Chapter 168: Whoever messes with me, who I do, Jesus will not give face! 【Subscription Requested】!!

Regarding V5’s change, the Presbyterian side notified Kulolo as soon as the V5 people left Meteor Street.

Since the V5 side did not reveal much information, they did not know about Lin Mo replacing Nitro as the world’s number one powerhouse at this time, just reminding Kulolo that the V5 side did not know why Lin Mo had noticed.

As a news relay station, Kulolo of course also informed Lin Mo of this matter as soon as possible.

When Lin Mo learned about this, he was ~ not much surprised.

V5, as the superior organization of the Hunter Association, of course, it is impossible not to know that Lin Mo has become the strongest in the new world.

Therefore, Lin Mo had expected that V5 would investigate himself.

As for Lin Mo’s attitude, they can investigate as much as they like, anyway, don’t provoke him.

Otherwise, Lin Mo would pick any country and use [Material Manifestation] to record the [Rose of the Poor] or other weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons in their arsenal.

Anyway, in Lin Mo’s current [ROOM], entering those so-called military important places is as simple as eating and drinking.

Then run to the territory of their country to plant mushrooms or mushroom flowers. Even the Dragon Kingdom is no exception!

Although the Dragon Kingdom in the full-time hunter world was created with reference to Huaxia, this is not the real Huaxia, so Lin Mo will not have any psychological barriers at all.

Whoever messes with him, he.

Jesus will not give face when he comes!

Therefore, Lin Mo just said that he didn’t pay much attention to it after he knew.

“Lin Mo, this guy really uses us here as a training base for novices?”

Today, Duen walked out of G.L City in a rare way and complained to Etan with an unhappy face.

For Lin Mo, a guy who does not follow the rules at all, and comes and goes whenever he wants, Duen really looks at him very unpleasantly.

This guy has the ability to move in space, never goes through the main entrance of Etan here, and every time he goes through the back door, making the mechanism of their island of greed like a decoration.

Of course, there is also a part of Du En who refuses to admit that Lin Mo has the face of a male public enemy, which is really easy to make some men who are not broad-minded enough jealous.

Coincidentally, Duen is this part.

“No way, after all, the Island of Greed was originally developed to train novices.”

Etan ‘s words once again stabbed Duen’s weak heart.

“Hey———! Etan you guy, don’t forget that you, like us, were tricked into this pit by this bastard! ”

The thought of this Duen makes me feel very angry!

Kim Fulix, the bastard, originally said that he wanted to create an unprecedented epoch-making game, said that it was to add a rich color to this boring game world.

Saying that, several of them were enthusiastic and ready to fight. As a result, the game is indeed finished and the effect is quite ideal.

The only drawback is that, just like Lin Mo’s feelings at the beginning, the overall game tends to be younger, the level settings are relatively simple, and the playability is not high.

However, these shortcomings cannot be ignored with the blessing of various magical props.

However, that day Kim Floys came in with a baby and made it clear that it was his son.

Everyone suddenly realized.

Why does the game have a feeling of being younger, why the overall game levels don’t need to use their brains, and why the monsters in the rocky terrain all coincidentally correspond to different [Nian] skills.

You’re not there to develop games at all!

Say what to move an epoch-making game, say what to turn to the game industry to shine!

It’s all fake! Fake!

Your mother’s to raise your son! Make a newbie village for your son!

When Duen and they found out that they were pulled by Kim Fulix to play games with his son, the feeling was tired in one word……… Destroy, hurry. I can’t even complain.

But what can be done?

Now it’s all done, the game homework is done, the release is finished, and everything has been completed.

And if you look closely, you can see that the island of greed was completed by eleven people, but only five people were left on the island.

Among them, Leiza directly and clearly said that he was responsible for the system of the island of greed [release department].

So it can be speculated that the other four are responsible for the other four systems of the five conventional minds?

According to personality inference, it is probably that Du Eun is in charge of [Reinforcement Department]

Lister should be in charge of [Department of Change]

As for the sisters Elena and Etan, from the perspective of duties, it may be that Etan is in charge of the [Embodied Department]

According to the [Book] and [GAIN] at the time of entering the island, the two magics related to the [Embodiment System] were explained by her.

And Elena is in charge of the [Operation Department] system, after all, in the original work, if you use [magnetism] required by Kim Felix, you will fly to him, and if you use [Companion], you will fly to Kate’s specific operator.

(The above is purely a personal guess, please spray lightly)

That is to say, the five major systems of the island of greed have been bound to them, and now even if they quit, they can’t quit unless the entire island of greed is shut down.

To put it simply, what Duen was doing at this time was just an incompetent rage.

The most defensive thing for Duen is that Kim Fulix has already brought Xiaojie up, and can even bite to death and say that he made the island of greed to make a great game!

The reason why he brought Xiaojie up was just to show off the game he made to his son…

Looking at Kim Fulix still looking hard-mouthed, Du Eun is willing to call him the strongest dead duck!

However, among the five, except for Duen, the rest did not complain much about Kim Fulix’s approach.

Although they are Kim Fulix’s companions, they are not purely generating electricity for love in keeping the island of greedy running.

Kim Fulix would not only distribute to them the rings that sold the island of greed, but also pay them a monthly salary.

Kim Fulix has always been quite generous.

This point is from the original when Kim Fulix joined Biyangde’s dark continent team, just just met, and directly said that I directly doubled how much others gave you, and smashed out 145 billion rings, which was not blinking at all.

Although what Kim Fulix is after has never been money, the problem is that his money is like Wang Duoyu said, like having the ability to reproduce, the more you spend, the more you spend, you say angry people are not angry…

This shows how rich and versatile Kim Fulix is, and people are not only rich, but also quite generous.

With such a boss, what is there to complain about?

Don’t think that the inside of the team does not involve money, from the moment Kim Fulix entered the team, he directly used money to open the way.

It follows that he must have done this because he thought it was useful for money to open the way.

Since he found it useful, it must be because he had done this before, and it turned out that money opening the way was indeed useful, so he inherited this fine tradition to Biyander’s dark continent exploration team.

So in the face of such a Kim Fulix, they have nothing to complain about, at most, they are surprised that Kim has a child.

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