On the plane above the clouds, Li Sisi said,"Xiao Tian, the Vanni secretary, no, now it should be the president of Clarins, said that she has prepared a surprise for you."

Xiao Tian was thinking about how to use the recommendation letter for admission to the"New Ivy League" Vanderbilt University, and asked absentmindedly:

"What surprise?"

Li Sisi didn't say anything, and looked at him with some resentment.

Now was not a working state.

She didn't need to call Xiao Tian Mr. President, and Xiao Tian quickly understood what the so-called surprise meant.

"Captain Sun Kaixuan?!"

"Hahahaha! Mr. Feng!!"

Xiao Tian laughed and said,"You are the one flying this international flight?"

"Of course."

Xiao Tian was surprised to sit in the window seat of the first class cabin. The stewardess in the aisle was also surprised that the private training of this captain and that handsome young man was so good.

Xiao Tian asked in confusion:"Aren't you the captain? Won't they punish you for leaving your job without permission?"

Sun Kaixuan, the former co-pilot of GHMS331 flight, laughed and said:"We are friends of life and death. If they knew your identity, they would definitely not say anything."

Xiao Tian asked:"But how did you know I was here?"

Sun Kaixuan smiled and said:"I didn't know at first, but when I heard that someone had booked the first class cabin, I knew it was Mr. Feng, so I rushed out of the cockpit immediately."

Xiao Tian smiled and said:"Aren't you worried about the two co-pilots getting into trouble?" Sun

Kaixuan laughed heartily and said:"With Mr. Feng on this plane, let alone the two co-pilots having problems with their driving, even if our plane crashes now, you can save us! Really, I looked at your operation process before, it's just a bit too fucking perverted!"


Xiao Tian smiled.

Sun Kaixuan said,"Mr. Feng, didn't you bring any wine this time?"

Xiao Tian shook his head and said,"I didn't bring any wine, but I brought a secretary this time."

Sun Kaixuan smiled and nodded at Li Sisi, thinking that this girl was indeed very pretty, with a better temperament than Lin Nanyuan.

He said,"My main purpose of coming here is to ask you for wine. If there is no wine, I will leave. Mr. Feng, we are friends for life. If there is anything on the plane, don't look for anyone else, just report it to me directly!!"


Xiao Tian laughed. It was a good feeling to meet an old acquaintance.

The last plane crash made Xiao Tian and Sun Kaixuan become friends of life and death. In fact, the two didn't know each other before! They had never met each other, but they developed a high level of trust and affection in the crisis.

Li Sisi looked at this scene and said,"Do you also know the captain of the international flight?"

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"I saved his life, and he is very grateful to me."


"You get the envy of your assistant Li Sisi, the envy value +500,000, and you get 50 million yuan."

Xiao Tian asked:"You don't seem to be very happy?"

Li Sisi said:"Xiao Tian……"


"Sometimes I really doubt one thing. Are we really the same age who often met in the same yard when we were young? I am two years older than you, but why are you so awesome?"

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"Maybe it's just luck."

Li Sisi sighed and leaned on her chin to look at the sunshine and clouds outside the window.

The beautiful stewardess who was just beside Xiao Tian heard the conversation between Xiao Tian and the heroic captain, and her beautiful eyes and eyebrows were shining.

She said,"Sir, what would you like for lunch?"

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"Whatever."

Li Sisi didn't know why Fanni didn't arrange a trip for Xiao Tian on the Gulfstream G500 private jet. Now she understood the reason after meeting the captain Sun Kaixuan.

Xiao Tian smiled politely at the stewardess.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the sea of clouds blocked the view.

The high-rise buildings of Guanghai City soon appeared in the green jungle and the surrounding sea, like a shining pearl.

After a flight and a chat with Sun Kaixuan,

Xiao Tian returned to the Kneland mansion in a neat and slim suit, followed by a very beautiful female secretary, led by the housekeeper Wen Wen.

"Mr. Feng, Miss Qiao went to Guanghai University to register today, and they are about to start military training."

Xiao Tian nodded.

Li Sisi, who was sitting in the back seat of the Bentley Bentayga, looked at the information on her phone and said,"Mr. President, Douhe Live has started round D financing.……"

Xiao Tian looked at her with interest and said,"Really? Are you going to raise funds despite the dissuasion?"

Li Sisi said,"Yes, once Douhe Live's financing is completed, new shareholders will enter, which will dilute your equity in proportion, but the cake and the entire market will also be larger. I think……"

"What do you think?"

Xiao Tian, sitting in the back seat of the Bentley, looked out the window at the tunnel and asked

"Nothing, Mr. President.……"

Li Sisi knew that she had almost made a decision for Xiao Tian, so she stopped talking immediately.

Xiao Tian said,"It doesn't matter. I am very grateful that they gave me a reason to completely swallow up Douhe Group. Haha, the business world is like a battlefield. The experience of the Golden Hall is a precious spiritual wealth for me, but the reality is very cruel.""


Li Sisi remained silent.

Xiao Tian said,"They have begun to regret it now, and are even considering whether to apologize to me. Do you know why?"

Li Sisi did not understand what Xiao Tian said.

The warm sunlight shone on the young president's face, which was as steep as a mountain.

He adjusted his cuffs, bow tie, and collar

, and said,"Open the financial news on the news website today. There is a big news that you have overlooked."

Li Sisi nodded.

Suddenly! She opened the website and was shocked to find a piece of news

"The youngest CEO in history once again takes action in the luxury goods industry, and the Aisima Group announces a change of ownership!!"

"What is this?!!"

Li Sisi's eyes widened, looking at the news that had just been released for less than five minutes. She had been following Xiao Tian and had never seen Xiao Tian pick up his phone.

But he didn't pick up his phone.

How did the young president get this news?

The butler in the driving position of the Bentley smiled gently. He had wanted to talk about this matter before.

But President Feng seemed to have known the news in advance.

As the center of the news.

The eye of the fishing boat storm, President Feng's strength has long reached an exaggerated level, and Douhe Live Broadcast Company is now indeed as Xiao Tian said!

Caught in a dilemma!

At the board meeting of Douhe Company!

Chen Pingyuan looked at the silent directors around him and said,"What's wrong? You are not talking now, do you regret it?!"

"I really want to ask you, is Mr. Feng's trip to Vienna, Austria, a real trip?!"


The whole audience was silent.

All the directors were quietly listening to Chen Pingyuan's roar!

"It was you who made me lose Mr. Feng’s trust. It was you who completely handed Douhe Live to Mr. Feng!"

Zhounianrui, a member of the board of directors, said:"I think you are too pessimistic. After the acquisition of the Aishima Group with a market value of 57.55, how much cash flow will Mr. Feng be able to mobilize?!"

Another director said:"Yes, as long as we complete this round of financing in advance and find someone who can restrict Mr. Feng from entering the market, Douhe Live will be under our control."

"Mr. Feng acquired 51% of the shares of Aishima Group. The cash flow must be very short now."

"You fucking fart!!"

"Look, look at what this is!" Chen Pingyuan angrily threw his phone on the table. On the large screen projected,

Mr. Feng's consumption data shattered everyone's words and swallowed them.

"This is……"

"Mr. Feng just recharged 700 million shark fins in our Douhe Live Broadcast Company, and now you tell me that Mr. Feng’s cash flow is insufficient?! Huh!?"

"Seven hundred million?!"

"Is he crazy?!"

The board members of Douhe Live Company were all shocked! This was the largest recharge in the history of live broadcasting, the largest amount, and the most warning.

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