“Happy cooperation!” Snape doesn’t care if this is a manuscript or not, although there are some differences between the manuscript and the original, but the difference is not very big, just a preliminary exploration with a manuscript is enough,

If you wait until you have studied to a certain extent, you can borrow it, but at that time you still have to prepare some other things that can be exchanged, and it seems that it is time to compile a complete book of potions.

Snape thought so, and then the whole person turned around and left under this beating willow, he couldn’t wait to get in touch with this new knowledge, a knowledge system that was completely different from black magic, but powerful, and even more widely applied.

Wizards have never liked to follow the rules, they don’t want to be sheep in God’s sheepfold, they don’t want to be shepherds, they just need to be themselves and do what they want.

They pursue knowledge, magical knowledge, a knowledge that is paradoxical to science, they are very similar to Taoists, but they are completely different, Taoists seek freedom, become heaven and earth, and their intellectual pursuit only focuses on how to make themselves immortals.

This is a wizard’s world, but this is also a world of technology, but the wizards here seem to look down on ordinary people.

Indeed, there are many magical spells in the hands of wizards, and in the Middle Ages, the church must have a way to deal with wizards, and in modern times, the most terrifying thing is not the Voldemort who once ruled the world with darkness, but the Muggles in the eyes of these wizards.

It’s just that Hu Jiancai didn’t bother to say anything to these optimistic wizards, after all, in his experience, he was just a guest in this world, and the difference was only how long he could stay in this world.

No matter how strong you Voldemort is, can that poor body still be able to resist rocket artillery? Vulcan cannon? Or a metal storm? Over-the-horizon strike to understand?

The magic of this world is not as powerful as in the Marvel or DC worlds, and all kinds of mutations and magic can resist missiles and destroy the world, so the minds of wizards in this world are actually very dangerous.

And Voldemort’s mind can only destroy the entire wizarding world, which is also what worries Dumbledore, don’t underestimate the wisdom of an old man, as a great wizard who has lived for more than a hundred years, he has almost witnessed the rise of Muggles.

From the very beginning to the current submachine guns, automatic rifles, those weapons are nothing less than a catastrophe for wizards, which is why he advocates the complete separation of the wizarding world from the Muggle world.

Wizards are now the strongest ever, but they are the weakest compared to their Muggles of the same era, because even ordinary people can easily kill them.

If it weren’t for the fact that science can’t solve now, such as the existence of dementors that have no entity and cannot be hit by conventional physical attacks, wizards may not even have the last life saving charm.

“Today we are going to study physics, take out all the textbooks I found.” Hu Jian naturally knew this, so he would not only teach Taoism, magic, and martial arts, but also Hermione’s learning.

“Teacher, we are wizards, why is this kind of thing, this kind of thing is of no use to us at all!” Looking at the physics book distributed to his hand, Ron, a guy who didn’t like to study at all, immediately raised his hand and said.

“Even if you are wizards, until you have the ability to destroy the world with a single magic, it is best to show enough awe for knowledge, especially if it can destroy all of you wizards in a matter of minutes.”

Hu Jian’s expression is serious, knowledge is respectable, especially when this knowledge can create great power.

“Teacher, this is impossible, wizards are very powerful, the most powerful wizards are even capable of destroying a city in a few hours!” This guy Ron obviously didn’t believe what Hu Jian said, after all, Ron was a real kid who grew up in the wizarding world.

“But those Muggles in your wizards’ mouths can destroy a large city in three seconds, a city larger than the entire wizarding world combined.” Hu Jian is a responsible person, he does not like to be a frog at the bottom of the well, and he does not want his students to deceive themselves.

“How is this possible, you say yes, Harry.” Hu Jian’s words were obviously not convincing, and Ron turned his head directly to look at his little friend.

“I don’t want to hit you, but Ron, that’s the truth.” Harry looked at his friend who grew up in the wizarding world and said seriously, even if he still had some embarrassment on his face, but facts were facts.

“Yes, and this happened twice, if those two nuclear bombs landed on Hogwarts, there would only be one pit left here in an instant.” Hermione said equally seriously.

“It can’t be, right?” Ron was obviously still a little unconvinced, but he seemed to be a little shaken now, especially after seeing the other three of them looking serious.

“If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you around.” Seeing is believing, Hu Jian intends to take these three imps to take a good look at the so-called knowledge is a typical representative of strength.

“However, we can’t go out at will during the academy, unless we have the teacher’s approval, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.” Ron said with some apprehension.

“I’m the teacher, I just approve.” Hu Jian said after taking a faint look at the young man, and then a golden dragon appeared directly behind Hu Jian, and the means of transportation were also available, “Okay, come up.” ”

Looking at this golden dragon like a real thing, Ron swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, but soon, his heart was filled with excitement, the Muggle world, he really hasn’t been to much.


“Is it okay to just let them pass?” In the headmaster’s room at Hogwarts, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall looked at Hu Jian who was riding the dragon and asked, her eyes full of worry.

“It’s good to go outside and see the outside world, the wizard world has not had fresh blood and new knowledge for too long, and if it goes on like this, the wizard world will finish playing sooner or later.” Dumbledore grabbed a cockroach chocolate and stuffed it directly into his mouth and said.

“It’s just that if they see those terrible weapons, their pride as wizards doesn’t know if it will be…”

“Even so, we can’t watch the wizarding world go to ruin, it’s a legacy, and I trust Harry, he knows how to get things right.” Dumbledore was clearly full of confidence in Harry,

“And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using those thermal weapons, if I had such powerful weapons back then, I could have hit ten of them, if I weren’t old now, and those weapons weren’t friendly to older people.”

I don’t have to pin my hopes on that child, I want that child to be not just a hero, I also want that child to bring change to the wizarding world. “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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