From the Bird

Chapter 442: Chief of Big Evil!

Thousands of miles waved into the sky, and the tide rushed into the sky. Lianshan fell down the gorges, sprayed snow and thunder, leisurely treetops played fish and dragons, and miserable city tour crabs. The dwelling houses are rippling, and Xiao Xiao's wildness is completely smoke-free;

——Ming · Li Yu · Xun Xianping

Chen House

Chen Hanmai walked into the courtyard with heavy steps, he looked back to the garden in front of him, rockery flowers, white marble steps, supporting dozens of carved beams and pillars in the pavilion, magnificent and luxurious.

The Chen family has more than 2,000 homes in Zhejiang, covering tens of acres of good land, and countless shops. However, in the eyes of Chen Han, such a large family business has turned into a pan of hot pot in Hell. Those bright blood bowls were waiting for his bones to simmer.

Chen Han laughed sorrowfully, ignoring Li's daughter-in-law, knocking on the door of his father Chen Tianfang.


"Come in ~"

Chen Tianfang's throat was better. Chen Han entered the door. His father was sitting on a chair in an old age, wearing the third-grade vermilion robe belt of the Emperor God. He was holding an oil lamp and holding a book in his hand. Reading with great effort.


Chen Han called out earnestly.

"Ah, you came here just right." Chen Tianfang rubbed his eyes and looked very tired. He pointed to the desk: "Go and find out, where is the next volume of this Biography?" In the middle, I remember it was in the middle, or ... where did it come from? "

Chen Han no longer spoke much, but immediately ran to the desk and went to find the biography.

"Dad, is this what you want?"

Chen Han held a large tomb and handed it to Chen Tianfang.

"Ah, yes, that's right." Chen Tianfang took the book into his hand, stared at the book and waved at his son: "You sit, you sit."

Chen Han smiled. When he was a teenager, he often sat aside to watch his father read a book. One sitting was an hour or two. Now I think of all the past.

After reading for a long time, Chen Tian suddenly sighed, "The essence of the mind is not moving. The essence of the mind is sex, **** is the reason, the nature is not moving, the reason is not moving. Mr. Yang Ming's knowledge is really paradoxical what."

When Chen Han accidentally saw a paper bag in the tea case, he asked casually, "Dad, what's wrong with this paper bag, isn't the girl in the wrong place."

"Oh, that, it was sent last night." Chen Tianfang still stared at the biography, without raising his head: "It was collected by several Governors of Yunyun. You coaxed the food price to force the people to rebel, and Chuner's family and The pirates' anti-knife incidents, alas, and Qian Gui went to Sanbao Temple that day, and the letters you threw into the well ... far away and close together must be so thick. "He gestured:" So thick. "

Chen Han was falling into the ice cave. He was a spirit, facing Chen Tianfang dumbfounded: "Daddy, you, baby, this."

He looked at the paper bag: "How come this thing from the Office of the Yunmen Office is in your hands?"

"Of course, the contents of the Yunmen and Menmen Office are in the office. Of course, the texts that Zhu Changyun carried along with him, of course, he just copied a copy and sent it to me. It is not difficult. Also, you think Qiangui will listen to you Yes? He only listens to me. "

Chen Tianfang turned over an article, saying so.

Chen Han is not stupid. He smiled bitterly and lowered his head: "It turns out that Dad knows everything, and his son thought he had hidden his father, and his son was really useless."

"Yeah, forty-somethings, and they are so arrogant that they have nothing to do. My uncle, too, has done so many conscientious transactions, and even cuts the roots of the grass is not good. He also called Fengzhou's Zhizhou Haining to grab a tongue. This person was transferred to Beijing, and your sister's family all had to lose their heads. After such a big lesson, you must grow up in the future. "

Chen Han threw himself on his knees, crying, "I'm afraid the son will not have the opportunity to grow in the future. The son is confused, and the son voted for him to make a noise, so as to avenge the younger brother, but he did not expect Longhushan to surrender it. , It lost the battle, and that group of people must rub their hands and fight for the lives of the Chen Jiake family! "

Chen Tianfang still stared at the book: "If we want our family's life, we don't have to call it a defeat. It has lost a defeat, and it is not necessary for our family's life."

Chen Han blinked: "What does father mean?"

"Don't think about it for yourself, I'm giving you my heartfelt words today. If you don't grow up and you can't hold up this home, then I can't help it."

Then, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Qian Gui pushed in the door and the whole person seemed much more capable than usual.

"Did it happen?"

"Master, it's done. The water has flooded Fenghua."

Chen Tian didn't blink, "Did it happen?"

Qian Gui froze, but quickly responded: "Oh, these people, I will deal with this tonight."

"Make it clean."

Chen Han was still strangling, and Chen Tianfang turned to him again and said, "Where did our grandpa say? Oh, grow up."

Chen Tianfang put down the book: "It ’s estimated that the Bailian religion ’s rebellion will have a clue in the past two days. They ca n’t make the climate, but it ’s not a bad thing in Zhejiang. Compared with the Bailian religion, Ningbo ’s affairs must be suppressed. , Stabilize. Zhu Changyun is an embroidered pillow, just like his predecessors, it is not a concern, but Wu Keyang, the biting dog is not barking. Do n’t look at him in these years, I have rubbed you so many buttocks and closed it With so many courtesies, he looks down on you. This person is not credible in the future, and he will find a way to save him. "

Chen Han listened carefully, and there seemed to be a heat surge in her heart.

"As soon as this happens, it will be safe for a while, and Longhu Mountain will also shut up. You can do whatever you wanted to do in the past. But be sharp and don't learn from your brother-in-law."

His skinny skeleton propped his scarlet official robe: "Go down."

Chen Han and Qian Gui resigned respectfully.

Chen Tian sat tiredly in a chair and whispered, "Unline."

A 15- or 16-year-old girl hurriedly came over, untied Chen Tianfang, took off her underwear, and exposed his skinny body.

After all, Chen Tianfang is almost ninety years old. When people get older, they will have an unpleasant smell, that is, the old man ’s smell. When they untie their clothes, a strange and rotten smell will go straight to the girl's nose. The girl didn't dare cover her nose, but she looked strange for a moment.

Chen Tianfang turned his head: "Does it smell?"

The girl swallowed her saliva, and before waiting for her to reply, Chen Tian let her grab the girl's hair, and her somber and sullen face came together, her skinny palms pinched and her thick bad breath spit on the girl's face.

In Chen Tianfang's words, the bitter chill, every word can drop out of the scum: "I tell you, as long as I live a day, go to the cabinet Taiyi Pavilion, down to the green forest heroes in Nanqi Province, I have to pinch my nose Recognize me, do n’t want to smell it! Do you hear it? Um? His surname Li wants to smash my pot? He is not qualified! "

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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