From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 1204 Return to the Main God Space

As usual, he once again completed the devouring of Kurosaki Ichigo's universe. It was an aesthetic of violence that was almost artistic. Every step was precise, converting the power of the opponent's universe into his own evolution points.

This devouring brought Chang Wei's evolutionary points to an unprecedented height. Even measured by astronomical figures, it seemed pale and feeble.

These points are his ladder to a higher realm, his capital that transcends all things and is above all rules.

However, Chang Wei was not satisfied with this. His eyes had already surpassed the current achievements and pointed directly at the distant and mysterious "omnipotent universe".

Since the last time he used system evolution points to break through to the "Super Universe Level", Chang Wei has not relied on the existence called the "Super Virus System" for a long time.

The super universe level means that he has transcended the scope of the multiverse, can sense the edge of the omnipotent universe, and can even occasionally peek into the mysterious existence outside the omnipotent universe.

It was an unprecedented vision that gave him a deeper understanding of the nature of the universe.

"Super Universe Level", this title sounds infinitely glorious, but in fact, it is still a member of the Almighty Universe, and there is still a long way to go before it can truly transcend.

Therefore, he began to consciously save evolution points, treating them as precious resources, just for that final leap.

During this process, Chang Wei couldn't help but start to think about which one had more potential to help him achieve ultimate transcendence, the super virus system or the main god space.

The main god space can give the host endless power and opportunities, and may even lead the host to enter the unknown realm of "transcendence".

As for the super virus system, although it is equally powerful and full of unknowns, its operating mechanism is completely different from that of the main god space. It is more like a virus, constantly eroding, merging, and evolving, eventually making the host the most unique existence in the universe.

Chang Wei repeatedly pondered the pros and cons of these two options in his mind.

But no matter how he weighed it, he couldn't come up with a definite answer.

After all, both the main god space and the super virus system are existences beyond his current knowledge. Their true power may only be known to those who have truly entered that level.

"Evolve, make me stronger!"

Chang Wei thought silently in his heart and finally made up his mind.

He gently touched the "evolve" button on the super virus system interface with his finger.

In an instant, an unprecedented energy wave burst out from his body. This power seemed to tear apart the surrounding time and space and reshape all rules.

As evolution started, Chang Wei's consciousness was involved in a bizarre world. Here, there are no boundaries of time and space, only endless chaos and order intertwined.

He saw the birth and destruction of the universe, and felt the entire process of life from germination to prosperity to decline.

Every experience gave his soul a baptism, and his strength also quietly grew in this baptism.

However, the increase in power soon stopped, and he was still an invisible distance away from the omnipotent universe.

It's impossible to hope for.

"Although the increase in power exceeds simply relying on swallowing the single universe and the multiverse, it is meaningless."

Chang Wei sighed, his virus was no longer a simple virus, it could infect the single universe and the multiverse with the power of viruses!

This is a special power comparable to the power of Phoenix and the power of fairies!

And because the super virus system is the backing, the power of the virus has a bright future and unlimited potential, and can even be infected with the power of the Phoenix and the power of the goblin!

Regardless of Chang Wei's gaudy abilities, in fact his biggest reliance is on his own virus power.

It's just that so far he has not encountered any existence that requires him to use the power of the virus.

As for infecting the main god's space, well, this is already being done.

Complete the mission and return to the main god space!

Chang Wei's return was at the same time as Dinisha and the others.

When Dinisha and the other two saw Chang Wei's return, a hint of surprise flashed across their faces at first, and then turned into indescribable joy and relief.

Their eyes were mingled with fatigue, fear, and the complex emotions of the aftermath, as if they had just escaped from a nightmare from which there was no turning back.

"What's wrong, where have you been?"

Chang Wei saw something was wrong and asked curiously.

Dinisha shook her head slightly, with a solemn expression: "We don't know where it is, we only know that it is a place that is beyond imagination and terrifying."

There was a hint of trembling in her tone. Even this warrior, who was known for his calmness, had difficulty maintaining absolute composure when facing certain unknowns.

Esdeath took over the conversation, her eyes flashing with unquenchable fighting spirit, but also mixed with a bit of fear: "That is a battlefield called 'Asura's Wrath'. As soon as we stepped into it, It’s like being drawn into another world, where every moment is full of life and death tests.”

Scathach nodded silently from the side. Although there was not much expression on her face, there was a hint of shock that was difficult to conceal in her deep eyes.

As a warrior who has experienced countless battles, Scathach knows what true terror is, and this experience is undoubtedly the most difficult one in her career.

Neither Dinisha nor Esdeath nor Scathach were the kind to be dominated by mere fear, but now, they said that place was terrifying.

"Asura's Wrath, no wonder."

As a well-known game, this place is indeed a little dangerous.

It doesn't matter if Chang Wei goes there by himself, he can blow everything up, but for Scathach and the others, this place is too dangerous.

Denisa and Esdeath are okay, even if the demon enhancement they exchanged has not reached the level of real demons, but their survivability is still okay.

But both of them are also in danger of death, and Asura followed a large number of enemies to blow up the earth.

That is Kongo Earth, which is 10,000 times the size of the earth, according to the official interview.

The setting of Kongo Earth is that it is larger than a star, and its huge size and gravity force the star to revolve around it.

In other words, most of the reincarnations can't even beat ordinary people on Kongo Earth.

Even reincarnations with enhanced bloodlines such as Kryptonians, Weixing people, Homelanders, and Hancock may be equivalent to ordinary people on Kongo Earth.

"At the beginning, we encountered that super huge enemy-Huaxian."

Esdeath seemed to be recalling a nightmare.

"We on Earth can clearly see his huge body in outer space, and then, with just one finger, he..."

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