Chapter 285: The coincidences in the world are all foreshadowings planted in the underworld [Ask for Custom].

[Grape spider] is a relatively large arthropod.

Due to the unusually tough nature of the spider silk spit out by the grape spider, the grape spider prevents their eggs from being devoured by land beasts.

They usually choose to hang their eggs between canyons with their tough spider silk. In fact, it’s not just the beasts that are interested in the eggs of the grape beads.

Humans are more interested in this unusually delicious egg than wild beasts. This kind of egg is also known as the “dream egg” in human society.

Mid-halfway, as the name suggests, is a mountain that seems to have been split in half, and the huge canyon in the middle is one of the places where grape spiders store their eggs.

“Buzz – buzz!”

After Menqi let go, a group of candidates, led by Nitro, boarded the airship on which he came.

After boarding the airship, Kurapika originally wanted to find an opportunity to contact Lin Mo, but generally speaking, the lounge of the examiner and the candidate are separate.

Therefore, Lin Mo only glanced at Kurapika with some meaning, and then went to the examiner’s lounge with Menqi and Nitro, and did not give Kurapika a chance to contact.

Lin Mo was not blind, and he had long noticed the excited look in Kurapika’s eyes.

Therefore, he also guessed that Nion must have found an opportunity to inform the other party of his fiery red eyes. It’s just that now Lin Mo is not in a hurry to directly contact the Kurapika, ready to let the bullet fly for a while.

When Kurapika’s emotions are almost brewing, he is giving the other party the opportunity to contact him, so that what he says will be twice as effective with half the effort.

“Okay, this is it.”

Biscayne Forest Park is not very far from the opposite half of the mountain, and even with the slow flight speed of the airship, it only takes about twenty minutes to reach the destination of the trip.

After getting down from the airship, Menqi pointed to the huge canyon in the middle of the mountain and said to the group of examinees who came down behind him.


“This… Isn’t this supposed to be asking us to go down?! ”

“No… Doesn’t it mean that the exam questions are boiled eggs? Is the egg underneath? ”

Looking at the bottomless canyon like an abyss, the candidates couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva and began to talk about it.

“Don’t worry, there is a very deep river below, but the current is very rapid, once it falls, it will be washed into the sea thousands of people away, as long as you pay a little attention, it will not be life-threatening, really, the guts are so small, how to be a hunter.”

Looking at the candidates who were worried, Menqi opened his mouth a little angrily.

“Well, there are many grape spider threads in this canyon, and these silk threads will hang the eggs of the grape spiders, and your target is these eggs.”

“To give you a hint, you can jump down and grab these silk threads, and then remove the eggs hanging on them, and finally after climbing up, Menqi ignored it, and the group of candidates whose faces gradually turned pale directly announced.”

In the original book, the reason why Menqi personally demonstrated how to obtain the eggs of grape spiders was because Nitro punished Menqi willfully, and by the way, Menqi also showed her strength, slightly justifying the profession of food hunter.

And now, with Lin Mo’s support, Menqi didn’t think he had done anything wrong at all.

And Nitro naturally did not dare to force Menqi to admit his mistake, so naturally there was no need to demonstrate it for this group of candidates, but Menqi still left them a hint.

[What kind of joke, if you jump from here and don’t die, you have to take off your skin, how can she say it so easily… Some of the candidates with insufficient strength had begun to retreat a little when they looked at the abyss in front of them.

“Ah! That’s great. ”

“Yes! I’ve been waiting for this. ”

“This kind of test is faster than cooking, and it is easier to understand.”

Xiaojie, who had just been bitterly criticized by Menqi, did not put the immediate danger in his eyes at all, and said with joy in his tone.

“Okay, let’s go down.”

The corners of Qiya’s mouth also hooked a curve, while speaking, his hands were inserted in his trouser pockets on both sides, and then he took a step towards the canyon first, and the whole person began to fall rapidly under the action of gravity.

Seeing that Qiya took the lead, Xiaojie and they also looked at each other and smiled, and jumped directly into the canyon without the slightest fear.

For the trial of the mid-mountain, Lin Mo was not the slightest interest, anyway, if nothing else, it was basically the same as the original, so Lin Mo stayed on the airship very simply and did not come down at all.

It’s the same with Nion, although Menqi is retaking the exam, it is an indisputable fact that Nion has already passed the second exam, and of course there is no need to retake the exam like everyone else.

At this time, Nion was chattering with Lin Mo about the interesting story of squeezing Qilu in the past few days… Soon, as night began to fall, the exams in the mid-levels of the mountain were over.

Although there is no level of roasting the whole pig, the number of people who passed in the end is no different from the original book as Lin Mo expected, except that there are two more people, Nion and Huashi Doulang.

Two exams a day, first running an unknown marathon of 100 kilometers, then fighting wits and courage with the fraudulent animals of the Lost Meile Wetland, and then being made up by Menqi.

After a whole day’s journey, most of the forty-four candidates who passed the exam were exhausted.

It just so happened that the venue of the third exam was not in this area, so Nitro simply took this group of candidates to the venue of the third exam on his own private airship, the Trap Tower.

“I would like to introduce myself to the forty-four candidates present again, the old man is the representative head of the Hunter Examination Review Committee this time, Nitro.”

“According to the original process, the old man will only show up during the final exam, but once you are present in person like this, you will inevitably like this indescribable tension.”

“Since you are here, let me accompany you, Boom!”


On the airship, Nitro was stroking his hooked beard while looking at the group of candidates gathered in front of him with burning eyes.

Nitro has always been an old urchin-like figure, and it is rare to be able to make fun of the bright light, and he is certainly happy to see such a development.




[Oh, maybe you can find some fun again…] 】

Nitro glanced at the two youngest candidates in the crowd, Qiya and Xiaojie, who looked enthusiastic. In the original book, the game that Nitro and Little Jackie played was definitely not Nitro’s temporary intention. There is no such thing as a coincidence in this world, and all encounters are foreshadowing.

As the supreme head of the Hunter Exam Review Committee, Nitro already knew about what they would be coming to when the two of them submitted their applications for the Hunter Exam.

At that time, Nitro had already decided to test their talents as hunters in the hunter exam.

Therefore, although Menqi’s willfulness has added a lot of workload to him, allowing him to contact Xiaojie and Qiya in advance is also quite a good gain for Nitro.

“Dear candidates, the scheduled arrival time of the next destination is eight o’clock tomorrow morning, we have already prepared food in the cafeteria, and before I contact you, you can move freely on this airship except for the area where the examiner is located.”

After Nitro’s speech was finished, the bean-faced man immediately opened his mouth and announced.

It is worthy of Nitro’s personal car, and this airship is much better in decoration and facilities than the hunter association airship that Lin Mo rode on when he took the hunter exam.

“Yay! Xiaojie, let’s explore inside the airship. ”


Everyone else was exhausted, only Xiaojie and Qiya, the two bear children, still looking full of vitality.

“Are they really children, they are really full of energy… I just want a good night’s sleep now. ”

Leoli on the side looked at Xiaojie and Qilu, who had already jumped and ran away, and said with some emotion.

“Me too… But there’s one thing I’m more concerned about than that. ”

After hearing the bean-faced man say that he could not go to the examiner’s rest area, Kurapika temporarily put off his plans to contact Lin Mo.

Anyway, Lin Mo will be the examiner of this hunter exam, maybe the examiner of the next exam will be him, and then find a way to contact him.

“Huh? What is it? ”

“How many exams are there?”

“Yes! It seems that no one has ever said how many rounds the hunter exam will have. ”

Leo Li, who was aware of it, also reacted, and the footsteps that were originally going to the cafeteria to replenish some physical strength first suddenly stopped.

Dongba, who was quietly hiding on the side, overheard the conversation between Kurapika and Leoli, and a sinister smile began to appear on his face.

After stepping forward, he said to them, “Well, I know.” ”

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