"Everyone be careful!" Wei Zhenlong's face changed, and a colorful tripod appeared above him, and the tripod dropped a colorful light shield to protect him.

Since Lei Ming had already made a move, he no longer reserved his strength. The five elements of divine light were everywhere, and the black-robed monk's lamp disappeared, and the whole cave fell into darkness again.

Wei Zhenlong was shocked and quickly lit another magic lamp. Others also gathered around him. In the darkness, they couldn't find Lei Ming's position, and they were afraid of hurting their own family, so they were somewhat restrained.

Lei Ming had no such concerns. He listened to the wind to identify the position and constantly attacked the people of the Demon Flame Sect. The five elements of divine light are most suitable for group battles. In a few breaths, there were only two or three people left in the Demon Flame Sect. Those who were brushed by the five elements of divine light had their consciousness sealed and were killed by Lei Ming.

"Brother Wang, Brother Mo, let's go together, be careful of the opponent's spells!" Wei Zhenlong was shocked when he saw that there were only two people left around him. Fortunately, the strength of these two people is the strongest among the crowd, which makes him feel a little relieved.

"Young master, the other party has a strange magic, be careful to protect the magic weapon." The black-robed monk said, his magic lamp and the magic weapon that nurtured the ancient moth were all swept away by Lei Ming.

"You can use magic to resist." Brother Wang said, the five elements of divine light brushed him, he immediately cast a talisman, and at the same time formed a magic fire shield in front of him. Although the talisman was brushed away and the magic fire shield disappeared, it finally blocked the five elements of divine light.

Wei Zhenlong was overjoyed when he heard it: "Since there is a weakness, let's capture him and force him to tell the magic. If we get that magic, my Demon Flame Sect will immediately become the leader of the six sects of the Demon Dao!"

Brother Mo and Brother Wang were also a little excited. They had seen that Lei Ming's cultivation was only in the early stage of foundation building, but with a magic spell, he could kill more than ten stronger foundation building monks in a row!

"Okay, Junior Brother Mo, cooperate with me!" Senior Brother Wang shouted in a low voice and began to chant the spell. Junior Brother Mo opened the spirit beast bag and released a giant ape covered with black hair.

Wei Zhenlong pointed his finger, and the colorful giant tripod suddenly doubled in size, protecting the three people.

Lei Ming felt the fluctuation of spiritual power and knew that the other party was preparing a powerful spell, so he immediately released the demon-binding net. As soon as the demon-binding net appeared, the golden light was strong, and it easily suppressed the colorful giant tripod.

"Not good!" Wei Zhenlong didn't expect Lei Ming to have such a powerful magic weapon. He bit his tongue and spit blood at the colorful giant tripod. The shaky colorful giant tripod stabilized, but it couldn't hold on for too long.

Wei Zhenlong slapped the storage bag, and a spiritual talisman appeared in his hand. His magic power was injected into the spiritual talisman, and a black seal appeared. The seal quickly grew larger, and finally turned into a square of ten feet, like a meteor hitting Lei Ming.


Lei Ming dodged quickly, and at the same time, the straight knife flew out, constantly chopping the seal. But the power of the seal was too strong, and it directly broke the straight knife and smashed the Dingyuan Bell, and then fell on Lei Ming's head.

"What a powerful talisman, the person who refined this talisman is also a master in the Jindan period!" Lei Ming's expression was serious. It was the first time he encountered such a powerful talisman.

Lei Ming guessed correctly. This talisman was specially refined by Wei Zhenlong's father for him. It has 10% of the power of his magic weapon, which is already very terrifying. The general peak of the foundation building is locked, and there is only one way to die.

Lei Ming did not dare to take the seal hard, and the five elements of divine light kept brushing towards the seal. Every time the divine light brushed, a black light flashed on the seal, blocking the five elements of divine light.

However, every time the five elements of divine light brushed, the black light dimmed a little.

"Brother Wang, hurry up!" Wei Zhenlong did not expect that even such a powerful talisman could not do anything to Lei Ming, and he became anxious.

"I need some more time." Senior Brother Wang gritted his teeth.

Junior Brother Mo immediately drove the giant ape that was blocking the three people to fly towards Lei Ming. The giant ape didn't know how to fly, but Junior Brother Mo blessed it with a flying talisman.

The giant ape came in front of Lei Ming, opened its mouth and spit out black liquid at him. The water-based divine light flashed, and the liquid was brushed away. The giant ape was furious, and its two long and powerful arms hammered down at Lei Ming, and Lei Ming dodged. This giant ape is a monster that is good at strength, and Lei Ming doesn't need to fight it head-on.

Lei Ming came behind the giant ape, and the gold-based divine light brushed down, and a huge wound appeared behind the giant ape. The giant ape roared continuously, turned around and pounced on Lei Ming, and Lei Ming's knife flashed, cutting off one of the giant ape's arms.

"The gold-based divine light is blessed on the straight knife, and the straight knife's attack power has become stronger!" Lei Ming saw that the straight knife cut off the giant ape's arm like cutting tofu, and he had a new understanding of the use of the five elements.

The next moment, the golden blade flashed, and the giant ape's huge head fell off.

"Look at my Hundred-Eyed Demon Centipede!" Wei Zhenlong released a centipede that was ten feet long. There were nearly a hundred eyes on the centipede's back. Wei Zhenlong bit his finger and put blood on the top of the centipede's head. Nearly a hundred eyes opened at the same time, and golden lights shot out like flying needles.

Lei Ming's Five Elements Divine Light swept, and those golden lights immediately could not move forward. After a few times, the golden light was completely wiped out, but Lei Ming was also a little tired.

The Five Elements Divine Light is Lei Ming's innate magical power, but it consumes mana. In Lei Ming's previous battles, as long as the Five Elements Divine Light came out, the battle ended quickly. And this time, his opponent's means are also very strong.

"My mana has been consumed by half, this is not good!"

At this moment, Brother Wang opened his eyes wide, and several blood-colored lights flew out and fell around, and then the blood and qi surged, connected into one, and the space of ten feet in radius was closed.

“Blood Flame Formation!” Wei Zhenlong was overjoyed when he saw it. “I didn’t expect that Senior Brother Wang has reached the level of setting up a formation out of thin air. No wonder my father sent you here!”

Senior Brother Wang also breathed a sigh of relief. It was indeed very difficult to set up the formation in this situation.

"He can't run away now." Senior Brother Wang said, "Once the blood flame formation is out, he will die before the Dan Jie stage!"

"It's just a pity for that spell." Wei Zhenlong said with regret. He no longer planned to capture Lei Ming alive. "And my Hundred Eyes Demon Centipede. This time it consumed too much vitality. I'm afraid it will take more than ten years to make up for it."

Lei Ming fell into a space filled with flames. The flames were blood-colored and entangled with terrifying evil spirits. It seemed that someone was crying. Those cries were connected, making Lei Ming uneasy.

"The devil is the devil. I don't know how many people have been killed in order to sacrifice this formation flag." Lei Ming was very angry. The Fire God Light kept brushing those blood flames, and each time it could extinguish a piece. But within the formation, the blood flames circulated back and forth, and just extinguished it and burned again.

"This blood flame seems a little unusual."

Lei Ming put away the Five Elements Divine Light and used his divine sense to communicate with the Five Elements Pine Nuts. An attraction was generated from his Dantian, forming a vortex in front of him. The vortex swept the blood flames and swallowed them.

"Sure enough, this blood flame is made from fire-attributed spiritual objects!"

The blood flames swallowed by the Five Elements Pine Nuts did not regenerate. In a few breaths, the blood flames in the formation disappeared.

Outside the formation, the smile on Brother Wang's face had not disappeared, but had solidified.

A red divine light swept over, and Brother Wang disappeared. The Five Elements Divine Light came again, and Brother Mo was also captured, leaving only Wei Zhenlong.

"Fellow Daoist, I am the only son of the leader of the Demon Flame Sect, the young leader of the Demon Flame Sect..." Wei Zhenlong realized that something was wrong and shouted.

"Even if you are the only son of the Jade Emperor, I will kill you without hesitation." Lei Ming's voice came from all directions, the five elements of divine light flowed, and the light of the colorful giant tripod was finally exhausted. In the blink of an eye, the demon-binding net wrapped around the colorful giant tripod disappeared.

Wei Zhenlong was also decisive. He gritted his teeth and turned into a ball of blood mist to escape. Lei Ming sneered and used the five elements escape technique to chase him far away.

After a while, Wei Zhenlong appeared outside the Disha Cave. He was pale and had lost a lot of blood.

"You forced me to use blood escape. No matter who you are, I will not let you go. I will torture you for three years and make you suffer!" Wei Zhenlong said viciously, then took out the flying boat and prepared to escape.

"I'm afraid you don't have this chance." Lei Ming appeared behind Wei Zhenlong. Wei Zhenlong was horrified. Seeing the red divine light brushing over, his eyes showed madness, and golden flames gushed out of his body, wanting to die with Lei Ming.

"It's useless. Your flames can restrain my Earthly Fiend Golden Body, but they can also be restrained by the Fire Element Divine Light..." Lei Ming shook his head and killed Wei Zhenlong.

After killing Wei Zhenlong, Lei Ming took his storage bag. To his surprise, there were actually quite a few good things in Wei Zhenlong's storage bag!

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