Chapter 79: The Destroyer of the World? No, I’m just protecting the Kamen Rider world!!


The earth-shattering explosion exploded, and the terrifying dark power instantly poured out and overflowed the screen.

But this dark force came and dissipated quickly, and only the fireworks in the sky remained in the picture.

The fireworks slowly dispersed, and the camera quickly zoomed in, allowing everyone to see the source of the explosion site.


My figure has disappeared, leaving only a magenta hand holding the card silently.

After all, I died at the hands of the world destroyer of the emperor horse.

Click! A crisp sound.

The emperor horse raised his head and looked at the place where the sound was made.

“It’s too much!!!”

The person who came was none other companion of Menyashi, Hikari Natsumi.

She saw the empty me card in the imperial rider’s hand, and a resentful expression appeared on her face, she really didn’t expect that Menyashi actually attacked the empty me.

Obviously they are companions!!!

“So what?”

Menyashi naturally knew what Guang Xia Hai meant by these words, but now he had his purpose, and this purpose could not be told to anyone.

No one knows what he is carrying.

And Guang Xia Hai heard Menyashi’s words, and the whole person froze in place, and at this moment, her eyes were full of disbelief.

It seemed hard to believe that this was the doorman in front of her who had been fighting with her before.

He seems to…

Really became the destroyer of that world in Narutaki’s mouth……… All Kamen Rider enemies.


Guang Xia Hai’s mind was full of doubts, why did Menyashi suddenly become like this?

But she quickly figured out that now all Kamen Riders had been wiped out by Monyashi, and the only one who could stop him from continuing to destroy the world………

It’s just herself! Yes!

Hikari Natsumi is also Kamen Rider!

She signed a contract with Kiva-la and can use Kiva-la’s power to transform into Kamen Rider Kiva-la!

Truly speaking, she is the last Kamen Rider in the world!

“I will… Stop yours!! ”

Although Guang Xia Hai was very reluctant to be an enemy of Menyashi, a former partner, the current situation was no longer up to her choice.

She must… Stop the door!!

Save other Kamen Riders!!! Save the world!!!

Hearing Guang Xia Hai’s words, Menya Shi slowly stood up, and the two big green eyes of the emperor horse armor stared at this Guang Xia Hai who seemed to have matured.


Hikari shouted softly.

A small white bat flew to Guang Xiahai’s side.

It laughed softly, seemingly very happy with Guang Xiahai’s choice.

“Hahahaha~~~Let’s go up~~~”

With that, it flew to Guang Xiahai’s hand.

Guang Xia Hai looked at the emperor riding with resolute eyes……… Menyashi!! She wants to…

Stop each other!!!



Guang Xia Hai lifted Kiva-la and put it on his chest, and a special energy emanated from Kiva-la’s body!

A shadow appeared around Guangxia Hai. The next moment!

Armor Steering!!

Kamen Rider – Kiva—la!!! Debut!!!

And seeing that Guang Xia Hai was transformed into a complete one, Menyashi spread out his hands and said in an extremely disdainful tone: “Let the horses come over~”

He is…

Do you look down on the combat effectiveness of Guangxia Hai!?

And hearing Menyashi’s words, Guang Xia Hai was obviously angry, and she felt the strong attitude of the emperor riding to look down on her!

“I am… Kamen Rider Kiva—la (Yaran)!! ”

With that, she raised her sword and rushed towards the door!


Along with Guang Xiahai’s coquettishness, she wielded her long sword and slashed at the chest of the emperor rider!!

Bang!! Bang!!!

The brilliant sparks burst out from the imperial cavalry armor, and they actually defeated the imperial cavalry!

But the next moment!!

The emperor horse suddenly squatted down and bombarded Yalan’s body with a punch! After all, it is a gap in combat experience!

Ya Lan didn’t react at all at this moment, and was directly hit by the emperor’s punch and flew out several meters away.

The emperor horse threw a sword flower, and the whole person took a fighting posture, and said coldly: “Go on the road with peace of mind!” ”

Hearing the words of the emperor, Yalan’s whole person was angry, she didn’t expect that Menyashi had really become the big demon king in Narutaki’s mouth!


Accompanied by Yalan’s angry roar, she once again raised her sword and rushed towards the imperial horse!!

And her sword, full of her anger and other complex emotions, at this moment, her heart has been filled with anger!!


Raised his sword and stabbed at the door Yashi!!

Seeing this, everyone who watched the video couldn’t help but shake their heads.

This kind of straightforward attack must be easy for the emperor horse to resist!

But……… Boast!

What everyone who watches the video did not expect!!

The emperor horse actually threw his sword away, opened his arms with both hands, and waited for the attack to come with a look of giving up resistance!!


Yalan’s long sword pierced into the belt of the emperor horse unimpeded.

With the splendid Martian seed bursting out, the long sword directly pierced the emperor’s bucket!!!

Guang Xiahai’s eyes widened, looking at the emperor horse who was stabbed through by himself in disbelief, and quickly pulled out the long sword, looking at the long sword in his hand with dull eyes.


Menyashi’s whole person began to sway, and his life force continued to dissipate in his body.

He reached out and placed his hand on his belt, disarming the imperial horse, then took off the belt that was risking the spark and threw it aside.

This moment……… In the picture.

Menyashi’s eyes were full of tenderness. He chose to be killed by Hikari Xiahai!? Why!?

This is incomprehensible to all those who watch the video, but it is what it is!

Emperor Ride!

The destroyer of the world, who chose to be killed by the last Kamen Rider!!! Poof!

After throwing away the belt, Menyashi seemed to have used all his strength, and the whole person fell backwards!!


Looking at the fallen Menyashi, Guang Xiahai hurriedly threw away the long sword in his hand, disarmed the Yalan armor, and walked towards the Menyashi in a panic.


Guang Xia Hai came to the front of Menyashi, his eyes were already full of tears.

“Why… Why not dodge!! ”

Guang Xia Hai did not understand, according to the strength of the emperor cavalry, she fought with the other party, and the person who died in the end should be herself.

Menyashi covered his abdomen, looked at Guang Xia Hai weakly, and opened his mouth to explain: “The knights I destroyed, I want you to remember them all in your mind. ”

With that, he handed all the knight’s cards to Guang Xiahai.

Guang Xiahai, on the other hand, looked shocked and puzzled.

“Want me to remember………?”

Without explanation, he placed the knight’s card in Hikari Natsumi’s hand.

“Take it……… Only by fighting can we face the knights well……… It was you who knocked me down, really… Great…”

“Taxi!! Don’t die!! ”

Suddenly, a man rushed out of the picture, he looked at the doorman who fell to the ground, and shouted loudly.

A subtitle appeared below him.

【Kaito Daiki – Kamen Rider Diend】But………

No matter how loudly he shouted, he couldn’t stop the dissipation of Menyashi’s life force, and in the end, Menyashi closed his eyes.

……… Dragon Ball World.

Xiao Lin looked at the picture with a solemn face, and after watching Menyashi close his eyes, he still stared a little nervously for a few seconds before slowly speaking: “Dead……… Is it!? ”

Boomer nodded, a drop of cold sweat dripping down her forehead, I don’t know why, she always felt that things didn’t seem to be so simple.

“The destroyer of this world, died like this?”

Xiao Lin still couldn’t believe it, obviously the emperor horse had behaved like an invincible before, but why did he die so hastily!?

“I always felt that his death was for something…”

The turtle immortal analyzed after a few seconds of silence.

Because, he does not believe that an invincible being will die for no reason.

Since he chose death, it must be for what purpose!

“But… What will be the purpose? ”

This doubt is not only the turtle immortal guessing, but also many strong people in the heavens and all realms are constantly guessing.

After all, they know that the strength of this emperor horse is indeed very strong, and there must be a reason for such a strong person to die.

But……… What is the reason for this?

This requires watching the video and waiting for the explanation.

And in the video, the camera picture suddenly changed!!

I saw that the chest of the dead door Yashi suddenly emitted a white light, and then the white light turned into a shadow barrier that appeared before!

This barrier instantly enveloped the Guangxia Sea and the Haidong Big Tree!!

As soon as the picture turned, the two appeared in a brand new place. Seem………

Is it a park!?

Not only that, but the sky doesn’t know when it will turn pitch black! It’s dark!?

This change shocked countless powerhouses in the Heavens and Realms. What the hell is that shadow barrier!?


Can it travel through time and space!?

And in front of them, they don’t know when a man in white is standing.

“The story of the knight fades with the times, it is destiny, but… The battle with the imperial horse is just a memory, and now the story is connected. ”

The man in white spoke, but his words made both Guangxia Hai and Haidong Dashu express their incomprehension.


The man in white did not speak, but slowly raised his hand to support it. A shadow barrier appeared in front of them………

The next moment, they disappeared directly into this park! And what they appeared was a pitch-black space!

The difference is………

In this pitch-black space………

Nine blue earths are slowly floating!!! This is……

The world of knights!!!

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