Chapter 239: Thoughts After Death?

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“So, hiding here to watch the play and seeing now, have you analyzed anything useful?”

【So fast–! 】

McCarthy Rex’s pupils contracted, and he looked at Lin Mo who suddenly appeared in front of him before he could even react, and his body flashed with light blue thunder.

Then, McCarthy Rex, whose eyes were a little bloodshot due to his choking of his neck, instinctively stretched out his hands to grab Lin Mo’s right hand that pinched his neck.

“Huh, one by one!”

However, before his hands could approach Lin Mo’s arms, he was bounced off by two arcs, and Si Shi was paralyzed by these two arcs.

This is still because Lin Mo dispersed the [Chidori Flow] in his hand before pinching McCarthy Rex in order to allow McCarthy Rex to answer his questions normally.

Otherwise, McCarthy Rex didn’t even have the ability to resist at all, and in an instant he turned back to being paralyzed by Lin Mo’s [Chidori Flow].


The people who originally surrounded McCarthy Rex finally reacted at this time. They all suddenly turned their heads to look at Lin Mo, who lifted McCarthy Rex up.

No way, Lin Mo’s speed in the state of [Thousand Bird Flow] was too fast, they only felt a flash of blue light in front of their eyes, and Lin Mo had already crossed them and pinched McCarthy Rex.

It wasn’t until Lin Mo’s voice sounded that they realized that he had actually choked his superior.

“You bastard! Let go of Mr. McCarthy Rex! ”

When one of the people who thought about it saw this scene, he subconsciously drank heavily at Lin Mo. Hearing this, Lin Mo turned his head slightly, and glanced at the person who thought of ability, and a trace of gloom flashed in his eyes.


As Lin Mo’s voice fell, the still docile arc wrapped around Lin Mo’s body instantly seemed to sense the unhappiness in Lin Mo’s heart, and suddenly burst out.

Originally, an electric arc the size of a small loach suddenly soared to the size of a big python.

Not only the person who spoke, but these countless [Razers] swept towards all the minds behind Lin Mo in an instant. Originally, Lin Mo had not planned to solve them so quickly, and was ready to let them live a little longer.

And now they even dare to speak out, then send them to die first.

So, obeying Lin Mo’s will, [Razer] suddenly bit everyone around after leaving countless scorched black marks on the ground.


The person who was bitten by the [Razer] released by Lin Mo’s body suddenly let out a miserable scream. The thoughts in his body began to surge with all his strength, vainly trying to resist this terrifying voltage.

However, the difference in strength between them and Lin Mo is too huge, and although they have resisted desperately, they still cannot escape the fate of being electrocuted.

At most, it is just a little bit of a delay in the time of death.

“Plop –!”

After being electrocuted by [Razer], this group of people with the ability to read their eyes rolled as if they had lost their souls, their mouths couldn’t stop opening, and a black smoke continued to come out of their mouths, and then they “plopped” and fell to the ground.

Apparently life has been lost.

“Okay, back to the question just now, have you analyzed anything useful?”

After doing everything, Lin Mo turned his head to McCarthy Rex again and asked him again.


“You… You this…

Due to the external pressure on the throat, McCarthy Rex’s voice was somewhat intermittent.

“It doesn’t seem to be anything useful…”

Hearing this, Lin Mo pouted with some disappointment.

In Lin Mo’s eyes, of course, he could see that after the appearance of McCarthy Rex, the spirits of this group of Saherta United States minds became different.

It was clear that McCarthy Rex’s arrival gave them considerable confidence.

Therefore, Lin Mo will let McCarthy Rex hide in the crowd from the beginning, and let McCarthy Rex observe and analyze his strength.

Let’s see if the people who have high hopes for the mindfulness of the United States of Sahalta can come up with one or two opinions that can improve their [Chidori Flow].

Now it seems that McCarthy Rex has nothing useful to feed back to Lin Mo.

“Squeak one by one, squeak one by one!”

As soon as his mind moved, the thunder and lightning of [Thousand Bird Flow] began to condense in Lin Mo’s left hand. As the current increases, the sound of electricity is gradually emitted with the chirping of thousands of birds.



Lin Mo’s right hand pinched McCarthy Rex’s neck and raised, while his left hand casually stabbed [Chidori] towards McCarthy Rex’s heart.

With the blessing of [Chidori], Lin Mo’s left hand stabbed through McCarthy Rex’s chest without hindrance.


As the heart was stabbed by Lin Mo, McCarthy Rex gushed out a large mouthful of old blood.

The blood droplets that would have sputtered on Lin Mo’s body were evaporated in the air by the electricity on Lin Mo’s body before they touched Lin Mo’s [Thousand Bird Flow].

Looking at McCarthy Rex’s gradually dimming eyes, Lin Mo suddenly felt bored. That’s it?

I don’t know where the confidence of this group of capable minds of the United States of Sahalta comes from.

You can’t even fight back effectively.

After retracting the left hand inserted into McCarthy Rex, Lin Mo casually threw his body on the pile of corpses behind him.

However, at the moment when Lin Mo threw McCarthy Rex’s body behind him, the abnormality occurred…

I saw that the body of McCarthy Rex, who was originally really in free fall in the air, and had no life on his body, suddenly appeared a scarlet aura on his body.

The original white and peaceful aura on McCarthy Rex is now full of evil, twisted, and bloody aura. Even the dull eyes suddenly turned bloody scarlet along with the whites of the eyes.

Originally, McCarthy Rex’s body was not developed, but at this moment, like an inflated balloon, it inflated and directly broke his shirt.

The large hole in the chest that was broken by Lin Mo’s [Chidori] also healed rapidly while McCarthy Rex’s body changed.

Not only that, the skin even grew a crocodile-like cuticle layer, the corners of the mouth suddenly split to the sides, twice as large as the previous normal, and the teeth became sharp teeth.

Under this ominous scarlet thought, the fingers of both hands quickly elongated and turned into beast-like claws.


At the moment when the transformation was completed, McCarthy Rex’s crimson eyes suddenly glared at Lin Mo, who was facing away from him.

After McCarthy Rex landed silently, the moment his feet touched the ground, he was like a predatory cobra, and he quickly catapulted towards Lin Mo.

Waving the claws in his hand, he slashed towards Lin Mo’s head.


As if he didn’t notice it at all, Lin Mo allowed McCarthy Rex’s claws to penetrate his figure without the slightest movement [Got it?! 】

Seeing his claws penetrate Lin Mo’s figure, McCarthy Rex’s completely animalized eyes still showed a touch of human joy.

Under the action of inertia, McCarthy Rex after falling to the ground rotated the brakes for a while, but the joy in his eyes was all withdrawn, leaving only a solemn look.

[Not right… There is no feeling of concentrated objects, and there is no trace of blood… 】

McCarthy Rex glanced at his still clean claws and then looked up at Lin Mo’s square again. Sure enough, under a breeze, Lin Mo’s figure drifted away like a phantom.

【Limb curvature】!

One of the assassination techniques passed down from generation to generation in the Hakka of the enemy is based on the principle of using the slowness of the footsteps to create an afterimage to confuse the enemy’s movement skills, which is the same skill as [Dark Step], which is one of Lin Mo’s skills imitated from Xiba Beat the enemy.

With Lin Mo’s strength, he can complete the creation of an afterimage in an instant, leaving an afterimage to confuse the enemy while displacement. However, Lin Mo’s purpose is not to confuse McCarthy Rex and then wait for the opportunity to sneak attack.

There is simply no need.

The reason why he chose to use [Limb Curvature] is purely to see McCarthy Rex attack in this state. In fact, at the moment of McCarthy Rex’s mutation, Lin Mo detected this through [ROOM].

At first, he thought that the mutation on McCarthy Rex’s body was the same as Niphipedo, caused by the obsession left over from death.

Therefore, Lin Mo, who first encountered the posthumous [Nian], was quite curious. I want to see where the limit of [thought] after death is.

That’s why I chose to use [Limb Curvature] to first observe what McCarthy Rex’s attack would be like driven by the [Thought] after death.


However, after observing the emotion in McCarthy Rex’s eyes, Lin Mo knew that McCarthy Rex’s state at this time was not caused by posthumous [thoughts].

After all, how can a dead person still have such a thing as emotions left?


Lin Mo casually withdrew his left hand that was still maintaining [Chidori] from the chest of a person with the ability to think, which was the person he had just killed casually when he was using the [Limb Curvature] displacement.

At a glance, McCarthy Rex, whose body was obviously beastly, and the big hole in his chest that had just been poked by himself was obviously healed by this beastly ability.

Oh one isn’t it [read] after death? Then it seems that this should be his ability to read… Lin Mo glanced at him with some approval.

With this self-healing ability alone, this McCarthy Rex is indeed qualified to be regarded as a source of confidence by others.

Moreover, the amount of qi after transformation has reached more than 100,000, it seems that his strength is estimated to be almost at the level of Xiba beating the enemy.

In the outside world, he is indeed a very powerful master.


Although this beastification looks a little unsuitable for the characteristics of the [Strengthening System], Lin Mo can see that his beastification is estimated to be composed of strengthening self-healing, strengthening muscles, strengthening nails, strengthening teeth, and strengthening skin.


In essence, it is still within the scope of the [Enhancement Department], but it is estimated that there are some restrictions and vows in the ability. Otherwise, the self-healing ability that can still heal after the heart is punctured is not so simple to obtain.

Especially the scarlet [Nian] that appeared on his body at this time, which was full of bloody aura, was definitely not something that ordinary cultivation could achieve.

And if Lin Mo didn’t guess wrong, the reason why McCarthy Rex didn’t use his ability to resist when Lin Mo pinched his neck just now, but chose to deliberately show weakness.

It should be that he wants to be surprised, let Lin Mo think that he has solved him, and then make a sneak attack.

In terms of personality, he is also much more cunning than ordinary [Strengthening] people who like to go straight, and it is also possible that he has become an evil dragon from a dragon slayer boy, and his personality will change more or less after standing in the position of the center of power.

A figure who can sit at a high level can never be a reckless man.

You don’t see, Nitro, the [Strengthened] person who thinks about it, lies without blinking in order to be able to fight the ant king in the ant chapter.

It was easy to completely fool Mo Lao Wu and Norbu, and even the entire hunter association thought that Nitro was a complete hero.

Hmm… Although a large part of the reason is their idol aura of Nitro, it has to be said that since Nitro sat in the position of president of the Hunter Association, his personality will definitely be very different from the original.

After all, people are actually creatures whose butts determine their brains, and what they think about when sitting in different positions will naturally change.

Lin Mo’s guess was indeed correct, originally McCarthy Rex planned to surprise Lin Mo from behind him.

Although he knew that he was in Lin Mo’s [Circle], McCarthy Rex still tried with the attitude that Lin Mo might not be able to react even if he noticed it.

Now that the sneak attack was unsuccessful, his ability was also partially exposed in front of Lin Mo. This had to make McCarthy Rex feel a little disappointed.

But soon, he adjusted his mentality.

After all, Lin Mo used this terrifying speed, and the reaction power would only be more terrifying, otherwise if the speed was greater than the reaction, there would only be side effects that could not control the body.

So for Lin Mo to avoid this, McCarthy Rex has long expected it.

[Next… I can only hit it hard… However, there are many corpses on the scene, even if he is not his opponent in terms of strength, there is still a certain chance of victory… 】


Looking at Lin Mo, who casually killed several people with his own ability during his leisurely walk, McCarthy Rex thought to himself in his heart.

After making up his mind, McCarthy Rex raised his claws, grabbed a corpse beside him, and then opened his blood basin like a rift woman.



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