From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 1196: Hell was beaten to his knees

Although Aizen's words were brief, they were full of power. He told "Hell" that it was time to accept reality and let go of those meaningless struggles and obsessions.

As Aizen spoke, he punched the twisted body of "Hell".

This punch condensed all his will and strength. It was not only a physical blow, but also a question and challenge to the essence of "Hell".

The fist collided with the tentacles of "Hell", and a dazzling light and deafening roar instantly burst out.

The light was as dazzling as the sun, illuminating the entire sky, making it impossible to look directly. And the roar was like the roar of a giant beast between heaven and earth, shaking everyone's heart.

Under the impact of this powerful force, the tentacles of "Hell" broke one after another. They were as vulnerable as fragile branches and could not withstand Aizen's powerful straight punch at all.

"Hell" was completely stunned. It never thought that it would encounter such a powerful opponent.

"Hell" has long been a lonely and powerful existence in this chaotic dimension.

Its power comes from endless suffering and despair. Every wail and every pain is the nutrient for its growth.

In this forgotten realm, "Hell" proclaims itself as the overlord and believes that it is invincible. Any existence that tries to challenge its authority will eventually be swallowed by endless darkness.

Its wail and struggle seem so pale and powerless, as if everything has lost its meaning at this moment.

However, the battle is not over.

The Soul King, Ichigo Kurosaki and Sosuke Aizen joined forces, and their power gathered into an unstoppable torrent, constantly impacting the defense line of "Hell".

"How dare you..."

The frenzied instinct urged the sleeves, making "Hell" want to blast Ichigo Kurosaki, Sosuke Aizen and the Soul King, the three shameless bastards who spoke to him, into slag! ! !

It was these "street bastards" who spoke shamelessly that aroused the unprecedented anger and murderous intent of "Hell".

"Hell" is eager to blast these three into slag to demonstrate its supreme authority and power. But reality was like a cold blade, ruthlessly piercing its fantasy.

It found that it could not do it.

What shocked it even more was that the two heavy punches given by Kurosaki Ichigo and Aizen Sosuke not only failed to completely destroy it as it wished, but instead penetrated its seemingly indestructible defense like two hot lightnings and hit its origin directly.

At that moment, "Hell" felt unprecedented fear, a tremor from the depths of the soul, and a deep uneasiness about its own power being challenged and questioned.

Fear, this strange and terrifying emotion for "Hell", quickly spread in its heart.

Its inner voice, which should have been cold and ruthless orders and ridicule, was involuntarily accompanied by a trace of panic and trembling at this moment, and even unconsciously added a weird habit of "mouth teeth", as if trying to use this method to cover up the fear in its heart.

Its tone also soared three plus signs due to the violent fluctuations of emotions, becoming sharp and harsh, echoing in the dead silence and darkness, and seemed particularly weird.

"Hell" soon realized the root of the problem - the difference in strength.

Every punch of Ichigo Kurosaki contained enough power to shake its essence. This power was not only a physical impact, but also an erosion of the essence of "Hell".

It began to realize that the power and advantages it had relied on for a long time were so fragile in front of the real strong.

This cognition was undoubtedly a heavy blow to "Hell", which had always regarded itself as the strongest existence in the universe.

However, even if it glimpsed fragments of the truth in the afterglow of reason, "Hell", whose heart was tormented by anger and fear, could not maintain that rare clarity for a long time.

Its thoughts were like fallen leaves swept by the wind, and were quickly overwhelmed by an older and more primitive impulse - a desire from hell's instinct to fight and destroy everything until it turned everything into nothingness.

In this battle of will and soul, "Hell" began its transformation.

The huge and majestic body that was once carefully brewed by the King of Hell collapsed like a broken dream under the unparalleled power of Ichigo Kurosaki.

The fragments scattered and turned into flying debris, each of which carried the former glory and despair of "Hell".

On the edge of chaos and destruction, a new existence slowly rose from the wreckage. It was the new form of "Hell" after the transformation of the body, a terrifying monster that made people shudder.

Its body was covered with countless dark tentacles, each of which was like a messenger of the abyss, twisting and wriggling, exuding a chill that could freeze the soul.

These tentacles danced in the air, like claws in the night, and the front end suddenly curled up and turned into huge fists. Each fist contained enough power to shake the world, as if to bring the entire universe into its endless violence.

Accompanied by a high and shrill roar, these fists fell down like meteorites given life by darkness with the will to destroy everything.

Their target is directly aimed at three powerful people - Ichigo Kurosaki, Sosuke Aizen and the Soul King, as if they want to drag these three beings standing at the top of the world into eternal darkness together.

At that moment, the sky seemed to be torn apart, the space was distorted, and time seemed to stop at this moment. The whole world was shrouded in a dead silence, and only the breath of destruction was raging.

This was a real doomsday battle. Every punch was accompanied by the fall of stars. The air was filled with despair and fear, and even the most tenacious hearts began to waver.

"I will blast you apart, I will blast you apart!!!"

The voice of "Hell" echoed in the void. It was a word of a strong man that transcended words, an ultimate declaration of power, and a declaration of the impending destruction.

Ichigo Kurosaki gathered all his strength and threw a punch. It was not only the strength of the flesh, but also the crystallization of absolute will and unparalleled power.

This punch, like the first ray of sunlight at dawn, penetrated the endless darkness and directly hit the core of "Hell". At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and the whole world trembled.

"Hell" let out a shrill wail, which was a kind of despair and unwillingness from the depths of the soul.

The once invincible body was completely blasted into the ground by this punch, and the space shrouded in darkness collapsed, as if even the earth was rejecting this evil existence.

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