From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 17 Blood Ban Trial and Preparation

"Brother Han has the little green bottle, which can quickly ripen the spiritual medicine. Spiritual medicine is the hard currency in the world of immortal cultivation. The reason why Brother Han dare not act casually is that he is worried about exposing the secret. From now on, Brother Han will be responsible for ripening the spiritual medicine, and I will be responsible for the transaction. Brother Han is responsible for refining the pills, and I will be responsible for fighting." Lei Ming said his plan.

"Isn't it too unfair to Brother Lei?" Han Li said.

"There is nothing unfair, it's just that everyone has their own preferences." Lei Ming said lightly. He didn't like fighting, but he had to fight. Lei Ming knew that he would return to the prehistoric world sooner or later. The human race in the prehistoric world was in constant disaster. If he couldn't improve his combat effectiveness, he would sooner or later fall in the catastrophe.

"In that case, I have nothing to say. There is something I want to discuss with Brother Lei right now."

Han Li talked about the blood ban trial: "According to what I know, there is the main medicine for refining the foundation-building pill in the forbidden area. I am sure I can collect other auxiliary medicines, but this main medicine may only be found in this place. Brother Lei knows my qualifications. Even if I have one or two foundation-building pills, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to succeed. So I must go to this blood ban trial."

Lei Ming thought for a while: "Since Brother Han has said so, I will accompany you. Those who enter the forbidden area are all Qi Refining cultivators. The blood ban trial is dangerous to others, but it is nothing to me."

"With Brother Lei here, I feel much more at ease." Han Li said happily, "Before the blood ban trial, we have to prepare well..."

The preparation Han Li mentioned was to fully arm himself. He prepared some spiritual medicines, then disguised himself, and went to the market in Huangfeng Valley to exchange for a large number of spiritual talismans, several top-grade magic weapons, and Tianleizi that can kill foundation-building cultivators, as well as a talisman treasure.

"Brother Lei, what magical weapon do you need? Let's buy them all at once." Han Li was very happy to get a precious talisman. He exchanged this talisman for a thousand-year-old spiritual medicine, which was extremely precious.

"I have my own magical weapon." Lei Ming took out a black straight knife, which he spent a lot of money to make. It is a top-grade magical weapon.

"To be cautious, Brother Lei should also prepare a defensive magical weapon." Han Li advised.

Lei Ming followed his advice and exchanged the spiritual medicine for a defensive magical weapon, Dingyuan Bell. This bell is also a top-grade magical weapon with strong defensive power.

Looking at Dingyuan Bell, Lei Ming couldn't help but think of the Chaos Bell, an innate treasure in the prehistoric world.

"Magic weapons are more valuable than quantity. These two magical weapons are enough for me." Lei Ming put away the magical weapon, "If there is a stronger enemy, I still have the Monster Binding Net!"

Two months later, the registration for the Blood Ban Trial began. To Lei Ming's surprise, Wang Song was still in charge of the registration.

Wang Song was a little surprised when he saw Lei Ming sign up. He knew that Lei Ming had returned from Leizhou, which made Wang Song more vigilant about him. Wang Song was very worried that Lei Ming would succeed in building his foundation one day, but Lei Ming had been in Huangfeng Valley, and Wang Song had not found a chance to deal with him.

At this time, Lei Ming came to sign up, and Wang Song suddenly had an idea.

Lei Ming felt the hostility from Wang Song, sneered in his heart, and instead hoped that Wang Song would attack him.

Mo Yanping didn't know where he got to know about this, and came to find Lei Ming specifically.

"With your qualifications, why bother to wade into this muddy water? Others think you have five-attribute spiritual roots, but I know that your spiritual roots are likely to mutate. You have the foundation-building pill in your hand, and you have a great chance of success in building your foundation." Mo Yanping said.

Lei Ming's former teammates heard this and came to persuade him, but Lei Ming was unmoved.

"You don't have to worry about me. You know my strength. There are no foundation-building cultivators in the forbidden area. I want to protect myself more than enough." Lei Ming saw that everyone was worried about him, and his heart was warm.

"Brother Lei, how about I go with you!" The sweet-looking Neo cultivator said with courage.

Lei Ming hurriedly said: "Junior Sister Ling, no need."

Lei Ming knew that Junior Sister Ling had a lot of friendship with him, but he couldn't accept it. So when he refused, Lei Ming's tone was also very stiff. He hoped that the other party could understand what he meant and not waste time on him.

Junior Sister Ling listened and looked gloomy. That look made people feel very distressed. Lei Ming wanted to comfort her, but thinking about his own situation, he still hardened his heart.

Mo Yanping saw it, sighed lightly, shook his head and left. Others also left one after another. Junior Sister Ling was the last to leave, and she looked back every three steps when she left. As long as Lei Ming asked her to stay, she would definitely stay.

Lei Ming naturally did not ask her to stay, and Junior Sister Ling could only leave with a broken heart.

"Brother Lei is too heartless." Han Li secretly saw all this and couldn't help but teasing Lei Ming.

"It's so fun to practice, why would you look for a woman?" Lei Ming left with a word, and Han Li was stunned.

"That's true." Han Li said after a long time.

The Blood Ban Trial is a major event for the seven major immortal sects. This time it is hosted by the Jindan cultivators of the sect. In order to strengthen the fighting power of the disciples of the sect, Huangfeng Valley also specially distributed spirit stones and magic tools. The magic tools prepared by the sect are very important for the disciples who lack magic tools, but Lei Ming and Han Li don't care much. Lei Ming doesn't want too many magic tools, while Han Li swept away the treasures of Wanbao Pavilion for many years, and got two top-level magic tools alone, not to mention other high-quality magic tools.

After the sect was ready, the Jindan cultivator Li Shizu used his own demon beast, the silver-armored horned python, to carry Lei Ming and others to the forbidden area. The silver-armored horned python is a fourth-level demon beast, and its flying speed is extremely fast. It took only two days to reach the forbidden area.

The next day at noon, all the people from the seven sects gathered. Before opening the forbidden area, Lei Ming saw Han Li staring in one direction, and couldn't help but look over there, and unexpectedly saw another familiar face.

"Brother Han, I didn't expect that you two are so predestined."

The girl Lei Ming saw was the girl who sold "Eternal Spring Skill" to Han Li. The girl was on the side of the Spirit Beast Mountain. Next to her stood a big man with a beard. When the big man saw her and Han Li's eyebrows meet, he immediately scolded her. The girl didn't dare to resist and could only lower her head. Han Li was a little indignant when he saw this.

"Thirteenth level of Qi Refining... From his appearance, it seems that he has some intentions towards this girl. This guy didn't even look at his own face! Brother Han, don't worry, I will take care of him for you when we enter the forbidden area." Lei Ming said.

Han Li couldn't help shaking his head. He was not a person who was easily moved, but he valued friendship.

"Let's talk about it when there is a chance."

Lei Ming knew that Han Li agreed with his suggestion.

It's time to open the forbidden area. The Jindan-stage cultivators from the seven major sects showed off their skills. The powerful spells were stirring in the air, making the younger generations below change color.

"Is this the spell cast by the Jindan-stage?" Lei Ming was surprised and puzzled when he saw the power of the spell. He thought of the time when his tribe fought with monsters in the prehistoric world, and he had never seen monsters use spells. Logically speaking, the prehistoric world is much more powerful than this world, and at this time, the monsters are in control of the heavens. The prehistoric monsters have a complete inheritance, and they can't be without spells!

"The spells of the Jindan-stage are enough to seriously injure or even kill me, but how could those monsters be killed by me?" Lei Ming couldn't figure it out.

Three or four hours later, the seven Jindan cultivators were sweating profusely. They opened a circular passage about ten feet high on the forbidden wind wall. The passage was dark and nothing could be seen clearly.

"Go in quickly, we can't hold on for long." A Jindan cultivator shouted, and the disciples of other sects heard it and immediately flew into the passage in batches.

Lei Ming and Han Li walked in the middle, not far from the people of Spirit Beast Mountain.

The passage was not long, only about twenty feet away, and Lei Ming and his team flashed through it. After a dizzy moment, the originally arranged crowd suddenly disappeared from the entrance and then dispersed to different places.

"It's the teleportation array again!"

Lei Ming had used the teleportation array before and knew this feeling. He was very interested in the teleportation array. If this kind of array involving space was used in the prehistoric world, it would be very useful. Unfortunately, the teleportation array was very complicated and Lei Ming had not yet learned it.

Lei Ming looked around. There was a forest near him, and there was a layer of mist in the distance, which seemed to be a lake.

Lei Ming recalled that before entering the forbidden area, the sect had sent them, the disciples, detailed information about the taboos.

"I didn't expect that I was so lucky that I was teleported to the core area." Lei Ming quickly determined his position and flew towards the lake.

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