From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 38 Five Golden Pills Changes

Huang Qian and his men were able to rush to the river, but saw only Wu Fang alone, and asked: "Junior Brother Wu, isn't Fellow Daoist Lei with you?"

Wu Fang grimaced and told what happened just now.

"I brought him into the secret realm because I was originally interested in his strength and his ability to refine qi. I didn't expect him to be so careless and disobedient. He was swept away by the river as soon as he entered." Wu Fang sighed, "This Come on, I'm missing a helper in the fight for Yan Huanzhu. If I had known this, I should have listened to Senior Brother Huang's advice and brought Junior Brother Ge here!"

Huang Qian was also surprised, but he still advised: "The situation has become like this. There is no use regretting it. Let's cross the river quickly. Many people know the news about Yan Huanzhu. We went too late. I'm afraid we won't even have a chance to fight for it." "

Huang Qian took out a gourd, a magical weapon. He threw the gourd into the river, and the gourd immediately grew bigger. The three of them jumped on the gourd, which slowly headed towards the other side of the river.

Lei Ming watched the three people leave underwater, and then entered the water with confidence.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, I'm afraid I've failed this time. I'll make it up to you if I have the chance." Lei Ming secretly thought, and then the river parted in front of Lei Ming, and he quickly went to the bottom of the river.

The one-horned silver moon python is similar to Lei Ming's clone, and can mobilize part of the water-based divine light, but it alone cannot conquer the treasure, so Lei Ming has no choice but to come down.

When the thunder came, the one-horned silver-moon python immediately returned to his feet, and a black divine light more than ten feet long swept towards the entrance of the cave, causing the entire river to shake.

"Come again!" Lei Ming was not surprised but overjoyed. In the past 10 years, his Five Elements Divine Light has grown a lot. Even the magic weapon of the Jie Dan monk can be brushed away, but it cannot shake the bottom of the river. This further proves the preciousness of this treasure.

The water-moving divine light kept brushing towards the entrance of the cave, and the movement at the bottom of the river became louder and louder, but until Lei Ming's mana was exhausted, he did not take away the treasure.

Lei Ming took a few pills and quickly recovered his mana, then continued. Two days later, Lei Ming finally took away the bottom of the river, and saw that the unknown length of the river bottom turned into a drop of black water, suspended in front of Lei Ming.

"What pure water-attribute power!" Lei Ming was greatly surprised. Although this water drop was small, it was the strongest spiritual power fluctuation he had ever seen.

Lei Ming did not hesitate and immediately let the Five Elements Pine Nuts swallow the water droplets. The water droplets entered his Dantian and merged into the Five Elements Pine Nuts. The Water Element Divine Light in the Five Elements Divine Light flourished and tripled in size. The light completely overshadowed the other four. Kind of divine light.

The thunderous blessing reached his soul and he started to use the "Tian Yuan Water Transformation Technique". The spiritual power in his body slowly condensed and turned into a black round golden elixir in his Dantian.

Above the river, wind and thunder rolled, dark clouds gathered, and thunder shook the surrounding areas.

The spiritual energy from all directions gathered in one place and rotated, forming a huge vortex. Right below the vortex was Thunder. Lei Ming's newly formed golden elixir was like a long whale sucking water, swallowing up the spiritual energy. It soon grew from the size of a grain of rice to the size of a broad bean. The spiritual power in Lei Ming's body became more abundant, and his whole person underwent a transformation from the inside out.

"Finally the elixir is formed." Thunder roared out and rushed out from the bottom of the river. The one-horned silver-moon python under his feet also changed. The single horn at the head of the python was originally only one foot long, but now it has grown to more than four feet. , two sharp claws protruded from the python's belly, and the scales on the python's body became stronger, containing a touch of majesty.

When Thunder formed the elixir, the one-horned silver-moon python also broke through at the same time and evolved into the one-horned silver-moon dragon!

Lei Ming consolidated his cultivation and immediately flew to the north. This time he came at the invitation of Wu Fang, and this time the Danjie also accepted his favor. Lei Ming wanted to repay Wu Fang, but what surprised him was that he had flown to the northernmost part of the secret realm but did not see a monk.

Lei Ming suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Could it be that the secret realm has been closed?"

Lei Ming hurriedly searched everywhere in the secret realm. After a few days, except for the corpses of some monks, he found no living person. He also went to the entrance of the secret realm, and there was no change in the space there.

All this shows that Lei Ming has missed the time to leave because of the breakthrough.

"Damn it!" Lei Ming shouted, while frantically attacking the weak points of the space. It took him several months to break through this time, and the secret realm of Nanzhou had been closed long ago.

After the breakthrough, Lei Ming's strength increased a lot, but he couldn't shake Space at all.

"It seems that if you want to go out, you can only wait 50 years." Lei Ming sighed in frustration. He was not a persistent person and quickly adjusted his mood.

"Now that we are here, this is also an opportunity. Although the treasures in the secret realm have been looted, there should be a lot of good things left."

Lei Ming rode the one-horned silver-moon dragon to wander in the secret realm, killing monsters that couldn't open their eyes when they encountered them, and putting away the elixirs when they encountered them. This cycle lasted for three months. Three months later, Lei Ming came to the easternmost part of the secret realm, where there was a volcano.

“The feeling here to me is somewhat similar to before.”

Lei Ming was very strange. He used the fire avoidance technique to break into the deepest part of the volcano, and used the fire divine light to collect a burning stone. He let the five-element pine nuts swallow the stone, and the stone turned into the purest fire-attributed energy. The power of the fire-element divine light in the five-element divine light increased greatly, and it also grew to three inches.

Lei Ming felt the spiritual power surging in his Dantian, and his face couldn't help but change. He ran the "Yang Yang True Jue", and the spiritual power was compressed again, forming a second golden elixir. This golden elixir was fiery red, obviously corresponding to fire. Attribute spiritual power.

The celestial phenomenon happened again, and a nearby fourth-level monster was attracted. With a flash of red divine light, the monster was beheaded, and even its soul was shattered.

"I actually broke through again and got a second golden elixir. Am I going to get five golden elixirs?"

Lei Ming felt that this was no coincidence. He searched carefully in the secret realm. A few months later, Lei Ming found another metallic treasure. With this treasure, Lei Ming formed the third golden elixir, and the golden divine light also improved a lot.

"My way of the Five Elements is destined to be different from others."

Lei Ming had an insight. When he formed the fire-attribute golden elixir, the Fire Lin Beast advanced to become a fifth-level monster. When he formed the metallic elixir, the Golden Crown Eagle advanced. After the two spiritual beasts advanced, they became the same as the one-horned silver-moon dragon. The soul escaped into the corresponding golden elixir and completely transformed into a clone of Thunder. Said to be clones, they are more like magic weapons. This situation has not been mentioned in the spirit control technique.

Although Lei Ming didn't know why such a change happened, he felt that it shouldn't be a bad thing. With each breakthrough, Lei Ming's strength increased significantly.

Lei Ming felt that the transformation of these spiritual beasts was inseparable from the Five Elements Pine Nuts. The Five Elements Pine Nuts were the origin of the Five Elements in the prehistoric world. It was so overbearing. It restrained all the power of the Five Elements, and the Five Elements Spiritual Beasts naturally could not escape.

Lei Ming tried it, and the changed Five Elements Spirit Beast could fully exert the power of the Five Elements Divine Light. Although it was only a fifth-level spirit beast, its strength was not weaker than that of a sixth-level monster.

It took Lei Ming more than 30 years to finally find the last five-element treasure in the secret realm of Nanzhou. He absorbed this treasure and formed the fifth golden elixir.

When the fifth golden elixir was formed, the secret realm suddenly shattered like glass, the space cracked, the strong wind raged in the void, and Lei Ming's face changed drastically!

"Oops, this secret realm should be supported by five five elements treasures. Now that the five elements treasures have been swallowed by me, the secret realm can no longer exist."

The five elements spirit beasts surround Lei Ming, forming a Five Elements Formation. The strong wind blows on the Five Elements Formation, and the light of the Five Elements Formation flickers on and off.

Lei Ming withstood the tremendous pressure and headed for the exit. After the space collapsed, the passage at the exit also appeared.

A huge space crack appeared in front of Lei Ming, and the Five Elements Formation could hardly hold on. Lei Ming casually threw a few top-level magic weapons, and several magic weapons were exposed at the same time, disrupting the space cracks, and Lei Ming took the opportunity to pass through.

"Master Nephew Wu, you cannot protect a treasure like Yan Huan Zhu. You should just hand it to me obediently."

Before Leishan, Ge Tianmin stopped Wu Zihua, who looked defeated and had hatred in his eyes.

"Uncle Ge, I am my grandfather's good friend. My grandfather has just passed away, and you come to force me. Even if you don't care about the friendship of the same family, don't you even have a trace of friendship?" Wu Zihua said.

Ge Tianmin's expression was a little distorted: "Friends and fellow students? Your grandfather had Yan Huan Pearl for more than 30 years and hid it from me for more than 30 years. How did he ever tell me about it? Wu Fang had Yan Huan Pearl in his hands, but he It's his fate to be unable to form a pill. It's my luck to know the news and find you!"

"Yan Huanzhu, Wu Fang?" A voice suddenly sounded.

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