From the Country Team To the Rich

Chapter 563: They are called Hoffenheim!

  Chapter 563 They are called Hoffenheim!

  The entire Olympic Stadium in Azerbaijan came with cheers like a tsunami. The cheers have been continuous for 3 minutes, but they still don’t mean to stop.

  Hoffenheim fans are so excited.

  They were so close to the champion for the first time.

   "Lead! One goal in 75 minutes, the Red Factory has no possibility of a comeback, right! I'm right! Absolutely!"

   Lawrence shouted excitedly.

   Mrs. Wendy and Old Dink and others have lost their language ability. They can only use cheers to express their excitement.

  For these old fans, they have experienced the most downturn of the Meteor team.

  They never thought that one day Hoffenheim could appear in the top league.

  But fate is always so miraculous, and it all started from the encounter ten years ago.

  Now Hoffenheim is already a powerhouse in the Bundesliga, and is only one step away from the Europa League.

   "Defense! We are going to defend!"

   "To defend a fart, Hoffenheim needs to attack!"

   "Fart, now the offense is looking for death, we already have the advantage, we have to hold this ball!"

   "Are you sure we can put it right? We are not a team famous for defense, at least not now!"

  Hoffenheim fans can't help but want to see the team win the championship trophy when they gain the advantage.

  Whether it is defensive or offensive.

  As long as they see the team picking up that **** championship trophy, they don’t care.

  Hoffenheim is also making final adjustments.

  Steven directly used two substitutions to replace Fan Chenggong, who is physically weak, and Ludi Mod in midfield.

  After Ludi Mod went off the field, the midfield command was handed over to Habr.

  Hoffenheim is not the first time to do this, and there are some guarantees for this.

  And Gray, who is about to play, can also make up for the lack of defensive end.

  Even though Steven has an offensive madman attitude, this is the last few minutes of the Europa League final, and he dare not be willful again.

  Defense is indeed the best choice, but in this case, we must also ensure the operation of the team.

  "Steven made the right decision. Gray is an experienced player. He knows how to use his advantages and kill the game!"

   "Fan Chenggong, the defender, played very well in this game, but his stamina has been basically exhausted. It is the best way to change."

  "On the whole, while being very strong on defense, I did not forget the support on the counterattack line. This is the most appropriate substitution at the moment!"

  Roy Tucks gave Steven a high degree of recognition. In fact, since the beginning of this season, Steven’s response in many situations is commendable.

  Steven is not a rotten person, he knows how to be sleek, but his personality is a bit dull.

  In the Bundesliga where the star coaches are gathered, it is an amazing thing to bring a new army into the European war in two times and appear in the finals.

  I have to say that Hoffenheim’s products must be exquisite!

  The former head coach Christopher, now Steven.

  In the best case, the two will round up the Europa League + Champions League.

For those players who went out, Ji'an has won the Champions League, while Button has won two consecutive league titles in Serie A.

   are rare good players.

  Hoffenheim completed the substitution, which made the pressure on the Red Factory even greater.

   was even pressed in the large restricted area and could not move.

  When Hoffenheim kicked smoothly, it was a very scary thing.

  At this time, the old professor could not sit still.

  Red Factory must make adjustments.

  81 minutes, the Red Factory made a substitution.

  This time the substitution was unexpected, the old professor directly replaced Fati.

  You should know that Fati is the core origin of the Red Factory this season, and it is also the most stable point of play.

  Fati’s absence will greatly reduce the attributes of the Red Factory’s offense.

  But the old professor still did.

  The old professor is very dissatisfied with Fati’s previous performance. He is a generous person, but it does not mean that he can tolerate someone challenging his majesty.

  Fati also had a face of disbelief that the old professor actually replaced him.

  But when he saw the tense expression of the old professor, he suddenly lowered his head.

  He knew that he made the old professor angry.

  Veteran Mansolion and Fati ran into the arena after high-fiving.

  This is a 36-year-old veteran who has entered the final years of his career and is about to retire.

   But Man Sorien was also extremely powerful when he was young, and Ludi Mod’s core position in the Red Factory was taken over from this veteran.

  Now, the veteran is in danger, and he doesn’t know what will happen.

  England is very puzzled about the substitution of the old professor.

   "We don't know what happened inside the Red Factory, but replacing Fati is a very irrational act. From previous games, we can see that Fati is the most active one. Why not let him continue?"

  After the English commentator spoke, he did not know that the Red Factory fans had already begun to yell.

  ‘You know what a fart! The Red Factory is a whole, and there is no need for aliens! ’

  ‘Fati’s performance disappointed me, he was completely out of the whole. ’

  ‘We don’t need such a core. I support the old professor’s decision. ’

  ‘Why do you blame a 21-year-old kid, isn’t it that we all play badly? ’

  Red Factory fans have begun to show dissatisfaction, verbal abuse, etc. This is the evolution of their anxious emotions.

  The time is less than ten minutes, and the injury time is just over 10 minutes.

  Now they need to find a chance to tie a goal, but it is not easy said than done.

  Many people are looking forward to the veteran Mansolion, hoping that he can perform the veteran rejuvenation drama.

   But the fact is, the master was beaten to death by random punches.

  When Ranier played with Habr in an almost unreasonable way and passed Mansolion, the Red Factory fans felt at a loss when they saw the latter's awkward figure and stiff behavior.

  In their acquaintance, the elegant angel broke its wings in the tunnel of time after all.

  He can no longer dance.

  Especially against the green faces of Ranier and Habr, this feeling is even stronger.

  The idols and heroes they love and admire are really old!

  唰! ! ! ! ! ! !

  89 minutes, Hoffenheim made persistent efforts, and after a 5-minute pass, a silky smooth one-foot touch attack.

   is done by Gray, Ranier, Habr, Leo, and Jamie.

  In the end, Jamie still scored the key goal, scored twice, and opened the score to 3:1.

  At this time, the suspense is over.

  The game is also over!

  No one believes that the Red Factory can pull two goals in just five minutes in such a bad state.

  And this also indicates that the 2018/2019 UEFA Champions League is about to be born.

  They come from a small village in southern Germany with a population of less than 5,000 people.

  They are called Hoffenheim!

    Two more sent! !

     ask for subscription! Monthly ticket! collect! recommend!



  (End of this chapter)

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