From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 10 Qi Refining Level 7, Meeting Han Li Again (Please recommend, please collect!)

Lei Ming opened the book Changchun Gong, read it carefully, and began to practice Qi according to the route recorded in Changchun Gong. Suddenly, the spiritual power in the mountain was attracted by Lei Ming and poured into the cave.

Tainan Mountain is not a blessed place for immortals, and the spiritual energy is not strong. Even so, Lei Ming has an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

In the prehistoric world, the spiritual power is abundant. Even a remote place like Qingyu Mountain is not lacking in spiritual energy, not to mention those blessed places and caves.

However, Lei Ming did not have a way to practice at that time, and could not take those spiritual powers for himself. But now it is different. Lei Ming is like a dragon swimming in the sea and a tiger entering the mountains.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye. Lei Ming, who was immersed in practice, finally woke up. He was happy and helpless.

"Changchun Gong has reached the seventh level, but I can't break through."

Lei Ming himself did not expect that in just three months, he reached the seventh level of Qi Refining. In Lei Ming's memory, the practice in the world of Mortal Cultivation is very slow. Even the fastest cultivator of Tianlinggen could not reach his speed.

"It seems that I have good aptitude." Lei Ming thought.

"Eternal Spring Gong" could no longer be practiced, so Lei Ming practiced the Five Elements spells. He mastered the spells very quickly, and mastered the six spells in the book in less than two days.

"The attack power of these elementary spells is not as good as my black iron knife, but the attack range of the spells is much larger."

Lei Ming thought about it and picked up the black iron knife again. The black iron knife was damaged in the last fight. He decided to wait for a chance to refine the black iron knife again and refine it into a magic weapon.

"It's time to go to the market."

The entrance to the market in Tainan Valley is not difficult to find, but finding the entrance does not mean that you can enter. The entrance to the market is shrouded by a formation. If you want to enter, you need a sound transmission talisman to let the monks in the valley open the formation.

"What the villagers said should be here." Lei Ming looked at the valley shrouded in white fog, hesitated for a while, and finally he walked into the white fog.

Lei Ming knew that there was a formation in the valley, but this formation should only be used for concealment, otherwise, those mountain people would not be able to get out.

Lei Ming broke into the formation, he looked around, and there was a vast expanse of white everywhere, he could not see his hand in front of his face, let alone see the road. Lei Ming could not tell the direction, walked around randomly, and soon turned out of the valley.

"It's true." Lei Ming sighed lightly and simply sat in front of the valley.

Half a day later, five monks came from a distance. They were wearing similar clothes, and their ages were big and small, with an old man as the leader.

The old man glanced at Lei Ming and his eyes moved to the valley. Behind the old man, two young men in their early 20s quietly observed Lei Ming, and seemed to be very curious.

"Uncle San, is this a casual cultivator?" asked the young girl, and a middle-aged man with a long beard beside her nodded contemptuously.

"You can tell by looking at his appearance of having nothing." The middle-aged man said.

The girl looked at Lei Ming. Lei Ming was wearing an ordinary green robe, with a demon-binding net wrapped around his waist and a saw hanging on his back. He didn't look like a cultivator at all.

The old man didn't participate in their conversation. He came to the front of the valley and threw a talisman paper at the valley. The talisman paper turned into a flame and sank into the white fog. After a while, the dense white fog rolled up, as if it was split by something, and a road appeared in the middle. The old man walked in with four juniors, and Lei Ming hurriedly followed and broke into the path before it disappeared.

"Who told you to follow us? Get out!" The middle-aged man saw Lei Ming's actions and shouted. The others also turned around and stared at Lei Ming.

Lei Ming seemed not to hear it and walked forward on his own. The middle-aged man was furious and was about to attack Lei Ming immediately.

"Forget it, Changwu." The old man stopped him, "When you are out there, you should make fewer enemies and keep peace. If he wants to follow, let him follow."

The middle-aged man listened, took two deep breaths, and turned back angrily.

"How shameless." The young girl glared at Lei Ming.

Lei Ming didn't care about their ridicule. After all, he borrowed someone else's road, so what did it matter if they said a few words.

The road looked very long, but Lei Ming reached the end of the road after only a moment. When Lei Ming walked out of the intersection, he suddenly saw a green valley full of exotic flowers and plants.

"Young man, we have arrived at Tainan Market, don't follow us anymore." The old man said.

Lei Ming bowed his hands, expressed his gratitude, and then left.

"A mere casual cultivator of the seventh level of Qi Refining dares to come to Tainan Market." The middle-aged man said to Lei Ming's back.

"Forget it, let's go."

The valley is very large, and the entire market covers more than a hundred acres. In the center, there is a large palace-style attic with carved railings and jade, and some immortal cultivators come in and out.

In the open space in front of the attic, there is a huge blue brick square, where many people set up small stalls like small vendors. Many casual cultivators like Lei Ming stopped in front of the small stalls and kept bargaining with the stall owners.

Lei Ming also came to those small stalls, but he had nothing to trade, just a casual look. Seeing his attitude, the stall owners were too lazy to talk to him.

"The complete "Eternal Spring Gong"!" Lei Ming was not interested in those pills and talismans, but he was delighted to see the complete "Eternal Spring Gong". What he lacked most now was the method.

"How much is this method?" Lei Ming asked.

The stall owner was a sweet-looking girl. When she heard Lei Ming's question, she answered in a crisp voice: "Two spiritual stones!"

Lei Ming looked embarrassed. He did have some silver on him, but silver was no different from ordinary stones in the world of immortal cultivation.

"I want this book!" A voice came from behind Lei Ming. Lei Ming turned around and saw that it was Han Li!

"Brother Han, you are here too." Lei Ming was still a little happy. He knew that Han Li had a treasure. With that treasure, Han Li had no shortage of spiritual stones.

Han Li was also a little surprised to see Lei Ming, but soon, his eyes turned to shock.

Han Li subconsciously used the Sky Eye Technique to look at Lei Ming, and the result made him unbelievable. Lei Ming, who was still at the first level of Qi Refining three months ago, had reached the seventh level of Qi Refining at this time.

Han Li quickly regained his composure.

"He must have practiced a method to hide his cultivation." Han Li thought to himself, and at the same time he became more vigilant towards Lei Ming.

"Brother Han, are you going to buy this method too?" Lei Ming knew that Han Li did not have a complete inheritance either.

"Brother Lei wants it too?" Han Li saw that Lei Ming was also a little nervous. He was not the powerful Han Old Demon yet, and his pockets were not well-off.

Lei Ming laughed at himself: "Of course I want this technique, but I am short of money."

Han Li breathed a sigh of relief, and he looked at the girl: "Is there anything missing in this book?"

"No, it contains all the Changchun techniques from level one to level thirteen, not a single sentence is missing." The girl said generously.

Han Li nodded, flipped through a few pages, and then closed the book.

"Will you accept the exchange of elixirs?" Han Li asked.


Lei Ming saw Han Li take out a bottle of elixir, and the girl was very surprised after checking it. Not only did she agree to exchange the "Eternal Spring Technique" for the elixir, she also wanted to buy it with spirit stones. The transaction between the two was quickly reached, and Han Li put away the "Eternal Spring Technique" with satisfaction.

"Congratulations, Brother Han, for getting what you wished for." Lei Ming bowed and smiled. Han Li felt Lei Ming's sincerity and his vigilance was slightly reduced.

"When did Brother Lei arrive?" Han Li asked.

"I just arrived not long ago. This is the first time I have seen such a market. It is really eye-opening." Lei Ming sighed.

Han Li's heart moved and asked: "Is Brother Lei also a casual cultivator?"

Lei Ming nodded: "I accidentally embarked on the road of cultivation. I just got the first seven levels of "Eternal Spring Gong" not long ago. This time I came to the market in the hope of obtaining the subsequent exercises. Unfortunately, I don't have any resources to exchange."

Han Li felt a little sympathetic to Lei Ming when he heard what he said. Han Li is also a casual cultivator and knows the difficulties of casual cultivators.

"If I hadn't accidentally obtained the little green bottle, my current cultivation would definitely not be as good as Lei Ming. Lei Ming, a casual cultivator, can reach the seventh level of Qi Refining. I think he has good aptitude. It may not be a bad thing for me to make friends with him." Han Li thought.

As the two talked, Han Li suddenly said: "I have also made some casual cultivator friends in the valley. If Brother Lei is willing, he can also join us."

Lei Ming was overjoyed: "Of course, I would love it."

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