From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 1200 Kurosaki Ichigo's past fate

Because this is the time when Ichigo Kurosaki completely surpassed the Soul King.

The new world created by the original chaotic world + hell became the source of Ichigo Kurosaki's power.

He has now reached 100% of the power of the universe from absolute power and ultimate power!

Going up, that is the "chaotic power" of "from nothing to something, from nothing to something".

However, Chang Wei has only left a concept of this chaotic power. If Ichigo Kurosaki can do it, he can naturally become this chaotic power, and then create something from nothing, from seeking outside to taking inside, breaking the limitations of the current universe.

It can be said that by doing this, Ichigo Kurosaki has surpassed the single universe.

Now it is only at the level of a single universe. With Chang Wei's power, it is not a problem to create countless single universe-level existences in a breath.

Ichigo Kurosaki looked at this new world he had beaten out, and everything seemed so different.

There is no concept of soul here, because the foundation of this world is no longer the spirit particle, but the more mysterious "instrument particle".

The spirit particle era has become history, replaced by a brand new "instrument particle era".

In this era, to become a transcendent, one no longer relies on the control of soul power, but needs to have an indomitable will and the ability to transform this will into power.

If you want to become a transcendent, then become a berserker!

"Well, the name of berserker is still too one-sided. It uses one's own will as the source of power, not just the will to fight, so theoretically, any will is fine..."

"Berserker", this title that once represented the ultimate will to fight, in Ichigo Kurosaki's view, is no longer enough to describe the strong in the new world.

What he needs is a more comprehensive and profound title to reflect this power that transcends the will to fight and elevates personal will to an absolute height.

So, the word "martial god" jumped into his mind.

The martial god not only represents the power of fighting, but also represents the purity and strength of will.

Unlike the god of death, the power of the martial god comes from the heart, from the infinite desire for fighting, survival, and self-transcendence.

In the era of martial gods in the new world, those once high-ranking gods of death, hollows, and quincy masters all seem so small.

Their power is like a drop of water in the ocean, insignificant in front of this new world rule.

Because the energy level of the new world has far surpassed the old world.

Here, even ordinary people, as long as they can master even 1% of the absolute power, can easily defeat the old world's death god chief, and even compete with the lower-level great hollow Gillian.

As for the catastrophe of the stagnation of spirit particles, this problem that once troubled countless death gods and hollows has lost its meaning in the new world.

Because here, the soul no longer exists, and reincarnation is out of the question.

Death is the end, a complete disappearance.

And the instrument, as the foundation of the new world, is more stable and easier to control than the spirit particle.

They will not stagnate due to the passage of time, nor will they cause catastrophic consequences.

Chang Wei also saw the prompt that his main task was completed.

The single-player conquest task was judged to be completed, because this world will no longer be "Death God" or "Realm·Realm", "Bleach·White", or "BLEACH", but "Martial God"!

If this is not considered conquest, then what is conquest?

"Ichigo Kurosaki, I am very satisfied with your performance. You have fulfilled our initial agreement and changed your future."

Chang Wei's voice was like an ancient echo, crossing the barriers of time and space and echoing in Ichigo Kurosaki's ears.

He stood on the vast plains of the new world, surrounded by all things that had just awakened from chaos, full of vitality, as if every inch of land contained infinite possibilities.

Ichigo Kurosaki looked up at the boundless sky, his eyes flashing with determination and indifference.

Although he already had the power to do everything and could even sense the slightest fluctuations in the universe, he still felt an indescribable awe for the existence called "Observer".

It was a kind of depth that went beyond the scope of power, as if the other party had mastered the secrets of the entire universe, and he was just a speck of dust in this vast sea of ​​stars.

"So, are you curious about your original destiny?"

Chang Wei's voice was a little playful, as if he was looking forward to the secret that was about to be revealed.

Ichigo Kurosaki shook his head gently, his tone calm and firm: "Not curious."

His heart has experienced countless times of tempering and sublimation. From the initial confusion and struggle to the current firmness and fearlessness, he has learned how to turn past pain into motivation for progress.

For him, the past is just a process of shaping his present self, and the future is the battlefield he really wants to conquer.

"It's a very intense speech, but my favorite thing is to make the other party realize how much help I have given him, so, Ichigo Kurosaki, look at your original destiny."

Chang Wei's words carried unquestionable authority, and the sky of the entire new world suddenly became colorful, as if a huge scroll was slowly unfolding.

As Chang Wei moved, pictures emerged in the air. They were Ichigo Kurosaki's past memories, those moments of pain, joy, or ordinary or heroic, played like a movie.

However, for all this, Kurosaki Ichigo just stood quietly, without any wave of emotion on his face.

His heart is strong enough to withstand any external impact. No matter it is past glory or shame, it cannot shake him in the slightest.

"What is played below is the past fate of Kurosaki Ichigo, the creator, creator, and savior of the new world, the age of the warrior gods, and the destroyer and destroyer of the old world."

With this solemn and majestic sound, the picture in the sky became more shocking.

Those identities and titles that once only existed in legends are now closely connected with Kurosaki Ichigo's name, which makes everyone present feel incredible.

"Kurosaki Ichigo?"

A trembling voice asked, that was Masaki Kurosaki. She had just been resurrected from the river of time by Ichigo Kurosaki, and she was still very confused about everything in front of her.

She looked at the strange yet familiar figure in the sky, her heart filled with complex emotions, including pride and worry.

"Ichigo became the God of Creation, Creator and Savior? Anada, am I not dreaming?"

Kurosaki Masaki turned to look at her husband beside her.

Kurosaki Isshin frowned. He looked at his wife and then at the shocking scene in the sky, with mixed feelings in his heart.

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