From the Bird

Chapter 613: Thunder Pool


Houtu turned and faced Li Yan and Dan Niang.

The room was empty except for two rattan chairs and a square table with tea sets.

"Then the two of you, I'll go first."

After Hou Tu said, he really left.


Li Yan looked a little uncomfortable.

"Are you nervous?"

The light of Dan Niang's eyes was as cool as water.

"That's not it." Li Yan shook his head.

Dan Niang twisted her fingers rarely. It took a long time before she had the courage to say something, but was interrupted by Li Yan.

"I said something wrong the other day, I'm sorry. What is the meaning of survival? I don't think about it. I just don't care. Life is a joke, and survival doesn't make sense. I will also survive. Very distressed, I am willing to accompany you. I am not afraid of anyone hearing the following words. I am afraid that I will never have the opportunity to convince you that you are more important to me than Yan Fu. "

Dan Niang's palms were loose and tight. For a long time, her lips trembled, and her soft palms penetrated into Li Yan's clothes, stroking his chest gently, and they hugged tightly.

"I'm sorry, these days make you embarrassed."

"It's ok."

Li Yan whispered.

Uh ~

Dan Niang's palm penetrated into Li Yan's chest, and the whole room suddenly glowed.


About half an hour, the door of the room was knocked.

Li Yan didn't look up, "Come in."

The knocker was An Jing.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Dan Niang lying on the table, her eyes closed with a pear-like face, and she looked like a child safely. She pillowed Li Yan's arm and slept soundly.

"Um ~ Grandpa wants to see you."

"Got it."

Li Yan pulled her arm out of Dan Niang's arms a little, took off her clothes and covered her, then whispered to An Jing and said, "Let's go."

An Jing nodded and walked out of the room with Li Yan, about two minutes away, before An Jing said: "Congratulations. Last time you met, you were walking in the low position of Jiugong. How long has this been, Yan Zhaohui's position is He ran to me. He also beat Yang Yan. I have never seen him suffer so much. "

"I didn't win Yang Yan. Good luck."

"In short, I will take care of you in the future, two representatives."

Between words, the two have reached their destination.

"Go in yourself."

An Jing waved.

"Thank you."

After speaking, Li Yan went in.

This is also a house about the same size as before. Especially the marble screen on the rosewood shelf is eye-catching.

Su Ling and Houtu were squatting on a small round stool, operating the handlebars, and playing the console game with Japanese subtitles on the TV.

Zhan Yuejin leaned on Luo Han's bed and sat side by side with Zhu Jiuyin across the table. He talked plainly: "Classical economy is a practical science and cannot be a dogma. It should not be nonsense with conscience. The so-called free market is in the eyes of some people. Li has long been a religious belief. You ca n’t touch it. If they really read The Wealth of Nations, they know that Liszt and Adam Smith ’s economic theory has no essential conflict. They must follow objective laws ... ”

Zhuan Jiuyin waved his hands again and again: "Your brother, I have broken off with this Lao Zizi for a long time. If there are flowers, birds, fish, insects, or gold stones, we will have a chat. If you talk to me about classical economy, then stop it."

Zhan Yue went in and took a sip. He groaned, and seemed to be overwhelmed, so he had to hold up a teacup and sip.

Zhao Jianzhong lay on the Nanmu crosschair, frowning with an eyebrow, and said nothing. When he saw Li Yan enter the door, he shouted, "Sit anywhere."

Zhan Yuejin and Zhu Jiuyin also looked at Li Yan, nodded slightly, and Su Ling nodded his head to pay tribute to Li Yan, operated the handle with both hands, and defeated the rear soil.

"Don't I sit anymore, old man, are you looking for me?"

"I have something to tell you. The fun of Shan Ling on you, everyone thinks there is no problem. You should also have it in your heart."

Li Yan was silent, and touched his chest subconsciously.

"We also don't want to be wicked, but sometimes, we want to be thorough, and we can't get through our face. We can't help it. If you have resentment, we understand, but decently, we have taken care of it.

Li Yan shook his head: "I understand the difficulties of several people. Not so careful."

"That's good, that's good."

Zhao Jianzhong nodded with a smile: "You want to participate in the work of recycling the fruit kernels, I owe you. As for why, I don't ask. But you have to be clear in your heart. You are happy to have a cup of tea here, unhappy, just go out . "

Li Yanzheng was hesitant to answer. Su Ling, who was sitting and playing with Houtu, suddenly sighed, and said politely, "I said something wrong the other day, I'm sorry."

Xiaohou Tuli immediately pretended to answer deeply: "What is the meaning of survival? I didn't think about it. I just don't care. Life is a joke, and survival is meaningless. I will also survive, and I don't need any destination. "

The muscles on Li Yan's face were twitching.

Zhan Yuejin put down his tea cup and said leisurely, "But if you are upset, I will be happy to accompany you."

Even Jiuyin, who has never been in contact with Li Yan and has always been unsmiling, is also frowning: "The following words, I am not afraid of anyone to hear, I am afraid that I will never have the opportunity to convince you ..."

"You are more important to me than Yan Fu."

Zhao Jianzhong finished.

Li Yan felt so helpless that he blushed, bowed deeply to a few people, and then hurriedly backed out.

Su Ling laughed badly, and Zhan Yuejin and Zhu Jiuyin also had a light smile on their faces.

Invisibly, Li Yanchu's separation into Yan Zhaohui seems to have disappeared.


The design of this building is very complicated. In addition to the convention hall when the Yan Zhaohui was held, there are also spacious high-rise buildings over ten floors that can accommodate hundreds of people, including chess and card rooms, basketball courts, shooting ranges and swimming pools. There are all kinds of modern facilities, but once you walk out of the closed door, you will be shocked by everything in front of you.

At the foot is a bottomless abyss. The whole building, together with a piece of green land, hangs in the darkness without any support. There are giant chains across the sky, surrounded by huge dark clouds filled with thunder. In the overwhelming darkness, this building seemed so lonely and small.

Suddenly, a golden-red albatross flapped their wings and whistled. It was the size of a Boeing passenger plane, staring at Li Yan with round eyes.

"These clouds are called Lei Chi, and the electricity and water used at the venue are all on Lei Chi."

Yang Yan walked to Li Yan, holding a cigarette in his mouth: "The square you saw in the past, covered with black pillars, and a separate bedroom, is on the branch of a fruit tree. Here is the trunk of Yan Fu's fruit tree. You ca n’t see the sky, you ca n’t see the sky. The chains and albatross are Yan Fu ’s handwriting, serving as roads and vehicles. ”

Li Yan asked, "Isn't there a portal?"

"A small portion of Wuxian can only be used. If you have Yun Zhongjun like you, don't worry. Some people don't have the ability to walk. And the trunk is too big."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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