From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 1174: Crush Soul Society, Aizen's Black Coffin!

Seireitei, this magnificent palace symbolizing order and power, is experiencing an unprecedented shock.

The sunlight seemed to have lost its color at this moment, and the entire space was swallowed by a sudden darkness. The initiator of all this was a huge black cube that appeared out of thin air. It silently enveloped the entire Seireitei and even the Invisible Empire that confronted it at a speed and scale beyond common sense.

Seireitei and the Invisible Empire were horrified to find that a huge black cube enveloped them, and the speed was so fast that they couldn't react at all.

Just seeing it, it was already wrapped and sealed.

"What is this?"

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni was startled. The ominous black cube, even though he had faced countless life and death tests, couldn't help but look shocked at this moment.

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What he felt was not only the visual shock, but also the indescribable sense of oppression deep in his heart.

The surface of the black cube seemed to flow with endless darkness, and each side was like a portal to another unknown world, and behind the door was the palpitating nothingness and despair.

He tried to mobilize the spiritual pressure in his body in order to explore the ins and outs of this mysterious cube, but unfortunately, his perception was like a stone falling into the abyss, without any response.

He realized that this power had far exceeded the scope of his cognition, and Aizen's transformation had reached this point, making even a strong man like him feel powerless.

This is because Aizen's spiritual pressure has opened up a gap of more than one dimension with them, so Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni can no longer feel Aizen's spiritual pressure.

He didn't know that this was done by Aizen, and he couldn't think of it at all.

Deep in the Invisible Empire, the Ice Palace hidden under the shadow of the Jingling Court seems to be a place forgotten by time, quiet and solemn.

The palace is carved from pure and flawless ice crystals, and each ice wall reflects a faint and blue light, making the surroundings mysterious and cold.

However, this tranquility was completely broken by a sudden change at a certain moment, as if the calm lake was suddenly shattered by a boulder, and waves were everywhere.

Youhabach, the supreme leader of the Invisible Empire, a middle-aged man with deep eyes and a big beard, was sitting on the ice throne in the center of the palace, closing his eyes and resting, as if isolated from the world.

His existence is the most solid pillar of the Invisible Empire and the unshakable belief in the hearts of all his subjects. But at this moment, even he could not escape the invasion of this unknown force and was suddenly awakened from his endless sleep.

He took a deep breath, with a bit of struggle and surprise in his action, just like a person who had been drowning in the deep sea for a long time finally surfaced and greedily breathed the first breath of air.

His eyes slowly opened, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, which was a vigilance against the unknown and a desire for challenges.

"Your Majesty..."

Beside him, a man with long golden hair and a handsome face whispered. He was Youhabach's most loyal deputy and a core member of the Invisible Empire Think Tank.

His voice was full of concern and worry, and the two rows of guards and officials around him also stared at Youhabach, waiting for his instructions.

Youhabach waved his hand gently, signaling everyone to stay calm. He knew that the panic at this moment would only make the situation worse.

With his actions, the atmosphere in the palace gradually calmed down, but the depression and tension still permeated the air.

"The time is wrong..."

Youhabach said in a deep voice, and these four words seemed to contain endless meanings. He realized that this incident was not accidental, but the result of someone's careful planning.

All this seemed to violate the law of "omniscience and omnipotence" that he mastered, which made him feel unprecedented anger and uneasiness.

He looked down at the Ice Palace where he was, which was once a symbol of his power and glory, but was now tightly bound by the black cage.

The black cube was like the entrance to the abyss, swallowing all the light and vitality around it, and the whole palace fell into a dead silence.

Youhabach took a deep breath and tried to mobilize the power of the Quincy hidden deep in his body, which was his pride and reliance as the leader of the Invisible Empire.

However, when he tried to use this power to fight against the sudden gravity field, he was surprised to find that his power was so small.

The gravity field seemed to have its own life, constantly squeezing and tearing everything around it, and even his supreme leader could not escape.

"Black Coffin..."

Youhabach murmured to himself in a low voice. This name reminded him of the fear that once made countless lives tremble.

Now, it has become a shackle that imprisons them.

Inside the black coffin, the concepts of time and space became blurred, and everything was pulled into an endless vortex.

Under the ravages of this super-gravity flow, both solid buildings and powerful warriors seemed so fragile.

The Zanpakuto of the Shinigami lost their former brilliance and sharpness, and the holy words of the Quincies also lost their effectiveness and power.

They could only struggle to survive in this endless darkness, trying to find a glimmer of hope to escape.

Aizen almost instantly killed 99% of the Shinigami and Quincies, and his cruel methods and superb efficiency were astonishing.

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni also failed to escape the fate.

He roared and struggled, trying to use his Bankai Zankadachi to fight and destroy the black coffin, but was eventually compressed and collapsed by the irresistible super gravity and turned into nothingness.

Yhwach witnessed all this happening, his heart filled with anger and unwillingness.

He tried to use the power of "omniscience and omnipotence" to peek into the essence and source of the black cube, but even he, the supreme leader who mastered omniscience and omnipotence, could not fully see through the true face and purpose of this mysterious power.

After crushing everything, the black coffin disappeared, and Aizen looked at the Soul Society, which had returned to peace.

"From today on, I am the king of the Soul Society."

Aizen didn't care who he crushed to death.

This sentence is not only a declaration, but also his complete farewell to the past shackles and a firm declaration of future rule.

In Aizen's heart, there is no narrowness of personal grudges. What he pursues is the power and truth that transcends life and death and controls everything.

There is no one in Soul Society who can stop him now.

Aizen's actions are as ruthless as autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. He doesn't care how many lives he crushes, because in his world, the fate of the weak is always written by the strong.

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