From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 1180: Omniscience vs. Transcendence

In the aftermath of the deafening roar, the air seemed to freeze for a moment, followed by endless silence, with only the occasional sound of falling gravel in the distance breaking the momentary tranquility.

Aizen Sosuke stood in the center of the battlefield, surrounded by an indescribable majesty and indifference.

The blow just now not only destroyed the seemingly invincible body of Hyoshubu Ichibei, but also invisibly announced the end of the old order.

However, the "death" of the members of the Zero Squad was not as simple as it seemed.

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As the last line of defense to protect the Soul King Palace, they have established an indelible connection with the Soul King Palace and the Soul King since they entered the Zero Squad.

Their bodies, under the power of the Soul King, were reshaped into the King Key, becoming an indispensable key to the Soul King Palace.

This reshaping not only gave them extraordinary strength and recovery ability, but also made them "immortal" to some extent.

As long as the power of the Soul King still exists, they can be reborn after destruction again and again, just like the cycle of nature, endless.

Aizen knew this very well, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In his opinion, whether it was the rebirth of the Zero Squad or any form of obstacles, it could not stop his progress.

He, Aizen Sosuke, has surpassed the boundaries of mortals and become the master of his own destiny, and no one can defeat him.

Just as he was about to continue to move forward into the depths of the Soul King's palace, a sudden thought interrupted his thoughts-"Yhuhabach".

This name, like a dark cloud covering the sun, instantly enveloped his heart.

Aizen slightly side-glanced, his eyes passed through many obstacles and locked on a figure in the distance.

Yhuhabach, the king of the Quincy.

A man with long black hair and beard, a deep and fierce face, red pupils, three silver medals on each collar, and a crimson cloak.

Unlike Aizen, Yhwach's power comes from his "omniscient" eyes, which is a terrifying ability to predict the future and change reality.

In front of Aizen's "Black Coffin of Aizen", even Kurosaki Ichigo could not escape, but Yhwach miraculously survived.

This is not accidental, but because he launched the Holy Separation several years in advance, sacrificing almost all the Quincy of the Invisible Empire in exchange for the full recovery of his own power.

Those omniscient eyes are his greatest reliance in this power contest.

As the distance between the two gradually narrowed, a tense and oppressive atmosphere filled the air.

Yhwach walked slowly, and every step seemed to step on the heartstrings of everyone, causing tremors.

Behind him, four loyal guards and his deputy Haschwald followed closely.

"Aizome Sosuke..."

He looked at the man in front of him who had overthrown the Soul Society and the Invisible Empire with his own strength. Every word of Yhwach seemed to be squeezed out from his teeth, full of hatred and unwillingness.

He stared at Aizen, and in his eyes without a trace of emotion, multiple pupils were clearly visible, both recognizing Aizen's power and disgusting his existence.

"The King of Quincy, Yhwach."

Aizome responded calmly.

His eyes recognized Yhwach's power and also had a subtle desire to fight.

Those omniscient eyes were Yhwach's most powerful weapon, and the only existence that Aizen was interested in at the moment.

He was eager to fight with him to see if he had truly reached a state beyond everything.

"Your Majesty, let's deal with him!"

Gerard Valkyrie, codenamed M, couldn't hold back his excitement and took the lead in asking for battle.

He knew how powerful Aizen was, but facing an opponent like Aizen, he still wanted to become famous in one battle and prove his value as a member of the Royal Guard.

He also believed that under the leadership of Yhwach, they had the ability to defeat any enemy.

Other members of the Royal Guard also echoed, and the atmosphere became tense for a while.

However, Yhwach did not immediately respond to Gerard's request.

He was silent for a moment, as if thinking about something.

The two peak strong men stood face to face, the air seemed to solidify, and even the flow of time became slow.

Yhwach, as the emperor of the Invisible Empire, his eyes contained the heart-pounding "omniscience and omnipotence" power, which was the power to see through everything in the world, predict the future, and even rewrite fate.

Yhwach finally spoke: "Aizen Sosuke, in this world, there is nothing that my omniscience and omnipotence cannot touch. Every thought of yours, every breath, and even every action of yours in the future, have long been foreseen by me."

Upon hearing this, Aizen's sneer at the corner of his mouth became even more intense.

"Oh? Omniscience and omnipotence? That's a very desirable ability. However, Youhabach, have you ever thought that when a power is so great that it becomes a limitation itself, can it still be called invincible?"

Youhabach frowned slightly. He knew Aizen's cunning and unfathomable, but the confidence given by omniscience made him unwilling to waver easily.

"Aizen, your words are just a futile struggle. In this world defined by me, nothing can escape my control."

As Yhwach finished his words, he slowly opened his eyes with multiple pupils, as if the whole world was infinitely magnified at this moment, and every detail was clearly visible.

In his sight, time seemed to be divided into countless fragments, each fragment representing a possible future. He easily filters and eliminates, leaving only the timeline that best suits his will.

However, when he tried to penetrate Aizen's inner world and explore his next move, he unexpectedly encountered unprecedented obstacles.

Aizen stood there, as if integrated with the surrounding void, his existence became vague and elusive, and even the power of omniscience and omnipotence could not completely lock his future.


Yhwach was shocked. He had never encountered such a situation.

Under his omniscience and omnipotence, even the trajectory of the stars and the end of the universe are invisible. Why can Aizen escape his prediction so easily?

When Aizen saw this, a faint smile appeared on his lips.

"It seems that your so-called omniscience and omnipotence are not omnipotent. At least, when it comes to understanding the existence beyond your own cognitive scope, your power seems to be insufficient."

Aizen chuckled, with a hint of mockery in his tone.

"What you can foresee is just the world based on your current understanding and knowledge. And I have transcended that level and become an existence that you cannot understand."

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