From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 1176: Squad Zero VS Beyond Aizen

Aizen watched as the people from Team Zero appeared in front of him.

"Aizen Sosuke, you guy!"

The real name-calling monk was more angry than ever before. After all, this was an unprecedented villain who actually knocked down the Spirit King's Palace.

Even the ancient Great Hollow Jijiba only broke into the Soul King Palace, and without causing much trouble, the real name-calling monk erased its name and turned it into a Zanpakutō. .

However, it is not that simple to knock down the Soul King Palace. The key is that the real name calling monk cannot fix the falling Soul King Palace even with his own words.

All circumstances indicate that Aizen Soyousuke is a big trouble beyond imagination.

"Team Zero."

Aizen Sosuke's gaze seemed to have penetrated the invisible space barrier and was locked directly on the inner surface of the Spirit King, which symbolized the supreme authority.

There was no slightest contempt for the enemy in front of him in his eyes, but only a kind of indifference and depth that transcended the world, as if everything in this world, including the members of the Zero Squadron in front of him, who were known as "royal agents", were just him. A speck of dust in the grand scheme of things.

"How arrogant are you? You don't even look at us?"

Kirinji Tenshiro, a middle-aged man with a Yakuza style and a very confused face, was aroused by Aizen's neglect and was filled with unprecedented anger.

He took a step forward and activated his Shunpo like lightning piercing the night sky, instantly shortening the distance between him and Aizen. However, at the moment when he was about to perform his stunt, something changed suddenly.

Kirin Temple Tenshiro's body seemed to be swallowed up by an invisible force and began to shrink uncontrollably. His muscles, bones and even skin were compressed into a ball of bloody "meat" in a very short period of time.

This scene was incredibly shocking to everyone present. You must know that as members of the Zero Division, each of them has been baptized by the power of the Soul King, and their physical and soul strength far exceed that of ordinary Shinigami. How could they be defeated so easily?

"What's going on?!"

Hikifune Kiryu could not hide the horror in his eyes at this moment.

She looked around quickly, trying to catch any unusual fluctuations in the air, but everything seemed to be unusually calm. Only the death of Tenshiro of Kirin Temple echoed in everyone's hearts like an alarm bell.

"Did something happen that you can't understand? It's nothing, it's just that he can't bear my spiritual pressure."

Aizen's voice remained calm, as if everything that just happened had nothing to do with him.

There was no pride or show off in his tone, it was more like stating a simple fact.

"You're kidding, how could you have such terrifying spiritual pressure?"

The remaining members of Team Zero looked at each other in disbelief.

If what Aizen said was true, then the gap between them and Aizen was beyond their imagination.

This realization made them feel unprecedentedly frustrated and powerless.

"I don't mean to lie, it's just that none of you understand my true face."

Aizen smiled slightly, and in that smile was both compassion for his opponent's ignorance and absolute confidence in his own strength.

However, after all, Team Zero is an elite who has undergone strict screening and training. After a brief surprise, they quickly adjusted their mentality and prepared for the next battle.

The commander of the army, Ichibei, stood still, like an unshakable mountain, providing solid backing for his teammates.

Niegaya Oue and Hikifune Kiryu quickly spread out, outflanking Aizen from both sides, trying to find flaws.

Shutara Senjumaru, a woman known for her exquisite craftsmanship and fighting skills, chose to charge head-on.

She was agile and agile, like a civet walking through the forest, approaching Aizen in an instant.

However, just before she was about to launch an attack, Hikifune Kiryuu had already taken the lead. With a wave of his hands, a huge fence cage suddenly appeared in the void, trapping Aizen in it like a cage.

"You're distracted."

Just when everyone thought Aizen was about to be restrained, a cold voice suddenly sounded in front of Aizen.

Shutara Senjumaru appeared in front of Aizen at some point. A puppet arm stretched out from behind, holding a seemingly inconspicuous dagger, and stabbed Aizen's heart.

This strike was swift and precise, obviously a carefully calculated kill.

However, Aizen just smiled softly and stood still without moving.

The moment the dagger came into contact with his body, it seemed as if it encountered an invisible barrier. It made a crisp "ding" sound before breaking on its own.

"You don't seem to be very good at frontal combat..."

There was no sarcasm in Aizen's words, more like a nonchalant statement of facts.

His eyes were always locked on Shutara Senjumaru, as if he could penetrate all appearances and look directly into the deepest secrets of the human heart.

"It doesn't matter whether I'm good at it or not,"

Shutara Senjumaru said.

"Because my attack doesn't come from this side at all."

Before he finished speaking, eight strong-looking guard soldiers in black uniforms suddenly appeared behind Aizen - they were the divine soldiers of the Soul King Palace, the selected Death God elites, each of them possessing extraordinary strength and ability. loyalty.

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Shutara Senjumaru's lips, and her carefully arranged backhand quietly activated.

However, in the face of this sudden offensive, Aizen still maintained his calm attitude.

He neither turned around to defend nor showed any nervous look. He just stood there quietly, staring at the front with an almost indifferent attitude, as if those threats did not exist at all.

The blades of the divine weapons slashed at Aizen again and again, but only exchanged for a series of crisp sounds of metal collision. There seemed to be an invisible barrier around Aizen's body, which dissolved all attacks one by one.

"I know."

Aizen suddenly spoke, his voice calm and deep.

"Your attack did not come from the front or from behind. Just when those people appeared just now, you secretly did something to me."

He lowered his head to examine the white coat that he had added at some point, and a hint of interest flashed in his eyes.

Shutara Senjumaru's face changed slightly, but she quickly regained her composure.

"Doesn't it look good? The clothes made by my concubine, a guy like you should be grateful for being able to wear them."

There was a hint of provocation in her words, and at the same time, the hand behind her quietly pulled, and the thin line connected to the coat instantly tightened.

Following Shutara Senjumaru's movements, Aizen's coat suddenly underwent a startling change.

The originally soft and smooth fabric seemed to be given life. After a violent tremor, countless sharp thorns suddenly stretched out from the inside, instantly turning the entire coat into a terrifying torture device.

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