the surface of the Shiqiao River in the middle of the night, the rising mist floated. Cover the hairy moon in the sky.

Under the climbing black hills, fluttering lighted a few torches. Sheep intestines are intricate, and a small hut stands in a fenced yard. Snow-white garlic braids and hedges hung on the windows, and the red-brown yulei **** figure was affixed to the firewood door.

"Aim ~"

There was the sound of a cat's claws scratching the door panel, and it was not noticeable in the silent night.

"Squeak ~"

The portal was loose, and a dark shadow darted into the door while the moon was dim.

"I told you all, don't come to me these days! How can I endure the top seven of that dead ghost."

Inside the room was a coquettish woman in her thirties who kept her eyebrows all over her face, her eyes and makeup being hot, her cheeks hot, and her red belly hanging high.

She was a tall man in front of her eyes, her cheeks were sunken, her nose was flattened, her lips were sparsely pulled with a few dog oil beards, and she was so greasy that she was so tired.

"I can't bear it for a few days, I can't help it! Today is the day when the sky comes down, we have to be happy!"

The two hugged each other, seeing a look of fierce firewood. The tall and ugly man buried his head in the woman's neck, biting and biting, his face anxious.

The woman pushed the man away suddenly, leaving a wet mark on her neck.

"I just sent the dead ghost away and sent all the people in the village away. You come here at this time. If you let the head of Li Zheng run into them, you and I will not live. Besides, people will die seven times, this is the first three There is a **** in the ruler, I panic. You go back! "

The woman whispered dissuasion, but the man refused: "Go back? Today means that I don't want to go back to Datian. That Jia Wu is a waste, if I die I'm afraid of him? Come on, kiss my baby."

"Yeah ~"

The woman screamed. The man hugged the woman and threw her onto the straw mat. The rough gown was untied three or two times. The two had a bedside fight and a passionate posture.

Amidst this gloomy scene, a sudden cry of a door rang, which could scare the adulterer into a cold sweat.

"what happened?"

The man screamed.

The woman's eyes were so fast that she lifted up the mattress to cover the man, and she put on a short gown of black lotus color, embroidered her shoes and came out. She also dipped her finger on her tongue and wiped her face with a delicate voice: "Come Now, who is calling Menna in the middle of the night. Is Sun Sunzi pulling down something? "

She said that she would look through the door hole worn by the worm, and she could not see her face. She only saw the man holding two pounds of pig head meat in her hand, which was a visit.

The woman glanced at her mouth, opened the door bolt, and almost looked up to scare her to death!

His dead ghost husband Jia Wu stood pale outside the door. Both legs are covered with mud, and the features are shocking!

"Hmm ..."

"Oh my god!"

The woman's legs were soft and her buttocks were sitting on the ground. The adulterer had been sulking in the quilt, panic in her heart, and heard the yelling at the door. She suddenly became guilty, and ran out of the quilt. , I didn't look when I ran to the door.

The ghost "Jia Jiawu" of that soul was in pain, rolling around with a headache, and the pig's head was stained with soil.

No matter how many adulterers, splitting their heads and covering their faces is a beating. This woman has also returned to God. Where is the ghost? How could they be beaten up like this?

As soon as the mind was closed, she realized who the man was. She turned her heart three times, but didn't drink the adulterer, gathered her hair to see the man beaten.

After a while, the "Ghost Jia Five" was full of blood on his head, and the voice of begging for mercy also lowered, and the woman said leisurely: "Okay, don't fight, it's not a ghost, it's my young uncle Jia Liu."

"What, what Jia Liu."

The adulterer shouted.

"Don't panic, he's a fool, and no one believes."

The woman came up and looked at Jia Liu with a cold face, "Jia Liu, what are you doing here?"

Jia Liu was suffocated and couldn't tell the tears or blood from his face. He covered his face and looked at the woman, and stuttered, "Give, give it to brother."

He crawled up and down to pick up the pig meat stained with ashes, and presented it to the woman like a treasure.

He traveled all over Jiaozhou and bought a little silver for herbal medicine. His elder brother wouldn't let him in, but his elder brother Jia Wu died of pneumonia a few days ago. Although Jia Liu is stupid, he can also think of buying something to pay tribute to his brother.

In his mind, he could not understand the shirtless man who stood next to his sister-in-law, who was a fierce man, and did not understand why he was beaten. He could not feel anger, only fear, and warmth for no reason Expectation.


The woman lifted the pig's head with **** and turned into the bedroom. She took two pieces of broken silver from the drawer, hesitated slightly, and dropped another one.

"Six, don't say that you don't feel bad about being a sister-in-law. You can take this money and make clothes or something, but you have one thing in mind. You can't tell anyone about this, listen. "

The adulterer also came over, and said, "Dare to say your life!"

Jia Liu looked at the woman: "I think, see me, my brother."

The woman smiled at him and said, "Your brother is asleep, you can't see him."

"I, I think ..."

"Where is so much nonsense!"

The woman's color changed suddenly, scaring Jia Liu.

"Anyway you remember, keep your mouth open!"

After that, the woman winked at the adulterer, and threw Jia Liu out of the door, inserting the door firmly.

"Is it all right? I'm afraid this silly boy is bad."

"Save it, he's talking too much, who listens, and has nowhere to live, maybe he can survive this winter."

Men and women wantonly talk fluttered from the old wood.

The piece of broken silver was tossed in the soil, and his blood-stained Jia Liuxuan was in a daze, feeling that something was filling his chest, and it seemed to overflow from his mouth. But born stupid, he didn't know that it was an emotion called anger.


The night was getting deeper and darker, the moon in the sky was dim, and the owl snoring, the large and small bats stood upside down under the eaves. This was a dilapidated city temple temple, only one of the plaques had been seen.

Jia Liushen walked into the ruined temple with a shallow kick, and fell motionless on his haystack.

He has lived in this city **** temple since he ignited and burned his house.

Although Jia Liu was born stupid, he never had any harmful intentions. Since he moved in, he has placed the things in the temple. He has money to sell herbs, and he cares how much, so he must take a part and give it to the headless. The city hall is like a tribute incense. It is not that he has more thoughts of worshiping the gods and worshiping the Buddha, but the education left by his husband when he was a child.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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