From the Bird

Chapter 591: Jumang

When Wu Wenji stepped into the venue, Nuo Da's conference hall was seated with more than a hundred people, talking and laughing with each other, and many people lowered their heads and fiddled with their mobile phones, silently.

At this moment, only five minutes have elapsed since Zhao Jianzhong opened up idle ground.

Everyone was seated before three seats. Obviously, even in Yan Zhaohui, these people are among the best.

This is justified.

In the final analysis, this is a meeting of Yan Zhao, not a battle between life and death.

For those who are walking on the edge of Yan Zhaohui, it may be a terrible problem, but for the strong people who can enter Yan Zhaohui steadily, it is just a rare and ordinary section.

As for being too busy, you must deliberately delay time. It's not only shameful, but also very taboo to shiver in the presence of Yan Fu who is far inferior to himself, or to obstruct or even kill the other party.

Take the pride.

Even if he was anxious to kill Ugly on the spot, he only arranged for two people who had not entered Yan Zhaohui to hunt him down. This is one of the reasons.

However, this scale is still very vague, and bullying is often unavoidable. It is generally not fatal.

Wu Wenji's eyes looked around for a week, and none of his close friends in Three Eyes Global, such as the peacock, had arrived at the venue.

She frowned, and walked all the way to Zhan Yue, and just about to bend over to say something, Zhan Yuejin interrupted her.

"Sit back to your place. Don't bother others."

Yun Wenji scratched her hair fiercely and sat back hummingly to her position in the second seat.

She looked at her seat in the same row. The second seat has been seated for more than half, even including several second reserve, Jin Gangzhi, Jiufeng, Zhao Xuantan, and Wei Yueyan have all been seated, only Yang Yan and Tai Sui No trace.


Dozens of black fire-like shadows have fallen into the steel city. Li Yan is one of them.

With his feet close to the ground, a waft of air wafted. Finally landed silently. There were violent crashes all around.

"Knife, knife."

Li Yan tried to initiate a conversation but failed.

He looked around, his eyes were lined with cement concrete and glass curtain walls, and occasionally he could see dead poplars. There was a thick layer of thick dust everywhere. I can't see any shadows.

"Through a small, lifeless fruit, where is the end of the road."

Li Yan was a little puzzled. He walked aimlessly. Suddenly, half of the sky was shrouded in blue flames. Li Yan looked up at where Biyan came, and saw a dazzling blue beam of light suddenly split straight, 100 meters High red and green flames swept around, flooding several high-rise buildings, and the intensely changing flames made people's eyes open.

"Good guy ..."

Li Yan, who was standing on the roof of a rotten tail floor, narrowed his eyes and opened his eyes again until the flames had weakened. The distant urban area had fallen into a sea of ​​fire, and the fierce temperature washed away all the clouds. It is not possible to use "Kyushu directly" in the past. The distance from visual inspection should be less than one hundred kilometers.

Li Yan was silent for a moment, and was about to step in the direction of the explosion, suddenly leaping high, stagnation in the air, looking at the rotten tail floor under his feet, and saw the knotted branches and lush foliage from the rotten tail floor. "Sheng Fang" came out, and several sharp branches stabbed at Li Yan with a broken sound, and Li Yan escaped by one.

Third-order genetic ability: Dance empty man

Li Yan stepped on the air, and the rotten rotunda under his feet was shattered and scattered by lush branches. In the end, the rotten rotten was opened to reveal its original purpose, which is a horrible giant tree of more than ten stories.

A long thick branch emerged from the bushes, stepping on a handsome woman with a good sense of features.


After becoming an agent, unless there is a certain hobby, there is no longer the inheritance of such things as projection to perform ability. Various magical powers such as arm command. Even if some inheritances fail to exert the power of the myth that used to destroy the heavens and the earth, it is no longer rigidly trapped in the so-called "skill".

She is the rebirth of Jumang.

Li Yan held up his hands: "Find the way to the venue first, then fight later."

Ju Mangbang said, "I know you, your name is Li Yan. The inheritance is that you captured the birds and Wu Zhiqi. The fruits that were so enthusiastic about a while ago were picked by the aboriginals, which is to borrow your hands. I used to support them. He was also out of supply. "

"Is it necessary to mention this long time ago? I am also a victim. Do you beat me and you will be able to come back?"

"It's good to be out of breath."

Ju Mang smiled.

As soon as Juman raised his hand, the buildings around him were smashed and smashed by giant trees. Thousands of branches and leaves were like Li Yan in the prison.


Li Yan opened his mouth in mid-air, and a sharp squeak swept away in all directions.

Fourth-order genetic ability: Wither fluctuations! (None of the three giants in winter

Withering fluctuations: killing all active cellular material, killing plants more than animals.


The branches directly drowned Li Yan, and these dense branches like Sen Luo's prison actually ignored the ability of "withering fluctuations".

The sharp and barbed branches agitated like a meat grinder, and Li Yan, who was wrapped in it, saw that there was more evil.

Juman tilted his head: "Take Su Ling's genetic medicine to strengthen the ability that has nothing to do with inheritance? You really waste it."

Suddenly, those small meals followed, followed by being blasted out of a large hole with a diameter of 56 meters, and Li Yan poked the gun around with a large head of a tiger's head, without any injuries.


Ju Mang said lightly.

Li Yan, who escaped from birth, smiled slightly and ran away without a word.


Ju Mang obviously didn't plan to let Li Yan do the same. The horror plant grew wild again, chasing and blocking Li Yan from all directions.

Seeing the inevitable Li Yan's footsteps, his facial features and body became transparent water just before being caught by vines and branches.

Third-order genetic ability: Colorless King Kong

Those who are capable can fully liquefy and obtain a certain ability to manipulate water vapor.

It's not over yet, the branches and vines of Jumang were completely frozen by the frost of gushing gas from Li Yan's body.

Fourth-order genetic capabilities: Pioneering Freeze!

Jumang's Sen Luo branch was frozen into the ice, but she was indifferent. In less than a minute, at least one tall branch was sealed in the ice, and finally no longer expanded.

Li Yan's brows were wrinkled, and he looked around. At least half a block had been entwined by the branches of Jumang, but he could seal a tall plant by himself. It was already the limit.

"keep going."

Ju Man giggled, a little charming on Bai Jing's pretty face.

Ju Mang, the representative of the three seats Yan Zhaohui, the peak of the seventh house.

Obviously, she belongs to that kind of person with a bad character.

"Don't you just want to save your pleasant mountain spirit? This is a skill, but it's a hindrance."

Ju Mang said so, but he was suspicious.

"The person whose surname is Li should not be Su Ling, how could he use so many high-level genetic abilities on him?"

Li Yan's mockery of Jumang was unmoved: "I've only tried it before."

Suddenly, Jumang's face changed, and a series of black water splashes blew up her impenetrable and powerful branches. The rotten leaf flesh and the frozen juice were everywhere. And this large hole was corroded and enlarged at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Tentacle-like curse.

Li Yan took the Lengzi to escape from the giant tree city of Jumang, took out the [Dodge Tomahawk] that had not been used for a long time, and turned into a silver-blue streamer.

Jumang frowned and stared at the branch that he could not recover for a long time. Then he drew a hand, and the terror branches of the whole street shrank until they disappeared.

"It's boring, find someone to play with."

She mumbled and left.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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