Chapter 104 Sleep You Paralyzed Hi [Please Order]!!

In a five-star presidential suite in the city of Foz in the territory of the Republic of Volbi, in the Republic of Caldera.

At this time, a blond man with a loose bathrobe and revealing his strong chest muscles was standing leisurely on the balcony, holding a mobile phone in his hand and not knowing who he was talking to.

On the big bed behind him were lying five young ladies in fairly cool clothes at this time, looking at their appearance, they should have just finished exercising, all of them were tired and sweating profusely on the bed.

“Alas – did a newcomer hit ten wins so quickly? And the one who is named wants to challenge me? This newcomer is quite interesting. ”

The blond man said into the phone microphone with interest.

“Tur, don’t be careless, according to the information I gathered, it is not simple for Lin Mo to challenge you this time, he has not suffered a trace of harm since he entered the Sky Arena, even if he is the same as the one who stirred up the wind and rain in the Sky Arena some time ago.”

“And the other party’s challenge is still named your challenge, which shows that the other party must have a considerable understanding of your strength before this, since this is the case, he dares to challenge you, then it means that he must have something to rely on.”

“Even if all he can learn is your strength two years ago, it is also not to be underestimated.”

Compared to Tour’s ease, the tone on the other end of the phone was slightly more solemn.

The person on the other end of the line is Tour’s agent, who is responsible for handling some cooperation and contact chores for Tour.

Just now, the Sky Arena official called him and explained to him that Lin Mo, the supernova of the Sky Arena, was preparing to challenge Tour’s landlord in the near future.

Let him inform Toole as soon as possible and ask Toole to return to the Sky Arena within ninety days.

The Landlord Challenge in the Sky Arena gives the landlord the same preparation time as the preparation time of the two-hundred-story players, which is ninety days.

That is to say, once the landlord challenge occurs, the landlord must fight within 90 days, otherwise the challenger will win without a fight, automatically replace the landlord who did not fight, and obtain the position of landlord.

The owners of Sky Arena are different from ordinary players, they usually hire a special agent to handle some trivial matters for themselves.

Whether it is a commercial event, a martial arts franchise, or a commercial cooperation such as advertising shooting, or even the official contact of the Sky Arena, they will only leave the agent’s phone number to the outside world.

And although they are the owners of the Sky Arena, they basically don’t stay in the Sky Arena for a few days out of 365 days a year.

Everyone is busy flying all over the world to make money!

In a sense, the martial artists who came to one of the landlord levels are already similar to those A-list big stars who opened their own studios in Lin Mo’s previous life.

“Hahahaha, take it easy, didn’t you say it earlier, this Lin Mo even fought ten victories by some small means, and that wojin also Lin Mo is an old acquaintance, and it is not impossible to deliberately fulfill him.”

“Moreover, do you also know my strength, or do you think I will lose?”

At the end, Tour’s tone became a little dangerous.

Although the owner of the Sky Arena is just the same thing in the eyes of the masters, even the so-called Olympia Martial Arts Conference, the world’s number one martial arts event, is just a monkey show in their eyes.

But for ordinary people, they are the world’s top martial artists, and they are also the kind of strong people who are all over the country!

Although Tour’s relationship with his agent is very close, after all, the two sides have been working together for so many years.

Over the years, no matter how big or small, Tours has been very satisfied.

But it doesn’t mean that he can question Tour’s strength, although Toole is still laughing at this time, but he can still clearly feel his dissatisfaction.

“This… Tour, I don’t mean this, of course I know your strength, but I hope you don’t be careless, I always have a bad premonition in the face of this Lin Mo. ”

Sure enough, sensing Tour’s dissatisfaction, the tone of the agent on the other end of the phone immediately became cautious.

He’s not the kind of idiot who becomes unscrupulous when he has a good relationship.

Although he has a good relationship with Tour, he still can’t change the fact that his life and death are between the other party’s thoughts!

So as soon as he noticed that Tour had a trace of dissatisfaction, he would immediately become respectful.

And this is what Toole is most satisfied with him, he is always very clear about his positioning, not the kind of fool who gives a little sunshine.

“Okay, okay, it’s okay, I’ll keep an eye on it.”

Having said that, Tour’s tone didn’t mean anything at all.

Seeing this, the agent is not good to persuade anything, there is nothing wrong with other aspects of this person, that is, the personality is too arrogant, and this arrogance is not the kind of pride that floats on the surface, but the pride from the bones.

It seems to be easy-going to everyone, but what is really revealed in his bones is a completely high-flying posture, thinking that he can control everything in his own hands.

So he could only sigh and no longer persuade: “Okay, anyway, Tur, you have a number in your heart, I have sent you the itinerary for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow on your mobile phone, and then when you want to come to the Sky Arena, you just tell me directly, and I will arrange the rest.” ”

“Push it off.”

Tur suddenly uttered these three words without a word.


“I said, help me push off the activities of the past few days, I plan to go back to the Sky Arena tomorrow.”

Tour’s tone was as relaxed as ever.

The agent on the other side of the phone was silent for a long time: “Okay, no problem, since this is your will.” ”

Originally, the agent also wanted to ask Tur if he wanted to send Lin Mo’s details to his mobile phone, but Tour’s gesture had actually been expressed very clearly.

That is, he didn’t put Lin Mo in his eyes at all, and he just regarded Lin Mo as a game in his spare time, which slightly made him arouse a little interest.

Tour, who had been wandering around the Sky Arena for so many years, really understood the hyenas who stayed on the two hundred floors of the Sky Arena.

Obviously he has no strength, but he daydreams every day, dreaming that one day he can become a landlord.

I only know that I tinkered with these useless little tricks all day long, thinking that as long as I won ten victories, I would naturally become the landlord.

He has seen too many clowns like this.

After hearing that Lin Mo’s next few victories were completely brushed up, Toure had already classified him as a clown.

To think that Lin Mo is just a lucky person who can just mix ten victories, it is not worth mentioning at all!

So the agent also held back his proposal.

“Well, so be it.”

After speaking, Toole casually hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Tur casually put his hand on the armrest of the balcony, looking at the residual moon hanging high in the sky, the corners of his mouth began to grin, and slowly the arc became bigger and bigger: “The moonlight tonight is really beautiful…”

Then Toure turned back into the room and slapped one of the five young ladies on the thickest meat mat above.

The meat pad rolled up with pudding-like fluctuations under the action of force.


The young lady, who was still sleeping, was slapped by Toure and let out an exclamation.

At the same time, it also woke up the other four young ladies lying next to them.

“Hmm~~ what’s wrong?”

The young ladies got up a little sleepily.

“Sleep, you’re paralyzed, hey!”

Toole showed an evil smile and pulled a young lady over.

Just as Toure was preparing to set off a new round of fitness in the room, the handrail on the balcony that Toure had just held was corroded and cracked as if it had been drenched in strong acid!

Just as Tours began a new round of exercise, in the territory of the Republic of Bartochia, Sky Arena, two hundred and thirty-four floors.

Darwin looked helplessly at the hung up phone.

Although Tours is not in the Sky Arena all year round, his agent Darwin stays here all year round so as not to miss some business that comes to his door.

And there’s nothing like using an entire floor of Sky Arena as an office to make customers feel the value of Tour.

“Hey, it’s me, Tour’s agent, Tour’s next trip has other schedules, so I can’t attend your event. Afterwards? Wait for my news after that, that’s it. ”

After putting down the mobile phone, Darwin used the landline on his desk to first push out the subsequent travel activities of Tour.

Although Darwin is opposite the gold lord, his attitude can be described as quite tough.

After all, cooperation with Tours has always been a seller’s market, and Darwin is not inferior to you at all.

You don’t cooperate a lot, people grab their heads and want to cooperate with Tour.

As the whole world, there are only such twenty heavenly king-level martial artists in total, and they don’t worry about the market at all.

People can’t get busy.

After pushing the itinerary away, Darwin began to arrange the airship that Tur would return to tomorrow, and finally after inferring the time, he picked up the exclusive phone inside the Sky Arena.

“Hey, I’m Tour’s agent, Darwin, I’ve informed Toure about the Landlord Challenge, and he will be able to return to the Sky Arena in about three days.”

“The date of the competition is May 1st.”

After doing everything, Darwin threw himself heavily on the back of the chair, and for some reason he was still a little restless.

I always feel that this Lin Mo is not as simple as Toole said.

“Let’s hope everything goes well…”

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