Chapter 288: Warden [Ask for Custom].

“Abominable… It turns out that these five doors all lead to the same room…”

Inside the trap tower, Kurapika, Leoli, Xiaojie, Qiya, and Nion successfully landed in a dark room surrounded by red bricks on all sides and no exit after announcing the questions for the third exam by the Bean-faced Man, passing through five adjacent secret doors hidden on top of the tower.

This time, with the addition of Nion, there was nothing wrong with Dongba.

Leoli, who landed with his head, looked at the others who had just finished saying goodbye, and complained with several black lines falling above his head.

“It’s really a short separation.”

Kurapika patted the dust on his clothes, and also complained to Leoli.

“There doesn’t seem to be an exit in this room.”

Xiao Jie glanced at the surrounding environment a few times and said to the other people.

“There’s a sign over here.”

The sharp-eyed fang, the moment he landed, noticed the only object placed in the room.

[The road to voting: From here on the road of knowing the point, all five of you must move forward with the principle of minority obeying the majority]

“Ah, the watch on the table is also for five people, and there are [X] and [0] buttons on it.”

“So that’s the case, so there are just five secret doors nearby, fortunately, we also happen to have five people, so the number of people is just right, Leoli said with some happiness.”

Then everyone began to bring their watches on the table.

“Hello candidates, I am Libo, the warden of this prison, and the examiner of the third exam, in this tower we have prepared several routes for you, each of which has different conditions.”

“And you will choose which route in the way that the five of you are a minority obeying the majority, so in order to qualify, cooperation between each other is absolutely necessary, and if there is discord within the team, then all five of you will face the end of unqualified, so I wish you all the best of luck.”

Sitting in the main control room of the trap tower with two little brothers, Libo, who had a chicken crown head on his head, looked at Xiaojie and several of them in the surveillance screen, and a sinister smile appeared on his face.

When more than two people decide something together, it seems reasonable to decide by vote.

But in fact, this is actually a dangerous trap.

The voting method appears to respect the will of the majority. But at the same time, it is a system that stifles minority opinions.

If this happens one after another in a team, and the opinion as a minority is constantly stifled, then they will inevitably feel isolated, dissatisfied, angry, and then begin to oppose, distrust, and finally begin to break up!

If the team is full of long-time friends, that’s a different story.

But for the candidates of the hunter exam, the situation that a group of five people are all friends for many years is basically zero, and even if there is a friendship, it is at most the short-term friendship accumulated during the previous exams.

In essence, the relationship between candidates is still a relationship between competitors.

Therefore, the best thing to do at this level is to leave all actions to one person from the beginning.

Otherwise, once the problem is still solved by voting on things such as whether to open the door, such as whether to open the door, which does not require a majority to decide, the entire team will fall into a strange voting pattern.

This model will completely push the team into internal confrontation.

And there are two other things that must not be done in voting, and that is discussion and a show of hands.

It seems most reasonable for five people to come to a final conclusion after discussion.

But the entire exam lasts only 72 hours, and if there is a disagreement within the team or an argument to the end when discussing an opinion, and the decision is wrong, the whole team atmosphere will inevitably fall into an awkward situation.

Discussing such things is always possible to sit down and discuss slowly only when the world is very abundant. As for voting by show of hands, it is the most stupid act.

Because this voting method completely loses its secrecy, it is definitely the worst voting method to be able to clearly see who is against them within the team, but there is no opportunity to refute it.

In case one person on a team often disagrees with another, and one of them is the one whose opinion is often obliterated… For a long time, this team will break up!

And once it breaks, it means that all five people are unqualified!

“Hee hee hee one by one! I wonder where you are headed? It’s really exciting…”

While eating a small snack on the monitoring table, Liber looked at the candidates in various surveillance screens with interest.

“Oh, this is indeed a perfect place to watch a show.”

A slightly magnetic figure suddenly sounded behind Liber.

“Of course, this trap tower has been built by me for many years, and the cameras inside are guaranteed to cover all areas in the tower… Wrong! Who are you?! ”

Libo, who originally had a slight slight self-satisfaction in his voice, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The voice behind him was not only an unfamiliar voice that he had never heard before, but no one in this trap tower would ever call himself without respect.

Li Bo, who realized that something was wrong, immediately began to ooze a cold sweat from the corner of his forehead, and then suddenly turned his head to look at the owner of the voice [Damn! ] I don’t even know if I was touched behind me! Have you been in prison all these years, resulting in a deterioration in alertness?! 】

“Who are you?”

Li Bo’s face was a little ugly, and the handsome man in front of him appeared in the main control room guarded by the heavy organs without being noticed by himself.

As for his two younger brothers, they were standing in place trembling, not daring to move.

Liber didn’t see it just now, but the two of them could see it clearly. That kind of monster-like [circle]!

Looking at the ugly face of Li Bo, Lin Mo raised his eyebrows casually: “I am the examiner of the fourth exam, Lin Mo, as the examiner of the next exam of this group of candidates, there should be no problem in observing them in advance.” ”

To be honest, any so-called copper wall and iron wall in this world that absolutely cannot be broken through is no different from air in front of Lin Mo’s [ROOM-Slaughterhouse].

As long as he wants, he can come and go anywhere.

If he doesn’t want to be discovered by others, he can even slowly unfold [ROOM] and penetrate through the past layer by layer. This time, Lin Mo himself did not have the idea of wanting to hide.

It’s just that the [ROOM] he unfolded happened to be stuck behind Liber this time, so Liber didn’t find Lin Mo’s [R0OM].

[Lin Mo?! Doesn’t it mean that this guy is just a good product? How… 】


After hearing Lin Mo’s self-introduction, a flash of disbelief flashed in Libo’s eyes.

Although he basically didn’t leave this area when he stayed in the trap tower all year round, he still knew about Nitro’s public selection of the [World’s Five Great Mindful Abilities].

After the results were selected, the controversy over Lin Mo, the candidate from the Sky Arena Olympia Martial Arts Conference, has not been broken.

Most of the professional hunters of the hunter association believe that Lin Mo’s election is mainly due to his reputation as the world’s number one martial artist who was officially hyped by the Sky Arena.

Therefore, although Zhai Ru Libo has also heard about this matter.

As soon as he heard that Lin Mo was a martial artist in the Sky Arena, he was also inclined to think that other people’s controversy over Lin Mo was true. After all, over the years, Sky Arena has made a big move to become a world martial arts mecca.

All kinds of boasting never stop.

Any person with a little strength who has a little strength, when he hears these five words of the Sky Arena, he will subconsciously look down on the other party a little.

“Of course, there is no problem, since Your Excellency Lin Mo is interested in this group of candidates, of course, I am very willing to share with you, but next time, can you trouble Your Excellency to let the review committee say hello to me first?”

“After all, as the warden of this prison, you still have a certain sensitivity to people who suddenly appear in this prison.”

After putting his own state of mind, Li Bo’s gaze towards Lin Mo obviously changed.

Just by virtue of Lin Mo’s ability to appear behind him silently, and the trembling appearance of his two younger brothers, he could determine that Lin Mo definitely had the strength to be called [the world’s five great minds] by Nitro!.

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