Because of Jiang Chen's excellent acting skills, it took half a day to complete the filming of the original day's play.

The crew has a half-day holiday in the afternoon.

Jiang Chen was just about to go home, but received a call from Xiao Yi.

On the phone, Xiao Yi still choked up: "Jiang Chen, the third child, he is dead."

"What?" Jiang Chen's expression suddenly changed.

The third child is Zhao Fei, a roommate at Jiangchen University. After graduation, he works in a software company founded by the fourth child Zhang Bin.

The relationship of the four people in college was very good, and Jiang Chen was shocked when he heard the bad news.

Driving the car, went straight to the house of the youngest Zhao Fei.

As soon as I arrived at the door, there was a cry of sorrow.

Jiang Chen frowned and said to Xiao Yi: "What the hell is going on?"

Xiao Yi said: "The third child was on vacation a few days ago, but the company suddenly came to work in a hurry, and then he worked overtime until late at night and went to the toilet at night, but he suffered a heart attack, and then..."

Jiang Chen walked into the room and watched Li Xiaomei, the third wife's wife, runny in pain.

Li Xiaomei has just become pregnant, but her husband has not yet been born.

Such a blow is too big for a woman.

After Jiang Chen paid homage to the mourning hall, he comforted Xiaomei and walked out.

"Where is the fourth child?" Jiang Chen frowned.

"I haven't seen him since."

"What's the matter, the third child died for him, so he didn't even show his face?" Jiang Chen was also angry.

Jiang Chen dialed Zhang Bin's phone: "Do you know that the fourth and third are dead?"

"I know, but now I'm very busy and I don't have time to go there." The old fourth's voice came on the phone.

"Okay, okay, you are the big boss, you have everything you do, you are busy, tell you if you want to come today, brothers won't have to do it in the future."


Jiang Chen hung up angrily.

Xiao Yi sighed, "Jiang Chen, haven't you noticed that the fourth child has changed? He hasn't attended these meetings. When we talk about him to the third child, the third child just smiles bitterly."

Jiang Chen sneered: "Yes, people are now the general manager, we poor dicks, how qualified to eat with him."

"That is, when the fourth child was bullied at school, it was not all our early years. The third child was punished for him! But I heard that the third child was drunk and the fourth child often trained him." Xiao Yi said angrily.

Jiang Chen sighed. The campus is indeed the purest place, and the friendship there is the most sincere.

After graduating, they went their separate ways. Some people have developed and some have fallen.

Therefore, the friendship of former classmates has also deteriorated.

For example, the fourth child, used to party with them and often drink and drink skewers, but as the company gets bigger and bigger, the spectrum is getting bigger and bigger.

Moreover, he always looks pretentious at parties.

Even when the brothers had a party, the youngest wanted to serve him tea and water, but Jiang Chen could never have yelled at Zhang Bin about it.

The two almost fought for this.

Later, Zhang Bin never came to the party again.

Things are gathered together, people are divided into groups. In Zhang Bin's eyes, he is already a member of the upper class. I am afraid that he will disdain to get along with them.

Jiang Chen and Xiao Yi were smoking cigarettes, looking at the photos, the youngest smile, and sighing that things are wrong.

At this moment, a Bentley stopped at the door.

After the car stopped, the driver trot to the front of the car, opened the door, and a young man wearing an international brand got out of the car.

"The fourth child is here." Xiao Yi pushed Jiang Chen.

Zhang Bin got out of the car and walked into the mourning hall. After saluting, he took out an envelope from his pocket.

"Sister-in-law, Zhao Fei is a good comrade. He has contributed to the development of the company. This ten thousand yuan is the pension that our company gave him." Zhao Fei said lightly.

Li Xiaomei looked at the envelope in a daze.

On the side, the female secretary smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, take it quickly. This is the company's intention."

However, Xiaomei shook her head with tears in her eyes: "Mr. Zhang, we Feizi have worked in your company for three years. We have almost never taken a holiday in these three years. I often work overtime until midnight every day. I asked him why you work so hard. , He said that this is the fourth oldest company, and he must be worthy of his brother."

After hearing Xiaomei's words, everyone present was all moved.

"My family, Xiao Fei, finally took an annual leave. Your company kept on phone calls. He worked overtime until the early morning on the night of his death. He lost his life for the company. You just lost 10,000 yuan and finished it?"

Xiaomei laughed suddenly, the laughter was very sad.

Li Xiaomei pointed to Zhao Fei's photo and said, "Xiao Fei, you treat him as a brother. What does he think of you? He will send us 10,000 yuan. You are dead. What should I do? What about the child in our stomach? do?"

The secretary on the side of Zhang Bin's gloomy face stopped doing it: "Sister-in-law, you can't talk like that. After all, Zhao Fei died while on vacation. It can't be regarded as a work injury. The money was given by Mr. Zhang himself as an exception. It stands to reason that we have one point. You don't need any money, do you know?"

"Oh, so our manager Zhang is really affectionate and righteous." Jiang Chen walked over step by step, staring at Zhang Bin with cold eyes.

Zhang Bin was obviously guilty of seeing Jiang Chen.

"The fourth child, you know how Xiao Fei died. You are so special, and you want to spend money? Are you worthy of the third child?" Jiang Chen scolded angrily.

Zhang Bin's expression became more gloomy: "I'm sorry for the death of the third child, but the company has company regulations. I can't set this precedent. Why don't you take care of the third child's daughter-in-law if you are so high-minded?"

Jiang Chen laughed: "It is said that people will change. The company's regulations? Your company requires employees to be exhausted to die? I will take care of him for the third child's wife, but I have to come back for him if it is fair."

Zhang Bin suddenly laughed: "Jiang Chen, you said so nice, you raise, you are a stinky security guard, what do you raise? Who do you think you are? Or the boss of the dormitory? Tell you, in my eyes you are a helper The mud that doesn't go on the wall, the third child will work overtime for me, I will pay him, and I don't owe him."

"Fourth, why are you talking to the boss?" Xiao Yi was also angry.

"Sorry, don't call me the fourth child, call me Mr. Zhang, since you don't care about brotherhood, we won't talk about love in the future." Zhang Bin said coldly.

Relatives, friends, and guests around, saw Zhang Bin's handsome appearance, and itchy teeth.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Okay, don't you think about brotherhood? Zhang always does it."


Jiang Chen punched Zhang Bin in the face.

Zhang Bin staggered back four or five steps.

"Mr. Zhang, how are you?" The secretary screamed and ran over to check Jiang Chen's injuries.

"You dare to hit me!" Zhang Bin wiped the blood from his mouth.

"I made this punch for the third child, not convinced?"

"Xiaoli calls the police!" Zhang Bin said coldly.

"Jiang Chen, you are a stinky security guard, so you dare to hit me. I gave you a face, right?" Zhang Bin gritted his teeth.

"This gentleman, please be responsible for your own words. You openly insulted our President Jiang. Be careful I will sue you for libel."

Suddenly, a sound with a bit of majesty, but an unusually pleasant voice sounded.

A beautiful woman with a slender figure, wearing an OL uniform and golden glasses, walked out of the crowd.

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