Lei Ming himself did not expect that his retreat would last so long this time.

According to his plan, he was ready to come out of retreat 80 years ago. After 20 years of retreat, Lei Ming's five golden pills have reached the late stage of Jindan, and he will consider the formation of infants later.

Just when Lei Ming was about to come out of retreat, the Kunlun mirror that had been sleeping in his spiritual platform and sea of ​​consciousness suddenly trembled, which surprised and delighted Lei Ming. For Lei Ming, the Kunlun mirror is more important than the five elements pine nuts. Without the five elements pine nuts, Lei Ming can practice other avenues, but without the Kunlun mirror, Lei Ming will lose the opportunity to travel through time.

Lei Ming's Yuanshen immediately approached the Kunlun mirror, but was blocked by the innate aura outside the Kunlun realm. Lei Ming did not give up. Of course, he knew that the innate spiritual treasure was not so easy to refine. Not to mention that he was a small cultivator of Jindan, even if he was an immortal who achieved the immortal way, he might not be qualified to refine the innate spiritual treasure.

However, the Kunlun mirror recognized Lei Ming as its master after all. The spiritual treasure has spirit, and it does not reject Lei Ming. Even so, it took Lei Ming more than 50 years for his soul to break through the innate aura and touch the Kunlun mirror.

The moment he touched the Kunlun mirror, countless information poured into Lei Ming's soul, and it took Lei Ming 10 years to digest this information.

Under the perception of Lei Ming's soul, there are 48 layers of restrictions that exude innate divine power in the Kunlun mirror, which are the innate restrictions in the innate spiritual treasure. At the same time, Lei Ming also knows the level division of innate spiritual treasures.

Innate spiritual treasures are divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and best-grade. Low-grade innate spiritual treasures contain 1 to 12 layers of innate restrictions, medium-grade innate spiritual treasures contain 13 to 24 layers of innate restrictions, high-grade innate spiritual treasures contain 25 to 36 layers of innate restrictions, and best-grade innate spiritual treasures contain 37 to 48 layers of innate restrictions. Above the innate spiritual treasure, there is the innate treasure, which contains 49 layers of innate restrictions, equivalent to a complete avenue.

The Kunlun mirror is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, second only to the innate treasure.

Unfortunately, Lei Ming tried to refine the Kunlun Mirror, but he couldn't even break the first layer of the innate restriction after using all his strength. If the Kunlun Mirror hadn't taken the initiative to recognize its master, Lei Ming couldn't use it at all.

Then Lei Ming tried to refine the demon-binding net, which was a merit magic weapon. Because of the material, it was not a merit magic weapon at all. As for the saw, let alone the like.

What Lei Ming was dissatisfied with was that he had invented many tools, but only got a little merit.

The grade of the demon-binding net was not high, but there were also three layers of restrictions inside. This restriction was an acquired restriction. Lei Ming spent a lot of effort and finally broke the restriction of the demon-binding net and completely refined it.

After that, Lei Ming re-refined the saw. There was also a layer of restriction inside the saw, and its power far exceeded the magic weapon of this world. Lei Ming practiced the saw into a flying sword, and then put it into the dantian for warming.

"Next time I encounter the flying sword of Fenglei Taoist, I can cut it directly without using the five elements magic!" Lei Ming thought to himself.

"Fellow Daoist Tong, more and more cultivators come to Yunyin Mountain, and we are getting more and more sad." At the foot of the mountain where Lei Ming was in seclusion, in a restaurant called Taiqinglou, the casual cultivator Tang Xiangsheng couldn't help but sigh. More than 60 years ago, Tang Xiangsheng found that the spiritual energy here was rich. He wanted to go up the mountain several times, but was stopped by Lei Ming's formation. After that, Tang Xiangsheng opened up a cave at the foot of the mountain. With the help of the spiritual energy attracted by Lei Ming's practice, Tang Xiangsheng successfully broke through and reached the late stage of foundation building.

Not long after, the news here spread, and casual cultivators continued to come, gradually forming a small town at the foot of the mountain. This mountain was originally nameless. Because of the formation, it was shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, so everyone called it Yunyin Mountain.

What is surprising is that the spiritual power of Yunyin Mountain has become more and more rich over the years, and it is even not worse than the mountain gates of some sects. The nearby sects noticed this and kept sending disciples to open caves. As for those casual cultivators, many were expelled.

Tong Hao also came here very early. He shook his head and said, "I heard that Luoyun Sect has noticed this place. Our lives as casual cultivators will be even worse."

Tang Xiangsheng was shocked: "Luoyun Sect has occupied the Yunmeng Mountains. How can they still look down on Yunyin Mountain?"

Tong Hao smiled bitterly and said, "Daoyou Tang, although Yunyin Mountain is not as good as Yunmeng Mountain, it is also a good spiritual place. Luoyun Sect has many disciples, especially those in the foundation-building stage. They like it very much."

Tang Xiangsheng nodded silently.

Tong Hao looked at the mountain and said, "It is said that there are masters in Yunyin Mountain. I wonder what kind of masters they are."

"I am afraid we will never see them." Tang Xiangsheng shook his head.

Dozens of streams of light came from afar and fell at the foot of Yunyin Mountain. Many cultivators saw them and avoided them. These people were wearing Luoyun Sect's Taoist robes. Luoyun Sect was one of the three major sects in Xiguo. There was a Yuanying old monster sitting in charge. They were not casual cultivators who could afford to offend.

"Brother Zhou, is this the spiritual place you mentioned?" A handsome and arrogant young man among the disciples of Luoyun Sect looked at Yunyin Mountain with disdain in his eyes.

Zhou Bo smiled and said, "Brother Qi, this Yunyin Mountain is a spiritual place for ordinary cultivators, but it is naturally just a place for us."

Qi Mingyu chuckled, "I neglected it. This place is really good. Except for the Yunmeng Mountains, there are few comparable places in Xiguo. But why did they open a cave at the foot of the mountain instead of going up the mountain?"

Zhou Bo said, "It is said that there are masters on Yunyin Mountain. I once tried to go up the mountain, but inexplicably came down again."

"Really?" Qi Mingyu became interested, "I want to try it!"

Qi Mingyu flew up the mountain with his sword, and the sword light disappeared into the clouds. After a moment, he flew out with a look of confusion on his face.

"Brother Qi, the formation here is very strange. I don't know how many people have tried it, but none of them succeeded." Zhou Bo looked as if he had expected it.

Qi Mingyu was unwilling to give up, so he flew up the mountain again. When he appeared again, he looked a little embarrassed.

In order to prevent his retreat from being disturbed, Lei Ming used the five elements of spirit beasts to set up a formation. More than 100 years ago, the five elements of spirit beasts reached level five. The formation they jointly set up, combined with the five elements of formation flags refined by Lei Ming, was enough to trap a cultivator in the late stage of Jindan.

While setting up the formation, the five elements of spirit beasts were also absorbing and spitting out spiritual power. Now they have reached level seven, which is equivalent to the late stage of Jindan. The power of the five elements of formation has also increased greatly. Even if the Yuanying ancestors come, they will not be able to get any good results, let alone Qi Mingyu, a mere foundation-building cultivator.

"There is something strange on the mountain!" Qi Mingyu pondered.

Zhou Bo shook his head: "Everyone knows that this mountain is strange. Some people speculate that there are masters practicing here, and some people speculate that there are treasures on the mountain, but none of them work. The formation on the mountain is too strong."

"Let's try to attack the formation." Qi Mingyu said.

"It's useless, Brother Qi. There was once a Jindan cultivator who failed to break into the mountain. In anger, he attacked the formation on the mountain. As a result, his magic weapon was swallowed by the clouds on the mountain and could never be recovered." Zhou Bo said.

"Just the magic weapon can't be recovered?" Qi Mingyu said.

Zhou Bo nodded: "Later, some people tried it. No matter whether it was a magic weapon, a talisman, or a talisman treasure, as long as it entered the clouds, it would never come out again."

"Really? Then I'll try it too!"

Qi Mingyu didn't quite believe it. He activated the talisman, and suddenly a huge firebird swooped towards the mountain. The firebird sank into the clouds and immediately there was no sound, as if it had never appeared.

Qi Mingyu was still unwilling to give up, so he raised a flying sword, which became more than ten feet in size and flew straight through the clouds, and then...

"I don't believe that this formation has no reaction at all!" Qi Mingyu gritted his teeth and took out a talisman from his storage bag. Zhou Bo hurriedly stopped him.

"Brother Qi, forget it..."

"No, I must see it with my own eyes!" Qi Mingyu didn't believe in evil, and with a finger, the talisman turned into a big seal and fell towards the top of Yunyin Mountain.

"Shaking Mountain Seal!" Seeing the big seal, Zhou Bo couldn't help but envy. He and Qi Mingyu's family were both in Luoyun Sect, and the two families were originally equally powerful. More than ten years ago, the ancestor of the Qi family successfully broke through and reached the late stage of Jindan, and the Qi family became the top family in Luoyun Sect.

The Shaking Mountain Seal became several dozen feet in size and smashed hard on the clouds. The disciples of Luoyun Sect and the surrounding casual cultivators watched intently.

"These sect disciples are really rich, and they even dare to throw talismans on the mountain!" Tang Xiangsheng envied and was jealous.

"No matter how rich you are, you can't take this talisman back..." Tong Hao chuckled.

The Mountain Shaking Seal was about to fall on the top of the mountain, and a Taoist in green suddenly appeared. He looked up at the Mountain Shaking Seal and was a little angry.

"I just came out of retreat, who wants to hit me!"

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