From the Bird

Chapter 568: Mechanical Ascension (3)

Chang Yu stood on the edge of the tower, his flesh and blood was swinging back and forth by strong wind, as if it would fall at any time.

The cigarette **** between his fingers spread out the white and gray, and the red Mars crookedly fell to the ground.


Armed police officers broke open the locked iron door and saw the cigarette **** in the hands of Chang Yu burst into tears. He did not hesitate to shoot a large armored bullet at Chang Yu. The round bullet hit the armour. , Making a weak clang.

Chang Yu was tilted back slightly by the force of the bullet, followed by three leg claws popping up the smooth wall following the leggings under his foot, and only heard a loud bang, a cloud of steam erupted under Chang Yu's feet. People leaped high.


The Chief Inspector took the lead and took out a pistol to pour the bullets into Chang Yu in the air. The airships of different sky also protruded different caliber gun barrels, spewing tongues of fire.

Chang Yu tried his best to protect his body, but the blood flowers still exploded on him. The bloodshot in his eyes had faded a lot, and he drew light in the cloudy moonlight. He had no energy to count the bullets in his body. I saw a sudden black hole in his armour and elbows, and a flaming flaming flame was launched out crookedly. It was located in the stacked oil tanks and cardboard boxes printed with the explosives logo.

"Do not!"

All the police officers present were distraught.

The Inspector leap out without hesitation, his arms greeted the flame bomb with a normal flying speed, and the body curled into a ball and rolled forward when the chest and the flame bomb hit. Only a murmur was heard. The red flame rolled towards the chief inspector's chin and hands. Even if there was a block of steam alone, the fragile flesh was severely burned by such high temperatures. In the end, those dangerous explosives were not ignited.

The pain caused the inspector to fall into a fierce twitch. He stiffened and raised the angular Chinese face. He wanted to see the disappointed murderer's disappointed expression before his death, but he was disappointed. The stark and beautiful face saw only a pair of gray eyes, tired eyes.

Chang Yu, who was soaked in blood, fell from the tower. His luck was a lot better than that of Saint Yves. He actually hit a soft air balloon in an airship. However, most of his internal organs were broken. And there is almost no hope of living.

The wet, warm blood stained his vision, and Chang Yu blinked hard at his eyelids. He froze and saw a familiar face.

"Don't you say that you should deliver it to me today, how can you make yourself a virtue?"

Li Yan's face also lacked blood, but his face was still smiling, and nothing seemed to stop him.


Chang Yu blinked, and then blinked, his consciousness was a bit loose, and the moon and sometimes the stars were spinning in front of him.

"The goods are below, I'm sorry, you took it out without asking, and it broke ... But, cough, but I promise. It's the best. It's better than everything I handle . "

Li Yan stared at Chang Yu with a horrible smile, suddenly he didn't smile, and his face was sore: "I lied to you for something, I'm not a Jacobin at all. That's just a lie that I stabbed you to join. . "

Chang Yu's smile was a bit stiff, and the surrounding scenery was moving rapidly. For a long time, he said with a dumb voice, "Will you do me a favor?"

"You said." Li Yan did not hesitate to think, this is also the first time he came to this world to make such a promise to others: "I will do my best."

Several airships leaned over, and the police officer raised his gun and rushed to Li Yan, who was sitting next to Chang Yu, shouting something insulting. Li Yan was unmoved and looked at Chang Yu's moving lips quietly.

"no problem."

Successive bullets were unable to fall after hitting the water wall, and the airship carrying the bodies of Li Yan and Chang Yu slowly landed.

A large number of steam guards surrounded the landing airships.

"Raise your hands! Immediately."

The police officer did not finish speaking, but Li Yan disappeared without a trace.

"What about people?"

The police officers were frightened.

The tens-meter-tall giant Ymir is still standing in place, revealing Li Yan's face reflected with a fierce atmosphere that no one can enter.

"How can it be used like this?"

Li Yan squatted in front of a wreck. There is red steam underfoot.

This is a wreckage of a single steamer that was trampled by the giant force. Except for a crumpled flat iron shell and a tarnished, but tedious, ornate steel spine, this wreck almost does not see its original shape .

Li Yan glanced at the gorgeous spine in the wreckage.

[Ascension Organ] (Incomplete)

Category: Legend

Remark 1: Chang Yu, a steam engineer, imitates Lalaiye City-State Peak Natural Technology, a great creation with perpetual motion as the goal: the finished product of the Ascendant. It uses natural creations and the ability to turn everything in the world into steam with unique properties to the extreme, but it is also one of the culprits that caused the big pollution in Ambota.

Note 2: It needs a strong enough soul to exert the power of perpetual motion.

I do n’t know when an extra tin bottle came out of Li Yan ’s hand. He made a gesture and inserted the tin bottle into the neck of the wreck. There was a groove originally designed there. Chang Yu also questioned the extra design, but Li Yan insists on the structure.

After aligning the grooves, Li Yan forced to insert the next one. The bottle of Kaihun's soul was broken, and the purple smoke accompanied by the Sanskrit sound suddenly faded away ...

"You used [Bo Xun's Inspiring Soul Bottle]. The remaining number of uses is zero. The Bo Xun's Inspiration Bottle has been completely destroyed!"

"You reincarnate [the fierce soul] into an unowned body."

"Determining the strength of the main body ..."

"Judgement failed."

"Successful reincarnation."


The fierce howls screamed along with the sharp horrible laughter. The black and white flames spread outward from the spines linked by 28 triathlons. A blood-red steam penetrated the 28th from the lowest end of the spine Triathlon. Li Yan pushed away a few steps, and saw that the steam soldier who was almost impossible to move on the physical level was supported by light flames and red steam, and actually stood up again. On the neckless neck, there was a black and white second. The face of the flame formed by the color flame is, from the front, the features of the black flame, and from the back, it is the features of the white flame.

Damaged individual soldiers were glued by condensed red steam. Red cracks all over the metal surface are reminiscent of magma that is about to erupt.

[Ascension (can be renamed)]

Category: Summoner

Quality: unique

Based on the fierce dead soul and the source power, steam technology, and the supernatural ancient creation technology: the strange life of the combination of the three cores of the 20-core ascension organs, the power of which cannot be estimated by common sense. .

The characteristics are as follows:

[Large heroes in troubled times]: Born heroes are good at battlefield weapons and cold weapon fighting.

[Five Wife Tricks]: Mastering sixty-three spooky Tricks Tricks, including soul restraint, bone removal, poisoning, dream terror, and so on, are terrifying.

[Ruyi Trick]: It can be as small as cucumber, eggplant, and as big as a house.

[Xun Xun's Fire]: Reborn after being tempered by the Xun Xun's fire, you can naturally control the Xun Xun's fire.

[Process Instinct]: Ascendants will use the characteristics of the triathlon to find equipment that can strengthen themselves and transform them.

[Extreme Power]: It can degrade most substances in the world into corresponding steam at high temperature, and give it various powerful capabilities of steam flow.

[Great pollution in Ambota! ]: When the activity of volcanic bacteria in Ambota reaches a certain level (the number of linked triathlons reaches more than twenty), or the number accumulates to a certain limit, it will completely recover from the usual anaerobic dormant state and bring the accessible Everything degrades into steam. Only the cradle of yesteryear: Soul Water. Can calm down the activated volcano Ambota.


The ascendant roared in the sky, and the rolling flames and steam were collecting something in the wreckage.

Li Yan is in touch with it. He knows what the new ascendant thinks, and pulls out a few things from his personal mark.

The difference is that the referees plundered from the Red Mountain Paddock in the First World War: Fire Rakshasa and Zhan Yuejin gave to themselves, but because of various concerns, the unknown big sword that has not been used, presses the bottom of the box to the black dragon flag that Li Yan is about to forget. There were also other metal products that Li Yan couldn't even remember, and they were thrown to the ascendant.

These miscellaneous things were wrapped in red steam and turned into a part of the Ascension's body. I saw its flame and steel structure rising against the wind. There seemed to be any glimmer in the black crystal lenses of the giant Emir. Six The sturdy arms were pressed together. Two hands resembling human five fingers, with red cracks covering the arm, the ascender's body is still expanding, and the giant Imir's horns rise.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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