From the Country Team To the Rich

Chapter 545: Detonate Germany

  Chapter 545 Detonating Germany

  Berlin time, eight o'clock in the evening.

  The whole of Germany was detonated by a piece of news.

  In the 30th round of the Bundesliga in the 2018/2019 season, Munich 1900 lost to Hoffenheim 1:2 at home.

  Hoffenheim ended Munich’s 1900 winning streak and almost ruined the latter’s championship.

  There is a five-point gap between Munich 1900 and Leverkusen today, which is fatal enough.

  It is almost impossible for Leverkusen to lose two of the next four rounds, and still have no chance of facing the Bundesliga powerhouses.

  This is Leverkusen’s closest to a Bundesliga champion in recent years, and they will not miss this opportunity.

  As for Munich 1900, the situation is not very good.

  They may face the most embarrassing season without a crown in recent years.

  In the past, they would have a championship bottom no matter what.

  This can be the Champions League, Europa League, Bundesliga or the German Cup, but this year's Munich 1900 has been busy for a year but nothing has been found.

  The Champions League was eliminated early.

  The German Cup was also given up.

  Even the most sure Bundesliga champions may now leave them.

  This situation is unacceptable to the Munich 1900 fans.

The official website of   Munich 1900 was blasted. Although this is not the first time, the anger of the fans seems to be more intense this time.

  Munich 1900 is still posting as usual, apologizing + public relations measures.

   This time, the Munich 1900 fans did not buy it at all.

  This made Munich 1900 feel that they needed to push someone out to accept the anger of the fans.

  And the candidate for this person is difficult to choose.

  Management will never hold back!

  The first team has the best back-to-back environment, but who should pass the pot to?

  Untimely in 1900 in Munich, the head coach Leonardo Yadi stepped up and took the initiative to take responsibility.

  He said on his Twitter that the responsibility for losing lies with the head coach and listed more than 20 questions.

The content of    is basically an expression, the coaching staff did not fully understand Hoffenheim's state and tactics before the game.

  Due to the laziness of the coaching staff, leading to the final loss.

  Although this reason is far-fetched, Munich fans now need a vent. Regardless of whether the reason is good or not, they only need to have an objection that can be abused, or they will go crazy.

  For a time, Leonardo Yadi became the target of public criticism.

  How long does it take to go from a meritorious coach to a street mouse that everyone beats and scolds?

  Leonardo Yadi told them the answer, just one loss!

  The most ruthless is rich!

  Since someone took the initiative to back the pot, Munich 1900 went smoothly and began to negotiate the contract with Leonardo Yadi.

  Actually, Munich 1900 had a lot of opinions on Leonardo Yadi’s high salary, and it happened to be a topic.

  Faced with the club management’s interview, Leonardo Yadi seemed particularly calm and even offered to leave.

  This made Munich 1900 somewhat unexpected. They just wanted to suppress Leonardo Yadi and his salary, and didn't want the other party to leave.

  But Leonardo Yadi’s attitude is very determined, which makes Munich 1900 directly dumbfounded.

  They want to deduct wages, but this guy wants to leave!

  If Yadi is really gone, where would Munich 1900 go to find such an excellent coach?

  You should know that now some head coaches who are willing to leave have all been divided among the major European giants.

  Munich 1900 really couldn't find a suitable one.

  But they can't lower their heads because of this, and the club fell into an extremely embarrassing situation for a while.

  The whole storm began to blow around Munich 1900, and even the fans of Munich 1900 were confused.

  Really leaving?

  We are just cursing, just let it out.

  But Leonardo Yadi seems to have decided to leave.

  At this festival, the big boss of the Serie A Turin Club flew to Munich and stayed in a hotel less than two kilometers away from the Munich Club.

  For a time, the entire European media rioted.

  Neither did they expect that a loss directly caused the meritorious coach of Munich 1900 to leave the team.

  "Munich Evening News" directly stated that they could not send Leonardo Yadi away.

  First: They can't find a good head coach in a short time.

  Second: Leonardo Yadi’s departure may cause a chain reaction, after all, many players in the team are his disciples.

  In football, after the head coach left, there are countless examples of wool from the old club.

  Munich, 1900, I don’t want to be that poor sheep.

   "Man, we only need a word from you! You know, the situation is terrible now, we can't lose Yadi!"

  Hedith said excitedly on the phone.

  In the beginning, the management was arguing with Yadi, but now the latter proposed to leave and put it into practice, the club could not sit still.

The meaning of   Hedith is obvious. He needs Hoffenheim, the initiator, to say something good, so that Munich 1900 has a reason to cancel the wage reduction without slapping himself in the face.

  But Zhang Xian’s attitude seems a bit playful.

   "I feel that leaving is indeed good!" Zhang Xian said with a smile.

  Hedith's face stiffened and he almost roared; "No! He can't go, he is the faith of Munich 1900!"

"Leiner Schwab is also Shaq united faith, but he has also gone!" Zhang Xian said lightly; "Don't forget, this was the decision we forced Shaq united to make. They must have been very painful at the time. So in order to make others feel balanced, we also need to bleed. Yadi is a good choice."

  Hedith's face flushed red. In fact, Zhang Xian said it was okay, but he just didn't want to.

  "So what can Hoffenheim do?"

   "Jamie!" Zhang Xian said quickly.

  Herdes opened his mouth, speechless.

  Jamie is extremely important to Hoffenheim, there is no doubt that.

  And Hoffenheim actually wanted to sell Jamie.

  Is this digging your own foundation?


  Zhang Xian said lightly; “The basic intent has been reached with Stanford. After the summer window opens, Jamie will leave.”

   "Hedith, I need you to remember one thing, don’t be clever, no one is a fool, especially those who have been injured, they are extremely sensitive."

   "The current Shaq United and Bremen are watching us. If we do not pay enough, the so-called ‘reform’ is a joke."

  Zhang Xian categorically cut the railroad; "This summer window, it is necessary to usher in the second wave of the Bundesliga star departure. Of course, this also includes the head coach."

  Hedith wants to say something, but everyone has sold the number one star like Jamie, he really has nothing to say.

  In the end, Heddes can only bear the pain; "I hope we will succeed."

   "We will succeed!"

  Zhang Xian finished speaking and hung up with a snap.

    Two more sent!

     ask for subscription! Monthly ticket! collect! recommend!



  (End of this chapter)

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