From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 1184 You useless piece of shit, You ...

So Yhabach, who regained consciousness, was very angry, but it was too late for him to get angry the next moment.

Because he was beaten by "the world"!

At this moment, Yhwach fully experienced what it means to "look around and see that everyone in the world is your enemy."

It doesn't mean that there are too many enemies in the conventional sense, but that the whole world is full of malice towards him, and everything will turn into fists and kicks to beat him!

The sun, which is supposed to be warm and soft natural light, has become extremely violent at this moment.

They no longer spread out gently, but seemed to be compressed and condensed by invisible hands, and finally condensed into bright but deadly fists of sunlight.

These fists were filled with heat and light, and struck at Yhwach at a speed exceeding the speed of sound. Each blow landed on him accurately, leaving his once indestructible body covered with scars and bruises.

Yhwach tried to protect his body with spiritual power, but found that these fists of sunlight seemed to be able to penetrate all defenses and hit the depths of his soul.

" is this possible?!"

Yhwach's heart was filled with horror. He never thought that one day he would be in such a mess.

He tried to use the power of omniscience and omnipotence to analyze all this, to predict and change the upcoming attack, but found that his vision was shrouded in an invisible fog, and he was unable to penetrate the slightest bit of the truth.

He seemed to be in a huge maze, surrounded by walls and every road leading to a dead end. The more he struggled, the more desperate he felt.

What made him even more desperate was that he found that he couldn't change everything.

The power of omniscience and omnipotence seems so small in front of the will of this "world".

He tried to foresee the future and look for opportunities to escape, but found that all the future was occupied by an invisible force. The timelines that he could once easily grasp were like frozen rivers that could no longer flow.

Time itself seemed to have turned into a weapon to attack him, roaring in a way he could not understand, mocking his incompetence.

"You loser still want to see the future and change? You are not good enough yet!!!"

This voice was full of disdain and ridicule.

As a being with the power of "omniscience and omnipotence", he should have been able to see into everything in the world, predict and change the future, but at this moment, he seemed to be abandoned by the entire world, and all his power seemed so pale and powerless at this moment.

He tried to use this power to analyze the scene in front of him to determine whether this was Aizen's cunning illusion or a disaster that really happened to him.

But no matter how hard he tried, he could not penetrate this layer of fog, and all he saw was endless chaos and violence.

The scene in front of him was undoubtedly an unprecedented mental and physical storm for Yhwach.

He stood in the world that seemed to be shrouded in anger and chaos. Everything around him had lost its peace and order. It was as if the whole world had awakened to self-awareness at this moment and launched a ruthless attack on his former conqueror. Fight back.

The dust was no longer harmless particles. They condensed into sharp blades in the air. Every gust of wind carried the power to tear apart the space, cutting every inch of his skin and causing piercing pain.

The mountains and rivers are no longer silent guardians. They tremble, releasing ancient and powerful power. Hot magma and icy cold air spurt out from the cracks in the earth's crust, intertwining into a deadly net, trying to imprison him in the endless darkness. And in the heat.

Rivers and oceans are not willing to be lonely. Their currents suddenly become turbulent and violent, rolling up huge waves, as if a giant beast in the depths of the sea is roaring, trying to swallow him into the endless abyss.

The stars, the sun and the moon, which were once insignificant embellishments in his eyes, are now like the eyes of the gods, shining with cold and majestic light. The energy fluctuations they release are enough to make the stars fall, the sun and the moon become dull, and Youha Bach felt unprecedentedly small and powerless.

"Am I really going to lose to this world that I know but has suddenly become so unfamiliar?"

Yohabach's heart was filled with unwillingness and struggle.

He claimed to be omniscient and omnipotent, but at this moment he felt the limitations of knowledge and the paleness of power.

What his omniscient and omnipotent eyes see at this moment is no longer the blueprint for the future and the dawn of victory, but the ruthless judgment and ridicule of the entire world against him.

"You loser, defeat me!"

In this new world where "intensity" determines everything, he seems to have been deprived of all his advantages and became a complete loser.

This "baptism" may not be a simple punishment and destruction, but a test set by the Spiritual King in order to purify the world and renew life.

Only by experiencing the baptism of death and rebirth can one truly gain new life and stronger power.

Yhwach began to adjust his mentality and tactics.

He no longer blindly resists the attacks of the world, but tries to understand the laws and logic behind these attacks.

He uses his omniscient and omnipotent eyes to discern the mystery and power behind every dust, every gust of wind, every mountain, and every river.

He tried to turn these seemingly disorganized attacks into resources and power that he could use.

The fighting spirit began to appear in Yhwach.

"Is it the power of the Berserker? That's it."

Yhwach witnessed the battle between Kurosaki Ichigo and Seireitei in the Invisible Empire, and it was the first time he learned about Berserkers.

I don’t know what happened after that, because Ichigo Kurosaki is no longer fighting in Soul Society.

Now, with the help of his omniscience and omnipotence, Yhwach has completed the most basic “job change” of a berserker.

Extreme and pure power appeared in his body, and it was wantonly agitated because of his rising fighting spirit.

Yhwach couldn’t help but recall the Glorious Empire a thousand years ago and the Invisible Empire now.

The king of the Glorious Empire a thousand years ago and the king of the Invisible Empire now were both Yhwach, the only difference was that the former was glorious and the latter was shadowy.

After the Glorious Empire was crushed by Captain-General Yamamoto and the 13th Gotei Squad with insidious and vicious means, Yhwach changed, and thus there was the Invisible Empire hidden in the shadow.

He had long forgotten what he thought, said and did in the Glorious Empire.

But because of his current fighting spirit and the power of the berserker, he recalled it.

After his mentality collapsed and then reshaped, he became more complete.

The nobleness and majesty of a thousand years ago, the old and gloomy present, the change of times, he is also in it, the fighting spirit and intensity existing in the world, he sees it more clearly than anyone else, and feels it more deeply than anyone else.

This is the power of the Son of the Spirit King.

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