Xiao Tian began to prepare to complete his limited task progress. His goal was naturally to reward 3 advanced enterprise management skills and 10 million envy points.

"My current envy value has reached 9 million, plus the 10 million envy value of the task reward, it is expected to reach about 20 million"

"More importantly, my advanced business management skills will enable me to cope with the joint crackdown by LMHV Group and other luxury groups on Kaihai Group, including controlling the Aishima Group, which ranks 11th in the world and has a market value of 5.755 billion."

"The intermediate enterprise skills are limited. Aishima Group is only surrendering on the surface, but the inside is still a solid wall. The longer it drags on, the greater the risk."

Xiao Tian can't let the fat meat at his fingertips fly away.

It's impossible to let Aishima Group escape from his control, so the advanced enterprise management skills worth 5 million envy points are a reward he must get!

"As for the 45 million Ferrari LaFerrari and the 15 million Bell helicopter, although they are nice, they are not necessities."

Xiao Tian smiled and opened the Douhe Live APP.

Qiao Qiuqiu looked at Xiao Tian

"Cousin, are you going to start throwing money around again?!"

Xiao Tian laughed and said,"Douhe Live Broadcast Company is planning to reduce the time of the peak battle and end the battle within a week. The previous promotion PK competition based on time periods and each round has also become a competition for the overall ranking and competition."


Xiao Tian smiled and said,"To put it simply, the previous PK promotion was different in each period, and there was another round after one round of promotion. Now it has become simple and crude. Whoever has more money can advance."

Qiao Qiuqiu said,"Cousin, what do you mean?"

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"Well, Yu Ruoyun and you have both advanced to the next round of excellent anchors."

Qiao Qiuqiu nodded and said,

"The computer has been moved here, can I start live streaming?"


"Cousin, let's play a MOBA game together today. I saw that when they played League of Legends, they would draw a lottery to give out 300 yuan to the audience after one person died. It was very interesting."

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"300 yuan?"

Qiao Qiuqiu asked,"Cousin, how much do you want to give?"

Xiao Tian said,"One million per head." Qiao

Qiuqiu nodded seriously and said,"This price is indeed exaggerated, but it doesn't feel out of place for you, cousin... and you won't die many times in a game."

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"I don't mean to give out 1 million for every death, but 1 million for every kill.""


The orange juice made by the yacht chef in Qiao Qiuqiu's hand instantly sprayed all over the floor.

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"The audience should also get dividends."


Xiao Tian said:"In this way, Douhe Live will become more sticky to the audience. It seems to be fun to get rich by watching live broadcasts."

Qiao Qiuqiu nodded.

Anyway, whatever the cousin says is fine.

Su Xiaozi on the side talks a lot in front of her friends, but in front of Xiao Tian, she seems very quiet and has not spoken a word, like a beautiful doll.

Qiao Qiuqiu said:"Then get ready to drive! Desperate Survival can only be played in 4 rows, but Heroic Alliance can be played in 5 rows."

Xiao Tian smiled and said:"Come on."

He logged into his account. When he was not working in the rental house before, he always played this game with his classmate Yu Mao.

"Mr. Feng!! I miss you so much." A sweet and coquettish voice came out.

Zhou Xiaoyi's voice came.

Xiao Tian smiled and said,"Hehe."

A Liang smiled and said,"Hello, Mr. Feng."

Qiao Qiuqiu said,"GoGoGo, start, start."

Xiao Tian looked at this game that he hadn't logged into for a long time. Now his qualifying match has not been completed. His rank was not high before, and he was just a gold. The reason why he agreed to team up with his cousin was that live streaming on the Internet could help him quickly gain envy points!

"System, exchange heroic alliance professional skills"

"This skill is worth 200,000 envy points and has been successfully redeemed."

Various skills kept appearing in Xiao Tian's mind, including the early laning, the mid-term group transfer, and the late group battles and pulling skills.

Aliang asked:"Which lane is Mr. Feng going to play in the top, middle and bottom lanes?"

Zhou Xiaoyi said sweetly:"Mr. Feng, can I... can I be your assistant? I... I want to, I want to be your sweet little cotton-padded jacket."

The information on the barrage flew by crazily.

They didn't know what they were about to experience.

"Ha Pi is messing with people again, this bootlicker will not die a good death!"

"I have never seen Zhou Xiaoyi so shameless!"

"Let's just watch Aliang. I guess Mr. Feng is almost getting goosebumps because of Zhou Xiaoyi. After all, she is the most rustic girl!"

Xiao Tian's voice suddenly came from all the live broadcast rooms:"Let me introduce the rules to you first. This time, the game is calculated according to my kill count... For every hero killed on the opposite side, there will be one more head, and the audience will be given a lottery of one million yuan."


Zhou Xiaoyi's pupils opened instantly, and she stared at the screen with a dull expression.

She turned off the voice and shouted in the live broadcast room:"Brother Meng, did I hear it wrongly? Mr. Feng said that he would get one million for every head he killed?! Give you one million?!! Why give it to you silly viewers? It would be better to give it to me?"

"One head for one million, ten heads for ten million, twenty heads for twenty million! Oh my god!"

Her unbelievable expression and exaggerated words instantly made the barrage lively.

"Already recorded, see you later"


"Damn, Mr. Feng is so awesome! Killing one person will give you a chance to win a lottery with a barrage of 1 million? This is too much!"

"Mr. Feng must be a bad player. He can't kill many people in one round."

"Damn, even one will do!"

"That's 1 million!! Mr. Feng is so generous!"

Xiao Tian looked at the noisy comments and smiled.

His phone kept sending notifications.

"You get the envy of Duke Liu in the live studio, the envy value is +2333, you get 233,300 yuan"

"You get the envy of Mario, the emperor of the live broadcast room. The envy value is +4888, and you get 488,800 yuan"……

Xiao Tian smiled as he watched the envy and money increase, and suddenly said,"I saw a comment that said something very good, questioning why I can't kill many people in a game. Although I'm very powerful, the suggestion of this comment to calculate the lottery numbers based on the total number of kills is a good one.""


Aliang was silent.

Qiao Qiuqiu on the side was very calm. Su Xiaozi's right hand holding the milk tea cup was shaking.

Xiao Tian said:"Then we will draw the lottery according to the total number of heads in the audience. One head will get 1 million, 10 times 10 million, and if there are 100 heads in the audience, I will give you 100 million on the spot today!"

"Holy crap!!!"

"Crazy, crazy! Mr. Feng is crazy again"

"One hundred million? Oh my God."

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room were blown away, but people from the entire platform were attracted by Xiao Tian's words.

You have to know that this is a barrage lottery!

No gifts are required!

In other words, anyone has a chance to win, just send a barrage of commands.

And once you win, it's one hundred million!

How arrogant.

How generous?!

An originally ordinary game instantly became extremely valuable in the eyes of all the audience. They stared at the screen and typed barrages frantically.

Zhou Xiaoyi said:"When other people say this, I think they are talking nonsense, but Mr. Feng has the ability to do it!"

She was so excited that even her hometown dialect came out!

"Mr. Feng is too cruel"

"I've never seen such a strong person."

"So generous! Mr. Feng is truly so generous!"

"You get the envy of Ranger Xiaogai in the live broadcast room. The envy value is +1911, and you get 191100 yuan"

"You get the envy of the emperor of the live broadcast room, Allai, the envy value +5999, you get 599900 yuan"……

The game loading screen came, Xiao Tian said:"I'll play jungle, Lee Sin."

Qiao Qiuqiu said:"If my cousin plays jungle, my friend Xiao Zi and I will take it together."

A Liang said:"Then I'll play Demacia top."

Zhou Xiaoyi said:"Mr. Feng! I'll choose a signature mid laner for you, Quinn, who will definitely destroy the whole place!"


All the audience were stunned. Zhou Xiaoyi's Quinn was a well-known Muggle, and he was very delicious.

Colorful comments kept floating across the Douhe live broadcast platform.

"Thanks to Sister Zhou for contributing to our total head count lottery data! For Mr. Feng's 100 million, this time we must drag the game time to 50 minutes and get 100 heads!"

Zhou Xiaoyi smiled and said,"You get up early, I get up early, and sooner or later we will be together. High heels, tights, I call you Sister Zhou, remember. You don't sleep, I don't sleep, do you think we are a good match? Be a grandson first and then a grandfather, put on pants first and then shoes."

Zhou Xiaoyi continued,"If any of you win the grand prize in the end, remember to come to my live broadcast room to pay tribute! This time I chose Quinn, it is destined to make Mr. Feng bleed heavily."

"66666! Zhou Xiaoyi, I love you!"

"Damn, ruthless Quinn, giving away his head online!"

"Come on Sister Zhou, keep all the gifts!"

"It's started, it's started! Is this the legendary money war?"

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